Alaska Software Inc. - xbphtmlviewer
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AuthorTopic: xbphtmlviewer
Jorge Lxbphtmlviewer
on Thu, 13 Aug 2015 13:08:23 -0300
Hi to all

I'm doing some tests very simple using xbphtmlviewer ()
I'm only displaying the following code
<input type="submit" value="Solicitar" />

<input type="checkbox" value="1" name = "SOLPRE1" id="FID1" />AIQUE LAROUSSE

I need to know if the users click on checkbox and then submit, I can check 
the value of checkbox using the propierty 
:document:GetElemeneByID('FID1'):value (or other) in some callback like 
:BeforeNavigate() ?

so far all tests done, I can only see the original value of the checkbox

i need your help please, regards