Alaska Software Inc. - Handles increasing while socketopen
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AuthorTopic: Handles increasing while socketopen
Bernd ReinhardtHandles increasing while socketopen
on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 10:50:32 +0200
Hi all.
I try to connect to a socketserver, but the server is not always available.

do while .t.
     nError := 0
     nSocket := SocketOpen(SOCK_STREAM, cQuartzIp, nQuartzPort, @nError)
     if nSocket > 0  .and. nError == 0
         socketserver is availalble
     else    socket server is not available
          SocketShutdown( nSocket, SD_BOTH , @nError)    I tried this, but 
increasing handles still happens.
            nSocket := NIL

If I watch to the taskmanger handles increase untill the program hangs.
Is there a posibility to check if socket is available without always new 

Any Idea?

Regards Bernd
Phil Ide
Re: Handles increasing while socketopen
on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 17:05:01 +0100

> Hi all.
> I try to connect to a socketserver, but the server is not always available.
> do while .t.
>      nError := 0
>      nSocket := SocketOpen(SOCK_STREAM, cQuartzIp, nQuartzPort, @nError)
>      if nSocket > 0  .and. nError == 0
>         exit
>          socketserver is availalble
>      else    socket server is not available
>           SocketShutdown( nSocket, SD_BOTH , @nError)    I tried this, but 
> increasing handles still happens.
>             socketclose(nSocket)
>             nSocket := NIL
>         endif
> enddo
> If I watch to the taskmanger handles increase untill the program hangs.
> Is there a posibility to check if socket is available without always new 
> handle.

Unfortunately not, because any other method will rely on features of the
remote server that are not required by the application providing the socket
- for example, doing a PING can be useful, but only if the remote server
supports the PING protocol.

In the event that you do not make a connection on the socket, DO NOT perform
a SocketShutDown() on the local socket.  In theory, this waits until all
pending send/recv operations complete on the socket before closing it, which
should mean an immediate close, but since you already know that there is
no data pending on the socket an explicit SocketClose() is more appropriate.


Phil Ide

A fool and his money soon become a sysop!