Alaska Software Inc. - Problems with SocketCount
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AuthorTopic: Problems with SocketCount
Bernd ReinhardtProblems with SocketCount
on Thu, 17 Oct 2002 14:55:17 +0200
I use a socketconnetcion with a ComServer.
I can connect to this ComServer, an send a String to the comServer via
If the ComServer repeats Data on his serverside, I can read this characters
So far so good.
BUT: SocketRecvStr waits for ever. There is no timeount. So if the ComServer
get no Data on his side
SocketRecvStr is the same as wait forever.
So I thought, I change my program an use nBytes = socketCount(nSocket)
But nBytes is always 0,  but I's sure that a String is available. With the
debugger I can set
nByte for example to 1, so I get a character form Socket. But Socketcount is
always 0.

nStopSend := seconds()
nStartSend := seocnds()
  do while .t.
      nBytes := socketCount(nSocket)    Ask for available Data
      if nBytes > 0   When I'm sure a charcter is available, I set nBytes
(with debugger) to 1, Then I get the character from the socket.
         cEmpfString := SocketRecvStr( nSocket , nBytes, @nError )  read
        ?? cEmpfString
      nSecStart := seconds()
      if (nSecStart - nSecStop) > 10   Timeout for 10 seconds
Is there a bug in SocketCount.
Is a timeout for socketRecvStr possible. With an extra thread I also have no
posibility to break the SocketRecvStr.
Only Alt C can break the programm.
Any Idea?
Thanks for help
Uwe Gellhaus Re: Problems with SocketCount
on Thu, 17 Oct 2002 20:53:00 +0200
> BUT: SocketRecvStr waits for ever. There is no timeount. So if the ComServer
> get no Data on his side
> SocketRecvStr is the same as wait forever.

you could change "blocking mode" with SocketSetBlockingMode(). 
Does this change something ?

To determine the status of sockets you can use SocketSelect().

Bernd ReinhardtRe: Problems with SocketCount
on Fri, 18 Oct 2002 09:15:02 +0200
Hi Uwe.
Thanks a lot. With blockmode off socketrecvstr() is working, and not waiting
for ever.

"Uwe Gellhaus" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> > BUT: SocketRecvStr waits for ever. There is no timeount. So if the
> > get no Data on his side
> > SocketRecvStr is the same as wait forever.
> you could change "blocking mode" with SocketSetBlockingMode().
> Does this change something ?
> To determine the status of sockets you can use SocketSelect().
> Regards
> Uwe