Author | Topic: Wmiservice | |
Raffaele Lafratta | Wmiservice on Thu, 04 Dec 2014 10:24:09 +0100 Hi all I would like to translate the scrip below from vbs to xbase++ strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colLoggedEvents = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Logfile = 'Application'") For Each objEvent in colLoggedEvents Wscript.Echo "Category: " & objEvent.Category Wscript.Echo "Computer Name: " & objEvent.ComputerName Wscript.Echo "Event Code: " & objEvent.EventCode Wscript.Echo "Message: " & objEvent.Message Wscript.Echo "Record Number: " & objEvent.RecordNumber Wscript.Echo "Source Name: " & objEvent.SourceName Wscript.Echo "Time Written: " & objEvent.TimeWritten Wscript.Echo "Event Type: " & objEvent.Type Wscript.Echo "User: " & objEvent.User Next Anyone can help me ? How can I retrieve the wmiservice object ? thanks to all Raffaele Lafratta | |
Wolfgang Ciriack | Re: Wmiservice on Mon, 08 Dec 2014 07:55:38 +0100 Am 04.12.2014 10:24, schrieb Raffaele Lafratta: > Hi all > > I would like to translate the scrip below from vbs to xbase++ > > strComputer = "." > Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ > & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") > Set colLoggedEvents = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ > ("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Logfile = 'Application'") > For Each objEvent in colLoggedEvents > Wscript.Echo "Category: " & objEvent.Category > Wscript.Echo "Computer Name: " & objEvent.ComputerName > Wscript.Echo "Event Code: " & objEvent.EventCode > Wscript.Echo "Message: " & objEvent.Message > Wscript.Echo "Record Number: " & objEvent.RecordNumber > Wscript.Echo "Source Name: " & objEvent.SourceName > Wscript.Echo "Time Written: " & objEvent.TimeWritten > Wscript.Echo "Event Type: " & objEvent.Type > Wscript.Echo "User: " & objEvent.User > Next > > Anyone can help me ? > How can I retrieve the wmiservice object ? > > > thanks to all > > Raffaele Lafratta Have a look at the german Xbase-Forum, there is a function to do this: | |
Hubert Brandel | Re: Wmiservice on Mon, 08 Dec 2014 10:06:47 +0100 Am 08.12.2014 07:55, schrieb Wolfgang Ciriack: > > > you have to login into the forum to see the german posts. This ist the last software version from my generic function GetMSI() and some examples, based on Jimmys help and MSDN: #include "" #include "" #ifndef CRLF #define CRLF CHR(13)+CHR(10) #endif #PRAGMA LIBRARY("ASCOM10.LIB") procedure MAIN local aTemp, x, oMSI set charset to ansi set alternate to MyHardInfoO.txt set alternate on ? aTemp := GetLanInfo() ? "GetLanInfo: ",str(len(aTemp),2),"Adapter" for x := 1 to len(aTemp) ? str(x,2)+". LAN-Adapter Name: ",aTemp[x]:Name ? " MAC: ",aTemp[x]:MAC ? " IP4: ",aTemp[x]:IP4 ? " IP6: ",aTemp[x]:IP6 next inkey(0.5) ? aTemp := GetWiFiInfo() ? "GetWifiInfo:",str(len(aTemp),2),"Adapter" for x := 1 to len(aTemp) ? str(x,2)+". WiFi-Adapter Name: ",aTemp[x]:Name ? " MAC: ",aTemp[x]:MAC ? " IP4: ",aTemp[x]:IP4 ? " IP6: ",aTemp[x]:IP6 next inkey(0.4) ? ? "MotherBoardInfo() " oMSI := MotherBoardInfo() ? " Hersteller: ",oMSI:Manufacturer ? " Product: ",oMSI:Product ? " Seriennummer:",oMSI:SerialNumber ? " Version: ",oMSI:Version inkey(0.5) ? ? "CD/DVD/BR-Drives:" aTemp := CDDrives() for x := 1 to len(aTemp) ? str(x,2)+". Laufwerk Name: ",aTemp[x]:Name ? " ID: ",aTemp[x]:Drive ? " SN: ",aTemp[x]:SerialNumber ? " geladen ? ",aTemp[x]:MediaLoaded ? " TYP: ",aTemp[x]:MediaType if aTemp[x]:MediaLoaded ? " Medium Titel: ",aTemp[x]:VolumeName ? " Medium SN: ",aTemp[x]:VolumeSerialNumber endif next inkey(0.5) ? ? "Festplatteninfos:" aTemp := HDDrives(1) Parameter NIL oder 0 => nur FIXED, 1 => alle mit Partitionen, REST => alle for x := 1 to len(aTemp) ? str(x,2)+". HD Caption: ",aTemp[x]:Caption ? " SN: ",aTemp[x]:SerialNumber ? " Interface: ",aTemp[x]:InterfaceType ? " Anz. Part.: ",xTrim(aTemp[x]:Partitions)," Datentyp:",valtype(aTemp[x]:Partitions) next inkey(20) return *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HDDrives(nArt) Parameter nArt = NIL oder 0 => nur FIXED, 1 => alle mit Partitionen, REST => alle function HDDrives(nArt) local cMSInameSpace,cMSIclass,aMSIitemList, aReturn, aHD, x, nMaxX, oMSI, aRetItems local cCaption, cSerialNumber, cInterfaceType, nPartitions FIXED = (sInterfaceType <> "USB") AND (sInterfaceType <> "1394") 'Could be SCSI, HDC, IDE, USB, 1394 cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" cMSIclass := "Win32_DiskDrive" if IsOldOS() aMSIitemList := {"Caption", "InterfaceType", "Partitions","Name" } else aMSIitemList := {"Caption", "InterfaceType", "Partitions","Name" , "SerialNumber" } endif aRetItems := {"Caption", "InterfaceType", "Partitions","Name" , "SerialNumber" } aReturn := GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList) aHD := {} nMaxX := len(aReturn) aReturn := asort(aReturn,,,{|x,y| x[2]+x[4] < y[2]+y[4] } ) for x := 1 to nMaxX cCaption := xTrim(aReturn[x,1]) cInterfaceType := xTrim(aReturn[x,2]) nPartitions := aReturn[x,3] numeric if IsOldOS() cSerialNumber := "" else cSerialNumber := xTrim(aReturn[x,5]) endif do case case empty(nArt) .and. ( "*"+cInterfaceType+"*" $ "*USB*1394*" .or. empty(nPartitions) ) blockieren case nArt=1 .and. empty(nPartitions) blockieren otherwise oMSI := MakeMSIobj(cMSIclass,aRetItems) oMSI:Caption := cCaption oMSI:SerialNumber := cSerialNumber oMSI:InterfaceType := cInterfaceType oMSI:Partitions := nPartitions aadd(aHD, oMSI) end next return aHD *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDDrives() Rückgabe: {{ cName, cDrive, cSerialNumber, lMediaLoaded, cMediaType, cVolumeName, cVolumeSerialNumber }} function CDDrives() local cMSInameSpace,cMSIclass,aMSIitemList, aReturn, aCDI, x, nMaxX, oMSI, aRetItems local cName, cDrive, cSerialNumber, lMediaLoaded, cMediaType, cVolumeName, cVolumeSerialNumber cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" cMSIclass := "Win32_CDROMDrive" if IsOldOS() aMSIitemList := {"Name", "Drive", "MediaLoaded", "MediaType", "VolumeName" } else aMSIitemList := {"Name", "Drive", "MediaLoaded", "MediaType", "VolumeName", "SerialNumber", "VolumeSerialNumber" } endif aRetItems := {"Name", "Drive", "MediaLoaded", "MediaType", "VolumeName", "SerialNumber", "VolumeSerialNumber" } aReturn := GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList) aCDI := {} nMaxX := len(aReturn) for x := 1 to nMaxX cName := xTrim(aReturn[x,1]) cDrive := xTrim(aReturn[x,2]) lMediaLoaded := aReturn[x,3] .t. / .f. cMediaType := xTrim(aReturn[x,4]) if IsOldOS() cSerialNumber := "" else cSerialNumber := xTrim(aReturn[x,6]) endif if lMediaLoaded cVolumeName := xTrim(aReturn[x,5]) if IsOldOS() cVolumeSerialNumber := "" else cVolumeSerialNumber := xTrim(aReturn[x,7]) endif else cVolumeName := "" cVolumeSerialNumber := "" endif if ! empty(cDrive) oMSI := MakeMSIobj(cMSIclass,aRetItems) oMSI:Name := cName oMSI:Drive := cDrive oMSI:SerialNumber := cSerialNumber oMSI:MediaLoaded := lMediaLoaded oMSI:MediaType := cMediaType oMSI:VolumeName := cVolumeName oMSI:VolumeSerialNumber := cVolumeSerialNumber aadd(aCDI, oMSI) endif next return aCDI *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MotherBoardInfo() Rückgabe: { Manufacturer, Product, SerialNumber, Version } function MotherBoardInfo() local cMSInameSpace,cMSIclass,aMSIitemList, aReturn, oMSI local cManufacturer, cProduct, cSerialNumber, cVersion cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" cMSIclass := "Win32_BaseBoard" aMSIitemList := {"Manufacturer", "Product", "SerialNumber", "Version"} aReturn := GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList) oMSI := MakeMSIobj(cMSIclass,aMSIitemList) if len(aReturn)>0 oMSI:Manufacturer := xTrim(aReturn[1,1]) oMSI:Product := xTrim(aReturn[1,2]) oMSI:SerialNumber := xTrim(aReturn[1,3]) oMSI:Version := xTrim(aReturn[1,4]) else oMSI:Manufacturer := "" oMSI:Product := "" oMSI:SerialNumber := "" oMSI:Version := "" endif return oMSI *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAC und IP der LAN Adapter ermitteln MAC and IP of the build in LAN function GetLanInfo(cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) local cMSInameSpace,cMSIclass,aMSIitemList, aReturn, nIndex, aAdapterInfo, x, i, aAdapterIndex, nAI local cIP4, cIP6, cMac, cName, cAdapterType, uIP, oMSI, aRetType DEFAULT nZielOS TO val(OS(OS_VERSION)) aAdapterIndex := {} aAdapterInfo := {} cIP4 := "" cIP6 := "" cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" zuerst die physischen Adapter ermitteln, das müsste der eingebaute LAN Adapter sein. if IsOldOS() cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapter" else cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE PhysicalAdapter = true" erst ab Vista endif aMSIitemList := {"AdapterType","DeviceID","Index","Name","MACAddress"} aRetType := {"Name","MAC","IP4","IP6"} aReturn := GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList,cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) for x := 1 to len(aReturn) Aufbau nach Anforderungsarray ! cAdapterType := xTrim(aReturn[x,1]) nIndex := aReturn[x,3] numeric cName := xTrim(aReturn[x,4]) cMac := xTrim(aReturn[x,5]) do case case empty(cAdapterType) case "miniport" $ lower(cName) dürfte nur bei XP vorkommen, da KEIN physikalischer Adapter. case "wifi" $ lower(cName) case "ethernet" $ lower(cAdapterType) aadd( aAdapterIndex, nIndex ) nur für internen Vergleich oMSI := MakeMSIobj(cMSIclass,aRetType) oMSI:Name := cName oMSI:MAC := cMAC oMSI:IP4 := cIP4 oMSI:IP6 := cIP6 aadd( aAdapterInfo, oMSI ) IP-Adressen gibt es hier noch nicht. end next dann die Konfiguration dazu ermitteln cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" aMSIitemList := {"Index","IPAddress"} aReturn := GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList,cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) for x := 1 to len(aReturn) Aufbau nach Anforderungsarray ! nIndex := aReturn[x,1] uIP := aReturn[x,2] NIL, cIP4, {cIP4,cIP6} nAI := ascan(aAdapterIndex, nIndex ) if nAI > 0 .and. ! empty(uIP) cIP4 := xTrim(uIP[1]) if len(uIP)>=2 cIP6 := xTrim(uIP[2]) endif aAdapterInfo[nAI]:IP4 := cIP4 aAdapterInfo[nAI]:IP6 := cIP6 endif next return aAdapterInfo *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAC und IP der WiFi Adapter ermitteln MAC and IP of the build in WiFi function GetWifiInfo(cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) local cMSInameSpace,cMSIclass,aMSIitemList, aReturn, nIndex, aAdapterInfo, x, i, aAdapterIndex, nAI local cIP4, cIP6, cMac, cName, cAdapterType, uIP, oMSI, aRetType DEFAULT nZielOS TO val(OS(OS_VERSION)) aAdapterIndex := {} aAdapterInfo := {} cIP4 := "" cIP6 := "" cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" zuerst die physischen Adapter ermitteln, das müsste der eingebaute LAN Adapter sein. if IsOldOS() cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapter" else cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE PhysicalAdapter = true" scheinbar erst ab Vista endif aMSIitemList := {"AdapterType","DeviceID","Index","Name","MACAddress"} aRetType := {"Name","MAC","IP4","IP6"} aReturn := GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList,cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) for x := 1 to len(aReturn) Aufbau nach Anforderungsarray ! cAdapterType := aReturn[x,1] nIndex := aReturn[x,3] numeric cName := aReturn[x,4] cMac := aReturn[x,5] do case case empty(cAdapterType) case empty(cName) case "miniport" $ lower(cName) dürfte nur bei XP vorkommen, da KEIN physikalischer Adapter. case "ethernet" $ lower(cAdapterType) .and. "wifi" $ lower(cName) aadd( aAdapterIndex, nIndex ) nur für internen Vergleich oMSI := MakeMSIobj(cMSIclass,aRetType) oMSI:Name := cName oMSI:MAC := cMAC oMSI:IP4 := cIP4 oMSI:IP6 := cIP6 aadd( aAdapterInfo, oMSI ) IP-Adressen gibt es hier noch nicht. end next dann die Konfiguration dazu ermitteln cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" aMSIitemList := {"Index","IPAddress"} aReturn := GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList,cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) for x := 1 to len(aReturn) Aufbau nach Anforderungsarray ! nIndex := aReturn[x,1] uIP := aReturn[x,2] NIL, cIP4, {cIP4,cIP6} nAI := ascan(aAdapterIndex, nIndex ) if nAI > 0 .and. ! empty(uIP) cIP4 := uIP[1] if len(uIP)>=2 cIP6 := uIP[2] endif aAdapterInfo[nAI]:IP4 := cIP4 aAdapterInfo[nAI]:IP6 := cIP6 endif next return aAdapterInfo *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Basisfunktionen *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function MakeMSIobj(cClassName,aProperty) local oObj, oClassObj, aMember, x, nMaxX, cBlock, bBlock #if XPPVER < 02000000 #include "" oClassObj := ClassObject(cClassName) if empty(oClassObj) nMaxX := len(aProperty) aMember := {} for x := 1 to nMaxX aadd( aMember , { aProperty[x], CLASS_EXPORTED } ) next oClassObj := ClassCreate( cClassName,,aMember) NIL darf es nicht geben, sonst Fehlermeldung erzwingen. endif oObj := oClassObj:new() #else oObj := DataObject():New() nMaxX := len(aProperty) for x := 1 to nMaxX cBlock := "{|o,n| o:"+aProperty[x]+" := NIL }" bBlock := &(cBlock) eval(bBlock,oObj) next #endif return oObj *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function xTrim(uWert) local x do case case empty(uWert) uWert := "" case valtype(uWert)="N" uWert := alltrim(str(uWert)) case valtype(uWert)="D" uWert := dtoc(uWert) case valtype(uWert) $ "CM" for x := 0 to 31 sowas habe ich bei Seriennummern gefunden ... uWert := strTran(uWert,chr(x),"") next uWert := alltrim(uWert) case valtype(uWert) $ "L" OK otherwise uWert := alltrim(Var2Char(uWert)) end return uWert *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IsOldOS() return val(OS(OS_VERSION)) < 6 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList,; cCompName,cUser,cPassword, nZielOS) LOCAL objWMIServices, cItems, cText, cName, cCollBlock, bCollBlock, oMSI, aInfos, nI, nMaxI, x, nMaxX PRIVATE aItems := {} if empty(cMSIclass) altd() return {} endif if empty(cMSInameSpace) cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" endif if empty(aMSIitemList) .or. valtype(aMSIitemList)#"A" altd() return {} else cItems := "" aEval(aMSIitemList,{|cI| cItems += ", "+cI} ) cItems := substr(cItems,3) endif if empty(cCompName) cCompName := "localhost" nZielOS := val(OS(OS_VERSION)) immer ermitteln else cCompName := lower(cCompName) if cCompName == "localhost" nZielOS := val(OS(OS_VERSION)) else if empty(nZielOS) Vorgabe, sonst ermitteln nZielOS := 6 endif endif endif DEFAULT cUser TO "Administrator" DEFAULT cPassword TO "" if cCompName == "localhost" if nZielOS >= 6 objWMIServices := CreateObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" ):ConnectServer(cCompName, cMSInameSpace ) "Root\CIMv2") else altd() hat bei mir nicht funktioniert ! I can't get this to work ! * von MSDN "winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") * objWMIServices := GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+cCompName+"\"+cMSInameSpace ) "\Root\CIMv2") objWMIServices := GetObject( "WinMgmts:\\"+cCompName+"\"+cMSInameSpace ) "\Root\CIMv2") endif else bei mir immer Zugriff verweigert ! here every time access denied ! do case case EMPTY(cPassword) altd() return {} case nZielOS >= 6 objWMIServices := CreateObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" ):ConnectServer(cCompName, cMSInameSpace,cCompName+"\"+cUser,cPassword) otherwise altd() hat bei mir nicht funktioniert ! I can't get this to work ! * objWMIServices := GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+cCompName+"\"+cMSInameSpace ) "\Root\CIMv2") objWMIServices := GetObject( "WinMgmts:\\"+cCompName+"\"+cMSInameSpace ) "\Root\CIMv2") end endif if empty( objWMIServices ) altd() return {} endif oMSI := objWMIServices:ExecQuery("select "+cItems+" from "+cMSIclass,,48) aInfos := {} nMaxI := len(aMSIitemList) cCollBlock := "{|oService,n| AADD(aItems,{ " for nI := 1 to nMaxI cCollBlock += "oService:getProperty('"+aMSIitemList[nI]+"')" if nI < nMaxI cCollBlock += ", " else cCollBlock += " })} " endif next bCollBlock := &(cCollBlock) ComEvalCollection(oMSI, bCollBlock ) /* ? "cMSIclass: ",cMSIclass aEval(aItems,{ |aI,n| qout( n,aI ) } ) */ PRIVATE nach LOCAL aEval(m->aItems,{ |aI,n| aadd( aInfos, aI ) } ) RETURN aInfos | |
Hubert Brandel | Re: Wmiservice on Mon, 08 Dec 2014 10:09:25 +0100 Here is a usefull microsoft side and a tool for WMI: | |
Raffaele Lafratta | Re: Wmiservice on Mon, 08 Dec 2014 16:16:26 +0100 Thanks a lot Hubert Raffaele Il 08/12/2014 10.06, Hubert Brandel ha scritto: > Am 08.12.2014 07:55, schrieb Wolfgang Ciriack: >> >> >> >> > > you have to login into the forum to see the german posts. > This ist the last software version from my generic function GetMSI() > and some examples, based on Jimmys help and MSDN: > > #include "" > #include "" > #ifndef CRLF > #define CRLF CHR(13)+CHR(10) > #endif > > #PRAGMA LIBRARY("ASCOM10.LIB") > > procedure MAIN > local aTemp, x, oMSI > > set charset to ansi > > set alternate to MyHardInfoO.txt > set alternate on > ? > aTemp := GetLanInfo() > ? "GetLanInfo: ",str(len(aTemp),2),"Adapter" > for x := 1 to len(aTemp) > ? str(x,2)+". LAN-Adapter Name: ",aTemp[x]:Name > ? " MAC: ",aTemp[x]:MAC > ? " IP4: ",aTemp[x]:IP4 > ? " IP6: ",aTemp[x]:IP6 > next > inkey(0.5) > ? > aTemp := GetWiFiInfo() > ? "GetWifiInfo:",str(len(aTemp),2),"Adapter" > for x := 1 to len(aTemp) > ? str(x,2)+". WiFi-Adapter Name: ",aTemp[x]:Name > ? " MAC: ",aTemp[x]:MAC > ? " IP4: ",aTemp[x]:IP4 > ? " IP6: ",aTemp[x]:IP6 > next > inkey(0.4) > ? > ? "MotherBoardInfo() " > oMSI := MotherBoardInfo() > ? " Hersteller: ",oMSI:Manufacturer > ? " Product: ",oMSI:Product > ? " Seriennummer:",oMSI:SerialNumber > ? " Version: ",oMSI:Version > inkey(0.5) > ? > ? "CD/DVD/BR-Drives:" > aTemp := CDDrives() > for x := 1 to len(aTemp) > ? str(x,2)+". Laufwerk Name: ",aTemp[x]:Name > ? " ID: ",aTemp[x]:Drive > ? " SN: ",aTemp[x]:SerialNumber > ? " geladen ? ",aTemp[x]:MediaLoaded > ? " TYP: ",aTemp[x]:MediaType > if aTemp[x]:MediaLoaded > ? " Medium Titel: ",aTemp[x]:VolumeName > ? " Medium SN: ",aTemp[x]:VolumeSerialNumber > endif > next > inkey(0.5) > ? > ? "Festplatteninfos:" > aTemp := HDDrives(1) Parameter NIL oder 0 => nur FIXED, 1 => > alle mit Partitionen, REST => alle > for x := 1 to len(aTemp) > ? str(x,2)+". HD Caption: ",aTemp[x]:Caption > ? " SN: ",aTemp[x]:SerialNumber > ? " Interface: ",aTemp[x]:InterfaceType > ? " Anz. Part.: ",xTrim(aTemp[x]:Partitions)," > Datentyp:",valtype(aTemp[x]:Partitions) > next > > inkey(20) > > return > > *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > HDDrives(nArt) > Parameter nArt = NIL oder 0 => nur FIXED, 1 => alle mit > Partitionen, REST => alle > function HDDrives(nArt) > local cMSInameSpace,cMSIclass,aMSIitemList, aReturn, aHD, x, nMaxX, > oMSI, aRetItems > local cCaption, cSerialNumber, cInterfaceType, nPartitions > FIXED = (sInterfaceType <> "USB") AND (sInterfaceType <> "1394") > 'Could be SCSI, HDC, IDE, USB, 1394 > > cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" > cMSIclass := "Win32_DiskDrive" > if IsOldOS() > aMSIitemList := {"Caption", "InterfaceType", "Partitions","Name" } > else > aMSIitemList := {"Caption", "InterfaceType", > "Partitions","Name" , "SerialNumber" } > endif > aRetItems := {"Caption", "InterfaceType", "Partitions","Name" , > "SerialNumber" } > aReturn := GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList) > aHD := {} > nMaxX := len(aReturn) > aReturn := asort(aReturn,,,{|x,y| x[2]+x[4] < y[2]+y[4] } ) > for x := 1 to nMaxX > cCaption := xTrim(aReturn[x,1]) > cInterfaceType := xTrim(aReturn[x,2]) > nPartitions := aReturn[x,3] numeric > if IsOldOS() > cSerialNumber := "" > else > cSerialNumber := xTrim(aReturn[x,5]) > endif > do case > case empty(nArt) .and. ( "*"+cInterfaceType+"*" $ > "*USB*1394*" .or. empty(nPartitions) ) > blockieren > case nArt=1 .and. empty(nPartitions) > blockieren > otherwise > oMSI := MakeMSIobj(cMSIclass,aRetItems) > oMSI:Caption := cCaption > oMSI:SerialNumber := cSerialNumber > oMSI:InterfaceType := cInterfaceType > oMSI:Partitions := nPartitions > aadd(aHD, oMSI) > end > next > return aHD > > *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > CDDrives() > Rückgabe: {{ cName, cDrive, cSerialNumber, lMediaLoaded, > cMediaType, cVolumeName, cVolumeSerialNumber }} > function CDDrives() > local cMSInameSpace,cMSIclass,aMSIitemList, aReturn, aCDI, x, > nMaxX, oMSI, aRetItems > local cName, cDrive, cSerialNumber, lMediaLoaded, cMediaType, > cVolumeName, cVolumeSerialNumber > cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" > cMSIclass := "Win32_CDROMDrive" > if IsOldOS() > aMSIitemList := {"Name", "Drive", "MediaLoaded", "MediaType", > "VolumeName" } > else > aMSIitemList := {"Name", "Drive", "MediaLoaded", "MediaType", > "VolumeName", "SerialNumber", "VolumeSerialNumber" } > endif > aRetItems := {"Name", "Drive", "MediaLoaded", "MediaType", > "VolumeName", "SerialNumber", "VolumeSerialNumber" } > aReturn := GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList) > aCDI := {} > nMaxX := len(aReturn) > for x := 1 to nMaxX > cName := xTrim(aReturn[x,1]) > cDrive := xTrim(aReturn[x,2]) > lMediaLoaded := aReturn[x,3] .t. / .f. > cMediaType := xTrim(aReturn[x,4]) > if IsOldOS() > cSerialNumber := "" > else > cSerialNumber := xTrim(aReturn[x,6]) > endif > if lMediaLoaded > cVolumeName := xTrim(aReturn[x,5]) > if IsOldOS() > cVolumeSerialNumber := "" > else > cVolumeSerialNumber := xTrim(aReturn[x,7]) > endif > else > cVolumeName := "" > cVolumeSerialNumber := "" > endif > if ! empty(cDrive) > oMSI := MakeMSIobj(cMSIclass,aRetItems) > oMSI:Name := cName > oMSI:Drive := cDrive > oMSI:SerialNumber := cSerialNumber > oMSI:MediaLoaded := lMediaLoaded > oMSI:MediaType := cMediaType > oMSI:VolumeName := cVolumeName > oMSI:VolumeSerialNumber := cVolumeSerialNumber > aadd(aCDI, oMSI) > endif > next > return aCDI > > > *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > MotherBoardInfo() > Rückgabe: { Manufacturer, Product, SerialNumber, Version } > function MotherBoardInfo() > local cMSInameSpace,cMSIclass,aMSIitemList, aReturn, oMSI > local cManufacturer, cProduct, cSerialNumber, cVersion > cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" > cMSIclass := "Win32_BaseBoard" > aMSIitemList := {"Manufacturer", "Product", "SerialNumber", > "Version"} > aReturn := GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList) > oMSI := MakeMSIobj(cMSIclass,aMSIitemList) > if len(aReturn)>0 > oMSI:Manufacturer := xTrim(aReturn[1,1]) > oMSI:Product := xTrim(aReturn[1,2]) > oMSI:SerialNumber := xTrim(aReturn[1,3]) > oMSI:Version := xTrim(aReturn[1,4]) > else > oMSI:Manufacturer := "" > oMSI:Product := "" > oMSI:SerialNumber := "" > oMSI:Version := "" > endif > return oMSI > > > *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > MAC und IP der LAN Adapter ermitteln > MAC and IP of the build in LAN > function GetLanInfo(cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) > local cMSInameSpace,cMSIclass,aMSIitemList, aReturn, nIndex, > aAdapterInfo, x, i, aAdapterIndex, nAI > local cIP4, cIP6, cMac, cName, cAdapterType, uIP, oMSI, aRetType > DEFAULT nZielOS TO val(OS(OS_VERSION)) > aAdapterIndex := {} > aAdapterInfo := {} > cIP4 := "" > cIP6 := "" > cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" > zuerst die physischen Adapter ermitteln, das müsste der > eingebaute LAN Adapter sein. > if IsOldOS() > cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapter" > else > cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE PhysicalAdapter = > true" erst ab Vista > endif > aMSIitemList := > {"AdapterType","DeviceID","Index","Name","MACAddress"} > aRetType := {"Name","MAC","IP4","IP6"} > aReturn := > GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList,cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) > for x := 1 to len(aReturn) > Aufbau nach Anforderungsarray ! > cAdapterType := xTrim(aReturn[x,1]) > nIndex := aReturn[x,3] numeric > cName := xTrim(aReturn[x,4]) > cMac := xTrim(aReturn[x,5]) > do case > case empty(cAdapterType) > case "miniport" $ lower(cName) dürfte nur bei XP > vorkommen, da KEIN physikalischer Adapter. > case "wifi" $ lower(cName) > case "ethernet" $ lower(cAdapterType) > aadd( aAdapterIndex, nIndex ) nur für internen Vergleich > oMSI := MakeMSIobj(cMSIclass,aRetType) > oMSI:Name := cName > oMSI:MAC := cMAC > oMSI:IP4 := cIP4 > oMSI:IP6 := cIP6 > aadd( aAdapterInfo, oMSI ) IP-Adressen gibt es hier > noch nicht. > end > next > dann die Konfiguration dazu ermitteln > cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" > aMSIitemList := {"Index","IPAddress"} > aReturn := > GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList,cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) > for x := 1 to len(aReturn) > Aufbau nach Anforderungsarray ! > nIndex := aReturn[x,1] > uIP := aReturn[x,2] NIL, cIP4, {cIP4,cIP6} > nAI := ascan(aAdapterIndex, nIndex ) > if nAI > 0 .and. ! empty(uIP) > cIP4 := xTrim(uIP[1]) > if len(uIP)>=2 > cIP6 := xTrim(uIP[2]) > endif > aAdapterInfo[nAI]:IP4 := cIP4 > aAdapterInfo[nAI]:IP6 := cIP6 > endif > next > return aAdapterInfo > *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > MAC und IP der WiFi Adapter ermitteln > MAC and IP of the build in WiFi > function GetWifiInfo(cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) > local cMSInameSpace,cMSIclass,aMSIitemList, aReturn, nIndex, > aAdapterInfo, x, i, aAdapterIndex, nAI > local cIP4, cIP6, cMac, cName, cAdapterType, uIP, oMSI, aRetType > DEFAULT nZielOS TO val(OS(OS_VERSION)) > aAdapterIndex := {} > aAdapterInfo := {} > cIP4 := "" > cIP6 := "" > cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" > zuerst die physischen Adapter ermitteln, das müsste der > eingebaute LAN Adapter sein. > if IsOldOS() > cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapter" > else > cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE PhysicalAdapter = > true" scheinbar erst ab Vista > endif > aMSIitemList := > {"AdapterType","DeviceID","Index","Name","MACAddress"} > aRetType := {"Name","MAC","IP4","IP6"} > aReturn := > GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList,cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) > for x := 1 to len(aReturn) > Aufbau nach Anforderungsarray ! > cAdapterType := aReturn[x,1] > nIndex := aReturn[x,3] numeric > cName := aReturn[x,4] > cMac := aReturn[x,5] > do case > case empty(cAdapterType) > case empty(cName) > case "miniport" $ lower(cName) dürfte nur bei XP > vorkommen, da KEIN physikalischer Adapter. > case "ethernet" $ lower(cAdapterType) .and. "wifi" $ > lower(cName) > aadd( aAdapterIndex, nIndex ) nur für internen Vergleich > oMSI := MakeMSIobj(cMSIclass,aRetType) > oMSI:Name := cName > oMSI:MAC := cMAC > oMSI:IP4 := cIP4 > oMSI:IP6 := cIP6 > aadd( aAdapterInfo, oMSI ) IP-Adressen gibt es hier > noch nicht. > end > next > dann die Konfiguration dazu ermitteln > cMSIclass := "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" > aMSIitemList := {"Index","IPAddress"} > aReturn := > GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList,cCompName,cUser,cPassword,nZielOS) > for x := 1 to len(aReturn) > Aufbau nach Anforderungsarray ! > nIndex := aReturn[x,1] > uIP := aReturn[x,2] NIL, cIP4, {cIP4,cIP6} > nAI := ascan(aAdapterIndex, nIndex ) > if nAI > 0 .and. ! empty(uIP) > cIP4 := uIP[1] > if len(uIP)>=2 > cIP6 := uIP[2] > endif > aAdapterInfo[nAI]:IP4 := cIP4 > aAdapterInfo[nAI]:IP6 := cIP6 > endif > next > return aAdapterInfo > > *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > * Basisfunktionen > *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > function MakeMSIobj(cClassName,aProperty) > local oObj, oClassObj, aMember, x, nMaxX, cBlock, bBlock > > #if XPPVER < 02000000 > #include "" > oClassObj := ClassObject(cClassName) > if empty(oClassObj) > nMaxX := len(aProperty) > aMember := {} > for x := 1 to nMaxX > aadd( aMember , { aProperty[x], CLASS_EXPORTED } ) > next > oClassObj := ClassCreate( cClassName,,aMember) NIL darf > es nicht geben, sonst Fehlermeldung erzwingen. > endif > oObj := oClassObj:new() > #else > oObj := DataObject():New() > nMaxX := len(aProperty) > for x := 1 to nMaxX > cBlock := "{|o,n| o:"+aProperty[x]+" := NIL }" > bBlock := &(cBlock) > eval(bBlock,oObj) > next > #endif > > return oObj > *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > function xTrim(uWert) > local x > do case > case empty(uWert) > uWert := "" > case valtype(uWert)="N" > uWert := alltrim(str(uWert)) > case valtype(uWert)="D" > uWert := dtoc(uWert) > case valtype(uWert) $ "CM" > for x := 0 to 31 sowas habe ich bei Seriennummern > gefunden ... > uWert := strTran(uWert,chr(x),"") > next > uWert := alltrim(uWert) > case valtype(uWert) $ "L" > OK > otherwise > uWert := alltrim(Var2Char(uWert)) > end > return uWert > *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > function IsOldOS() > return val(OS(OS_VERSION)) < 6 > *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > function GetMSI(cMSIclass,cMSInameSpace,aMSIitemList,; > cCompName,cUser,cPassword, nZielOS) > LOCAL objWMIServices, cItems, cText, cName, cCollBlock, bCollBlock, > oMSI, aInfos, nI, nMaxI, x, nMaxX > PRIVATE aItems := {} > > if empty(cMSIclass) > altd() > return {} > endif > if empty(cMSInameSpace) > cMSInameSpace := "Root\CIMv2" > endif > if empty(aMSIitemList) .or. valtype(aMSIitemList)#"A" > altd() > return {} > else > cItems := "" > aEval(aMSIitemList,{|cI| cItems += ", "+cI} ) > cItems := substr(cItems,3) > endif > if empty(cCompName) > cCompName := "localhost" > nZielOS := val(OS(OS_VERSION)) immer ermitteln > else > cCompName := lower(cCompName) > if cCompName == "localhost" > nZielOS := val(OS(OS_VERSION)) > else > if empty(nZielOS) Vorgabe, sonst ermitteln > nZielOS := 6 > endif > endif > endif > DEFAULT cUser TO "Administrator" > DEFAULT cPassword TO "" > > if cCompName == "localhost" > if nZielOS >= 6 > objWMIServices := CreateObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" > ):ConnectServer(cCompName, cMSInameSpace ) "Root\CIMv2") > else > altd() hat bei mir nicht funktioniert ! I can't get this > to work ! > * von MSDN "winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & > "\root\CIMV2") > * objWMIServices := > GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+cCompName+"\"+cMSInameSpace > ) "\Root\CIMv2") > objWMIServices := GetObject( > "WinMgmts:\\"+cCompName+"\"+cMSInameSpace ) "\Root\CIMv2") > endif > else > bei mir immer Zugriff verweigert ! here every time access > denied ! > do case > case EMPTY(cPassword) > altd() > return {} > case nZielOS >= 6 > objWMIServices := CreateObject( > "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" ):ConnectServer(cCompName, > cMSInameSpace,cCompName+"\"+cUser,cPassword) > otherwise > altd() hat bei mir nicht funktioniert ! I can't get > this to work ! > * objWMIServices := > GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\"+cCompName+"\"+cMSInameSpace > ) "\Root\CIMv2") > objWMIServices := GetObject( > "WinMgmts:\\"+cCompName+"\"+cMSInameSpace ) "\Root\CIMv2") > end > endif > > if empty( objWMIServices ) > altd() > return {} > endif > > oMSI := objWMIServices:ExecQuery("select "+cItems+" from > "+cMSIclass,,48) > > aInfos := {} > nMaxI := len(aMSIitemList) > cCollBlock := "{|oService,n| AADD(aItems,{ " > > for nI := 1 to nMaxI > cCollBlock += "oService:getProperty('"+aMSIitemList[nI]+"')" > if nI < nMaxI > cCollBlock += ", " > else > cCollBlock += " })} " > endif > > next > > bCollBlock := &(cCollBlock) > ComEvalCollection(oMSI, bCollBlock ) > > /* > ? "cMSIclass: ",cMSIclass > aEval(aItems,{ |aI,n| qout( n,aI ) } ) > */ > > PRIVATE nach LOCAL > aEval(m->aItems,{ |aI,n| aadd( aInfos, aI ) } ) > > RETURN aInfos > > > | |
Andreas Herdt | Re: Wmiservice on Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:52:53 +0100 Hello Mr Lafratta, You can use the function GetObject() of the Xbase++ ActiveX subsystem to acces the ActiveX Wrapper for winmgmts. This works basically the same way as in the original (vb ?) script. Xbase++ does not support a FOR EACH statement. To overcome this situation we have the function ComEvalCollection() that evaluates a code block for each element of the Com collection returned by :ExecQuery. Of course you must adapt other syntactical glitches as replacing the VB message send operator "." by the Xbase++ message send operator ":". The resulting code looks quite similar compared with the original VB: ===================== snip ========================== PROCEDURE Main LOCAL objWMIService, colLoggedEvents PRIVATE cComputerName := GetEnv("COMPUTERNAME") objWMIService := GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}\\&cComputerName.\root\cimv2") colLoggedEvents := objWMIService:ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Logfile = 'Application'") ComEvalCollection( colLoggedEvents, {| objEvent, n| PrintEvent( objEvent, n) } ) RETURN PROCEDURE PrintEvent( objEvent, n ) Unused( n ) ? "Category:", objEvent:Category ? "Computer Name:", objEvent:ComputerName ? "Event Code:", objEvent:EventCode ? "Message:", objEvent:Message ? "Record Number:", objEvent:RecordNumber ? "Source Name:", objEvent:SourceName ? "Time Written:", objEvent:TimeWritten ? "Event Type:", objEvent:Type ? "User:", objEvent:User RETURN PROCEDURE AppSys() RETURN ===================== snap ========================== Hope this helps. With my best regards, Andreas Herdt Alaska Software -------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Support: News Server: Homepage: WebKnowledgeBase: Fax European Office: +49 (0) 61 96 - 77 99 99 23 Fax US Office: +1 (646) 218 1281 -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Raffaele Lafratta" wrote in message news:73df19e8$240a475e$ > Hi all > > I would like to translate the scrip below from vbs to xbase++ > > strComputer = "." > Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ > & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") > Set colLoggedEvents = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ > ("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Logfile = 'Application'") > For Each objEvent in colLoggedEvents > Wscript.Echo "Category: " & objEvent.Category > Wscript.Echo "Computer Name: " & objEvent.ComputerName > Wscript.Echo "Event Code: " & objEvent.EventCode > Wscript.Echo "Message: " & objEvent.Message > Wscript.Echo "Record Number: " & objEvent.RecordNumber > Wscript.Echo "Source Name: " & objEvent.SourceName > Wscript.Echo "Time Written: " & objEvent.TimeWritten > Wscript.Echo "Event Type: " & objEvent.Type > Wscript.Echo "User: " & objEvent.User > Next > > Anyone can help me ? > How can I retrieve the wmiservice object ? > > > thanks to all > > Raffaele Lafratta |