Alaska Software Inc. - MimeMessage DATE header
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AuthorTopic: MimeMessage DATE header
Frans Vermeulen MimeMessage DATE header
on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 16:59:48 +0100
When I send emails using SmtpClient,
my date: header field is sent corrupted ie.:
it is sent as:
"Date: Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 16:40:23 +0100"
Note the double designator "Date: "

When I try to correct it
oMimeMessage:GetHeader("DATE") returns NIL
oMimeMessage:SetHeader("DATE", Left(CDoW(Date()), 3)+;
         ", "+Var2Char(Day(Date()))+" "+Left(cMonth(Date()), 3)+" "+;
         Var2Char(Year(Date()))+" "+Time()+" +0100")
does not seem to work.

Asinet 1.90.331.0

Has anyone have the same experience, and is there a solution?

Frans Vermeulen
Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Re: MimeMessage DATE header
on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 03:59:07 -0500

>When I send emails using SmtpClient,
>my date: header field is sent corrupted ie.:
>it is sent as:
>"Date: Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 16:40:23 +0100"
>Note the double designator "Date: "

Yes, the Date header has been broken for ever. Originally, ASINet 
didn't set the date at all (PDR 5069) and now it apparently doesn't
do a very good job when setting it.

>Has anyone have the same experience, and is there a solution?

I have written my own routine to set this header. I also received a 
(wish list) PDR to allow the setting of this header in a user-friendly
way (PDR 5312), but so far nothing has materialized.

> When I try to correct it
> oMimeMessage:GetHeader("DATE") returns NIL
> and
> oMimeMessage:SetHeader("DATE", Left(CDoW(Date()), 3)+;
>          ", "+Var2Char(Day(Date()))+" "+Left(cMonth(Date()), 3)+" "+;
>          Var2Char(Year(Date()))+" "+Time()+" +0100")
> does not seem to work.

As there is no "Date:" header, I always Add one, doing the following:

LOCAL oEMail := MIMEMessage():New()
oEMail:AddHeader("Date", INetDate(cDateTime))

Function INetDate(cDTStamp)
LOCAL dINetDate  := iif(cDTStamp == NIL, Date(), StoD(left(cDTStamp, 8)))
LOCAL cINetTime  := iif(cDTStamp == NIL, Time(), substr(cDTStamp, 9, 8))
LOCAL cINetDate  := DtoC(dINetDate)
LOCAL cINetDoW   := left(NtoCDoW(DoW(dINetDate)), 3)
LOCAL cINetDay   := StrZero(Day(dINetDate), 2)
LOCAL cINetMonth := left(NtoCMonth(Month(dINetDate)), 3)
LOCAL cINetYear  := StrZero(Year(dINetDate), 4)
LOCAL cINetTBias := GetTimeBias()
LOCAL cINetTZone := GetTimeZone(cINetTBias)
return (cINetDoW + ', ' + cINetDay + ' ' + cINetMonth + ' ' + cINetYear + ;
   ' ' + cINetTime + ' ' + cINetTBias + iif(empty(cINetTZone), '', ' (' + ;
   cINetTZone + ')'))

Function GetTimeBias()
LOCAL nMinutes := val(SetLocale(NLS_ITZBIAS))
LOCAL cHours   := StrZero(int(abs(nMinutes) / 60), 2)
LOCAL cMinutes := StrZero(abs(nMinutes) % 60, 2)
return (iif(nMinutes < 0, '-', '+') + cHours + cMinutes)

Function GetTimeZone(cINetTBias)
* See RFC 733 and RFC 822 for details and possible values.            
 SetLocale(NLS_STIMEZONE) returns a long text instead of a trigraph! *
LOCAL lIsDST    := val(SetLocale(NLS_ITZDAYLIGHTBIAS)) # 0
LOCAL cTimeZone := ''    SetLocale(NLS_STIMEZONE) returns the full
                         length text, and not a TriGraph!
   do case
      case cINetTBias == '+0200'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'MDT'    Middle-European Daylight-Savings Time
      case cINetTBias == '+0100'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'GDT'    Greenwich Daylight-Savings Time
            cTimeZone := 'MET'    Middle-European Time
      case cINetTBias == '-0300'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'ADT'    Atlantic Daylight-Savings Time
      case cINetTBias == '-0330'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'NST'    Newfoundland Standard Time
      case cINetTBias == '-0400'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'EDT'    Eastern Daylight-Savings Time
            cTimeZone := 'AST'    Atlantic Standard Time
      case cINetTBias == '-0500'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'CDT'    Central Daylight-Savings Time
            cTimeZone := 'EST'    Eastern Standard Time
      case cINetTBias == '-0600'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'MDT'    Mountain Daylight-Savings Time
            cTimeZone := 'CST'    Central Standard Time
      case cINetTBias == '-0700'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'PDT'    Pacific Daylight-Savings Time
            cTimeZone := 'MST'    Mountain Standard Time
      case cINetTBias == '-0800'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'YDT'    Yukon Daylight-Savings Time
            cTimeZone := 'PST'    Pacific Standard Time
      case cINetTBias == '-0900'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'HDT'    Hawaiian Daylight-Savings Time
            cTimeZone := 'YST'    Yukon Standard Time
      case cINetTBias == '-1000'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'BDT'    Bering Daylight-Savings Time
            cTimeZone := 'HST'    Hawaiian Standard Time
      case cINetTBias == '-1100'
         if lIsDST
            cTimeZone := 'BST'    Bering Standard Time
         if val(cINetTBias) == 0
            cTimeZone := 'GMT'    Greenwich Mean Time (or UT/UTC - 
                                  (Coordinated) Universal Time)
return (cTimeZone)

Hope that helps,

-- Andreas

---                                                                      ---
  Andreas Gehrs-Pahl              E-Mail:
  415 Gute Street                     or:
  Owosso, MI 48867-4410               or:
  Tel: (989) 723-9927           Web Site:
---                                                                      ---
Frans Vermeulen Re: MimeMessage DATE header
on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 19:57:59 +0100
Hi Andreas,

> >When I send emails using SmtpClient,
> >my date: header field is sent corrupted ie.:
> >it is sent as:
> >"Date: Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 16:40:23 +0100"
> >Note the double designator "Date: "
> Yes, the Date header has been broken for ever. Originally, ASINet 
> didn't set the date at all (PDR 5069) and now it apparently doesn't
> do a very good job when setting it.

Thanks for confirming my findings.

> >Has anyone have the same experience, and is there a solution?
> I have written my own routine to set this header. I also received a 

Cool, I'm just home for the weekend,
after a day at a sublocation, but if this does 
not do the job, nothing will, thanks again.

Frans Vermeulen
Frans Vermeulen Re: MimeMessage DATE header
on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:16:02 +0100

I set it live yesterday,
and it works perfectly.

Frans Vermeulen

> Frans,
> >When I send emails using SmtpClient,
> >my date: header field is sent corrupted ie.:
> >it is sent as:
> >"Date: Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 16:40:23 +0100"
> >Note the double designator "Date: "
> Yes, the Date header has been broken for ever. Originally, ASINet 
> didn't set the date at all (PDR 5069) and now it apparently doesn't
> do a very good job when setting it.
> >Has anyone have the same experience, and is there a solution?
> I have written my own routine to set this header. I also received a 
> (wish list) PDR to allow the setting of this header in a user-friendly
> way (PDR 5312), but so far nothing has materialized.
> > When I try to correct it
> > oMimeMessage:GetHeader("DATE") returns NIL
> > and
> > oMimeMessage:SetHeader("DATE", Left(CDoW(Date()), 3)+;
> >          ", "+Var2Char(Day(Date()))+" "+Left(cMonth(Date()), 3)+" "+;
> >          Var2Char(Year(Date()))+" "+Time()+" +0100")
> > does not seem to work.
> As there is no "Date:" header, I always Add one, doing the following:
> LOCAL oEMail := MIMEMessage():New()
> [...]
> oEMail:AddHeader("Date", INetDate(cDateTime))
> [...]
> Function INetDate(cDTStamp)
> LOCAL dINetDate  := iif(cDTStamp == NIL, Date(), StoD(left(cDTStamp, 8)))
> LOCAL cINetTime  := iif(cDTStamp == NIL, Time(), substr(cDTStamp, 9, 8))
> LOCAL cINetDate  := DtoC(dINetDate)
> LOCAL cINetDoW   := left(NtoCDoW(DoW(dINetDate)), 3)
> LOCAL cINetDay   := StrZero(Day(dINetDate), 2)
> LOCAL cINetMonth := left(NtoCMonth(Month(dINetDate)), 3)
> LOCAL cINetYear  := StrZero(Year(dINetDate), 4)
> LOCAL cINetTBias := GetTimeBias()
> LOCAL cINetTZone := GetTimeZone(cINetTBias)
> return (cINetDoW + ', ' + cINetDay + ' ' + cINetMonth + ' ' + cINetYear + ;
>    ' ' + cINetTime + ' ' + cINetTBias + iif(empty(cINetTZone), '', ' (' + ;
>    cINetTZone + ')'))
> Function GetTimeBias()
> LOCAL nMinutes := val(SetLocale(NLS_ITZBIAS))
> LOCAL cHours   := StrZero(int(abs(nMinutes) / 60), 2)
> LOCAL cMinutes := StrZero(abs(nMinutes) % 60, 2)
> return (iif(nMinutes < 0, '-', '+') + cHours + cMinutes)
> Function GetTimeZone(cINetTBias)
> ***********************************************************************
> * See RFC 733 and RFC 822 for details and possible values.            *
> * SetLocale(NLS_STIMEZONE) returns a long text instead of a trigraph! *
> ***********************************************************************
> LOCAL lIsDST    := val(SetLocale(NLS_ITZDAYLIGHTBIAS)) # 0
> LOCAL cTimeZone := ''    SetLocale(NLS_STIMEZONE) returns the full
>                          length text, and not a TriGraph!
>    do case
>       case cINetTBias == '+0200'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'MDT'    Middle-European Daylight-Savings Time
>          endif
>       case cINetTBias == '+0100'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'GDT'    Greenwich Daylight-Savings Time
>          else
>             cTimeZone := 'MET'    Middle-European Time
>          endif
>       case cINetTBias == '-0300'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'ADT'    Atlantic Daylight-Savings Time
>    endif
>       case cINetTBias == '-0330'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'NST'    Newfoundland Standard Time
>          endif
>       case cINetTBias == '-0400'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'EDT'    Eastern Daylight-Savings Time
>          else
>             cTimeZone := 'AST'    Atlantic Standard Time
>          endif
>       case cINetTBias == '-0500'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'CDT'    Central Daylight-Savings Time
>          else
>             cTimeZone := 'EST'    Eastern Standard Time
>          endif
>       case cINetTBias == '-0600'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'MDT'    Mountain Daylight-Savings Time
>          else
>             cTimeZone := 'CST'    Central Standard Time
>          endif
>       case cINetTBias == '-0700'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'PDT'    Pacific Daylight-Savings Time
>          else
>             cTimeZone := 'MST'    Mountain Standard Time
>          endif
>       case cINetTBias == '-0800'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'YDT'    Yukon Daylight-Savings Time
>          else
>             cTimeZone := 'PST'    Pacific Standard Time
>          endif
>       case cINetTBias == '-0900'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'HDT'    Hawaiian Daylight-Savings Time
>          else
>             cTimeZone := 'YST'    Yukon Standard Time
>          endif
>       case cINetTBias == '-1000'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'BDT'    Bering Daylight-Savings Time
>          else
>             cTimeZone := 'HST'    Hawaiian Standard Time
>          endif
>       case cINetTBias == '-1100'
>          if lIsDST
>             cTimeZone := 'BST'    Bering Standard Time
>          endif
>       otherwise
>          if val(cINetTBias) == 0
>             cTimeZone := 'GMT'    Greenwich Mean Time (or UT/UTC - 
>                                   (Coordinated) Universal Time)
>          endif
>    endcase
> return (cTimeZone)
> Hope that helps,
> -- Andreas
> ---                                                                      ---
>   Andreas Gehrs-Pahl              E-Mail:
>   415 Gute Street                     or:
>   Owosso, MI 48867-4410               or:
>   Tel: (989) 723-9927           Web Site:
> ---                                                                      ---