Alaska Software Inc. - Is it possible to add a digital signature to and email created with MIMEMessage() to send it with SMTPClient()?
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AuthorTopic: Is it possible to add a digital signature to and email created with MIMEMessage() to send it with SMTPClient()?
Joao GrenhasIs it possible to add a digital signature to and email created with MIMEMessage() to send it with SMTPClient()?
on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 18:22:42 +0000
Hello all,

i need to send emails with SmtpClient() and digitally sign them.

Is it possible with current versions of MIMEMessage() and SMTPClient()?

Something like:

oMail := MIMEMessage():new()
oMail:setFrom( MailAddress():new( cSender ) )
oMail:addRecipient( MailAddress():new( cDestination ) )
oMail:setSubject( cSubject )

???? Add a digital signature

oSMTP := SMTPClient():new( cSMTPServer, , , LogWriter():new() )
oSMTP:connect( cSMTPUser, cSMTPPass )
oSMTP:send( oMail )

Matej JuracRe: Is it possible to add a digital signature to and email created with MIMEMessage() to send it with SMTPClient()?
on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 09:16:13 +0100
It is not trivial and depends on basic way you want to sign:

- via PGP (probaly you need clearsign type?)

- via digital certificate (pkcs12)
best way would be to use ActiveX approach as it is non trivial

Joao Grenhas wrote in message
>Hello all,
>i need to send emails with SmtpClient() and digitally sign them.
>Is it possible with current versions of MIMEMessage() and SMTPClient()?
>Something like:
>oMail := MIMEMessage():new()
>oMail:setFrom( MailAddress():new( cSender ) )
>oMail:addRecipient( MailAddress():new( cDestination ) )
>oMail:setSubject( cSubject )
>???? Add a digital signature
>oSMTP := SMTPClient():new( cSMTPServer, , , LogWriter():new() )
>oSMTP:connect( cSMTPUser, cSMTPPass )
>oSMTP:send( oMail )
Joao GrenhasRe: Is it possible to add a digital signature to and email created withMIMEMessage() to send it with SMTPClient()?
on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 09:51:53 +0000
I want to sign with digital certificate (pkcs12)

"Matej Jurac" escreveu na mensagem 

It is not trivial and depends on basic way you want to sign:

- via PGP (probaly you need clearsign type?)

- via digital certificate (pkcs12)
best way would be to use ActiveX approach as it is non trivial

Joao Grenhas wrote in message
>Hello all,
>i need to send emails with SmtpClient() and digitally sign them.
>Is it possible with current versions of MIMEMessage() and SMTPClient()?
>Something like:
>oMail := MIMEMessage():new()
>oMail:setFrom( MailAddress():new( cSender ) )
>oMail:addRecipient( MailAddress():new( cDestination ) )
>oMail:setSubject( cSubject )
>???? Add a digital signature
>oSMTP := SMTPClient():new( cSMTPServer, , , LogWriter():new() )
>oSMTP:connect( cSMTPUser, cSMTPPass )
>oSMTP:send( oMail )