Alaska Software Inc. - Socketconnection
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AuthorTopic: Socketconnection
Bernd ReinhardtSocketconnection
on Fri, 10 Jan 2003 16:34:05 +0100
Hi all.
I have a very spezial problem about TCP Connection.
I have a device called comserver with IP Out network is Subnet
Fixed IP-Adresses, so I need no DHCP and no DNS-Server.
No Gateway used.
I get an connection via ping, tracert and telnet to this comserver.
But no connection via socketopen.

Then I install a Gateway for Internet. (TDSL-Router).
So my Standardgateway is  and DNS is the same.
I can use Internet via this device.

AND NOW I get a connection to my comserver (without changing the programm).

arp -a shows only dynamic entries. No fixed entries.

An Idea to handle this problem?

Thanks Bernd