Alaska Software Inc. - Java and XbpHTMLViewer/IWebBrowser2 - CONFIRM.HTM (0/1)
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AuthorTopic: Java and XbpHTMLViewer/IWebBrowser2 - CONFIRM.HTM (0/1)
Geoffrey Cohen Java and XbpHTMLViewer/IWebBrowser2 - CONFIRM.HTM (0/1)
on Mon, 24 May 2010 09:58:43 +1000
I after some help - I'm having problems PayPal and
XbpHTMLViewer/IWebBrowser2 (the activex internet exploder)

I've got the eBay signin/bidding etc  working OK, using
XbpHTMLViewer/IWebBrowser2, it ended up (after many many hours) being
relatively easy.

ie to bid on eBay :-
:= Max_Bid

Unfortunately is much messier, as they use (thousands of lines of)
Java, I've looked at the pageSource, and I think the relevant code
snippet is :-

<div class="CentralArea" id="CentralArea"><div><form name="pageForm"
id="pageForm" method="post" action=" (full
URL) ....

I assume, to PRESS the CONFIRM button,  I have to respond to the item
pageForm and post a Java response to IWebBrowser2.

However, as I haven't (yet) done any Java programming, I would really
really like a pointer to where to start, after 30 years programming I
can usually handle the niitty gritty after a small initial nudge in
the (hopefully) right direction.

Thanks - I've included the full pagesource FYI
Pablo BotellaRe: Java and XbpHTMLViewer/IWebBrowser2 - CONFIRM.HTM (0/1)
on Mon, 24 May 2010 10:42:53 +0200

Just a tip. 
If I'm not wrong Paypal have an API trought XML web services, that probably will be more easy  to handle that launch and analice the page in the browser, specially if you have xb2net.

Pablo Botella