Author | Topic: Using OpenOffice [activex] | |
Richard Matthews | Using OpenOffice [activex] on Mon, 21 Jun 2010 17:44:35 +0100 Hi everyone, Using the OpenOffice does anyone have any examples of the document writing etc. oOffice := CreateObject( 'Com.Sun.Star.ServiceManager') oOffice :=oOffice:dynamicCast( ActiveXObject() ) I can't get my oWord equivalent to work with the openoffice. - Best regards Richard Richard Matthews Smart Warehouse Systems Ltd | |
Simon White | Re: Using OpenOffice [activex] on Mon, 21 Jun 2010 16:27:43 -0400 | |
Richard Matthews | Re: Using OpenOffice [activex] on Mon, 21 Jun 2010 21:30:24 +0100 Simon, you're a star ! Thanks Richard "Simon White" <> wrote in message news:646214d4$229bb07c$ Hi I use OpenOffice with Visual FoxPro for merging data with documents so I have included samples of my code which should be easily translated to xBase+ Simon <pre> PROCEDURE merge With This Do Case Case .cMergeType="OO" Local loFind loFind=.oMergeDoc.createReplaceDescriptor() For ln=1 To ALen(.aMerge,1) lcMerge=.aMerge(ln,2) lcMerge=Iif(lcMerge="=",Evaluate(Right(lcMerge,Len(lcMerge)-1)),lcMerge) loFind.ReplaceString=lcMerge loFind.SearchString=.aMerge(ln,1) .oMergeDoc.ReplaceAll(loFind) EndFor loFind="" Release loFind,ln Case .cMergeType="OOC" EndCase EndWith ENDPROC *-- The cleanup method after merging PROCEDURE mergecleanup Lparameters tlVisible If Vartype(goApp.oPrintParam)="O" tlVisible=goApp.oPrintParam.PrintOptions=DC_VIEW goApp.oPrintParam.PrintOptions=-1 EndIf With This Do Case Case .cMergeType="OO" If VarType(.oMergeDoc)="O" .oMergeDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame().getContainerWindow().setVisible(tlVisible) EndIf .oMergeDoc="" .oMergeSrvMgr="" =!tlVisible.And..oMerge.Terminate() EndCase ENDPROC *-- Opens the merge document for merging PROCEDURE mergeopendoc Lparameters tcFile With This .cMergeFile=tcFile Do Case Case .cMergeType="OO".And.File(tcFile) Local loProp,loRefl,laArgs(2),laPrt(1) loRefl=.oMergeSrvMgr.createInstance("") loProp=CreateObject("Empty") && Creates an empty object that will become an OO property object. loRefl.forName("").createobject(@loProp) laArgs(1)=loProp laArgs(1).Name="ReadOnly" laArgs(1).Value=.N. laArgs(2)=loProp laArgs(2).Name="Hidden" laArgs(2).Value=.T. ComArray(.oMerge,10) && convert VFP arrays to COM compatible array .oMergeDoc=.oMerge.loadComponentFromURL(ConvertToURL(tcFile),"_blank",0,@laArgs) If VarType(goApp.oPrintParam)="O" && load printer if printer dialog displayed loProp=CreateObject("Empty") loRefl.forName("").createobject(@loProp) laPrt(1)=loProp laPrt(1).Name="Name" laPrt(1).Value=AllTrim(goApp.oPrintParam.Printer) ComArray(.oMergeDoc,10) .oMergeDoc.SetPrinter(@laPrt) EndIf Store "" to loRefl,loProp EndCase EndWith ENDPROC *-- Prints the merged document PROCEDURE mergeprint With This Do Case Case .cMergeType="OO" Local loProp,loRefl,laArgs(3) loRefl=.oMergeSrvMgr.createInstance("") loProp=CreateObject("Empty") loRefl.forName("").createobject(@loProp) laArgs(1)=loProp laArgs(1).Name="CopyCount" laArgs(1).Value=goApp.oPrintParam.Copies laArgs(2)=loProp laArgs(2).Name="Pages" laArgs(2).Value=Transform(goApp.oPrintParam.StartPage)+"-"+Transform(goApp.oPrintParam.LastPage) laArgs(3)=loProp laArgs(3).Name="Wait" laArgs(3).Value=.T. ComArray(.oMergeDoc,10) .oMergeDoc.Print(@laArgs) .MergeClose() EndCase EndWith ENDPROC *-- Sets up the merge variables. PROCEDURE mergesetup LParameter tcType With This .cMergeType=tcType .cMergedFile=gcTmp+Sys(2015)+".rtf" Do Case Case .cMergeType="OO" .oMergeSrvMgr=CreateObject("") .oMerge=.oMergeSrvMgr.createInstance("") EndCase EndWith ENDPROC PROCEDURE mergesave Lparameters tcFile With This Do Case Case .cMergeType="OO" Local loProp,loRefl,laArgs(2) loRefl=.oMergeSrvMgr.createInstance("") loProp=CreateObject("Empty") loRefl.forName("").createobject(@loProp) laArgs(1)=loProp laArgs(1).Name="Overwrite" laArgs(1).value=.T. ComArray(.oMerge,10) .oMergeDoc.StoreAsURL(ConvertToURL(tcFile),@laArgs) EndCase EndWith ENDPROC *-- Close the active document PROCEDURE mergeclose With This Do Case Case .cMergeType="OO" .oMergeDoc.setModified(.F.) .oMergeDoc.Close(.T.) .oMergeDoc="" EndCase EndWith EndProc </pre> On 21/06/2010 12:44 PM, Richard Matthews wrote: > Hi everyone, > > Using the OpenOffice does anyone have any examples of the document writing > etc. > > oOffice := CreateObject( 'Com.Sun.Star.ServiceManager') > oOffice :=oOffice:dynamicCast( ActiveXObject() ) > > I can't get my oWord equivalent to work with the openoffice. > > - > > > Best regards > > Richard > > Richard Matthews > Smart Warehouse Systems Ltd > > > > On 21/06/2010 12:44 PM, Richard Matthews wrote: Hi everyone, Using the OpenOffice does anyone have any examples of the document writing etc. oOffice := CreateObject( 'Com.Sun.Star.ServiceManager') oOffice :=oOffice:dynamicCast( ActiveXObject() ) I can't get my oWord equivalent to work with the openoffice. - Best regards Richard Richard Matthews Smart Warehouse Systems Ltd | |
Trinkl Ferenc | Re: Using OpenOffice [activex] on Wed, 23 Jun 2010 19:47:01 +0200 Hi, Using OpenOffice activeX in Xbase++ no to easy. The trick: you must use VTType() undocumented function to create variant type array for OpenOffice argumentum: ------------------- cut ---------------------------------------- #include "" procedure main() local oServiceManager, oCoreReflection local oDesktop, oDocument, oText, oCursor, oTable, oRow, oRows local oSize, oTextFrame, oFrameText, oFrameTextCursor local aArgs, oPropertyValue The service manager is always the starting point If there is no office running then an office is started up oServiceManager := CreateObject("") Create the CoreReflection service that is later used to create structs oCoreReflection := oServiceManager:createInstance("") Create the Desktop oDesktop= oServiceManager:createInstance("") oPropertyValue := oServiceManager:Bridge_GetStruct("") oPropertyValue:Name := "Hidden" oPropertyValue:Value := .f. aArgs := VTType():new({oPropertyValue}, VT_ARRAY + VT_VARIANT ) Open a new empty writer document oDocument= oDesktop:loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, @aArgs) Create a text object oText= oDocument:getText() Create a cursor object oCursor= oText:createTextCursor() Inserting some Text oText:insertString(oCursor, "The first line in the newly created text document." + chr(13), .f.) Inserting a second line oText:insertString(oCursor, "Now we're in the second line.", .f.) Create instance of a text table with 4 columns and 4 rows oTable := oDocument:createInstance( "") oTable:initialize(4, 4) Insert the table oText:insertTextContent(oCursor, oTable, .f.) Get first row oRows := oTable:getRows() oRow := oRows:getByIndex(0) Set the table background color oTable:setPropertyValue("BackTransparent", .f.) oTable:setPropertyValue("BackColor", 13421823) Set a different background color for the first row oRow:setPropertyValue("BackTransparent", .f.) oRow:setPropertyValue("BackColor", 6710932) Fill the first table row insertIntoCell("A1","FirstColumn", oTable) insertIntoCell("B1","SecondColumn", oTable) insertIntoCell("C1","ThirdColumn", oTable) insertIntoCell("D1","SUM", oTable) oTable:getCellByName("A2"):setValue(22.5) oTable:getCellByName("B2"):setValue(5615.3) oTable:getCellByName("C2"):setValue(-2315.7) oTable:getCellByName("D2"):setFormula("sum <A2:C2>") oTable:getCellByName("A3"):setValue(21.5) oTable:getCellByName("B3"):setValue(615.3) oTable:getCellByName("C3"):setValue(-315.7) oTable:getCellByName("D3"):setFormula("sum <A3:C3>") oTable:getCellByName("A4"):setValue(121.5) oTable:getCellByName("B4"):setValue(-615.3) oTable:getCellByName("C4"):setValue(415.7) oTable:getCellByName("D4"):setFormula("sum <A4:C4>") Change the CharColor and add a Shadow oCursor:setPropertyValue("CharColor", 255) oCursor:setPropertyValue("CharShadowed", .t.) Create a paragraph break The second argument is a com::sun::star::text::ControlCharacter::PARAGRAPH_BREAK constant oText:insertControlCharacter(oCursor, 0 , .f.) Inserting colored Text. oText:insertString(oCursor, " This is a colored Text - blue with shadow" + chr(13), .f.) Create a paragraph break ( ControlCharacter::PARAGRAPH_BREAK). oText:insertControlCharacter(oCursor, 0, .f.) Create a TextFrame. oTextFrame := oDocument:createInstance("") Create a Size struct. oSize := oServiceManager:Bridge_GetStruct("") oSize:Width := 15000 oSize:Height := 400 oTextFrame:setSize(@oSize) TextContentAnchorType.AS_CHARACTER = 1 oTextFrame:setPropertyValue("AnchorType", 1) Insert the frame oText:insertTextContent(oCursor, oTextFrame, .f.) Get the text oect of the frame oFrameText := oTextFrame:getText() Create a cursor oect oFrameTextCursor := oFrameText:createTextCursor() Inserting some Text oFrameText:insertString(oFrameTextCursor, "The first line in the newly created text frame.", .f.) oFrameText:insertString(oFrameTextCursor, chr(13) + "With this second line the height of the frame raises.", .f.) Create a paragraph break The second argument is a com::sun::star::text::ControlCharacter::PARAGRAPH_BREAK constant oFrameText:insertControlCharacter(oCursor, 0 , .f.) Change the CharColor and add a Shadow oCursor:setPropertyValue("CharColor", 65536) oCursor:setPropertyValue("CharShadowed", .f.) Insert another string oText:insertString(oCursor, " That's all for now !!", .f.) return function insertIntoCell(strCellName, strText, oTable) local oCellText, oCellCursor oCellText := oTable:getCellByName(strCellName) oCellCursor := oCellText:createTextCursor() oCellCursor:setPropertyValue("CharColor",16777215) oCellText:insertString(oCellCursor, strText, .f.) return NIL ------------------- cut ---------------------------------------- "Richard Matthews" <> az albbiakat rta a kvetkez hrzenetben: 69280e3a$702f0d44$ > Hi everyone, > > Using the OpenOffice does anyone have any examples of the document writing > etc. > > oOffice := CreateObject( 'Com.Sun.Star.ServiceManager') > oOffice :=oOffice:dynamicCast( ActiveXObject() ) > > I can't get my oWord equivalent to work with the openoffice. > > - > > > Best regards > > Richard > > Richard Matthews > Smart Warehouse Systems Ltd > > > > |