Alaska Software Inc. - reaction time activeX / Xbase++ / OLE Server
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AuthorTopic: reaction time activeX / Xbase++ / OLE Server
AUGE_OHRreaction time activeX / Xbase++ / OLE Server
on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 08:40:20 +0200

im trying to use my Xbase++ activeX Application to run
under different OS() like W98,W2K,XP and VISTA.

Hardware are about the same P4 2GHz but "timeing"
is different ...

when "calulate" a Truck Route it take 100% CPU and it
also use a lot of CPU when User click into Map Location
so "search nearby" Customer so User have to "wait"
before he "is allowed" next Mouse Click else ... Crash

it is not the Xbase++ Code, it is the OLE Server from
MapPoint, when User "send" next Event by Click while
MapPoint is still working ("talking" to Server) so i need
SLEEP() before "sending" next Event to activeX.

W98se : coud not Load "MAP", so it does not run on
               W98se even M$ say it does on its Cover

W2K Sp4 : Rock stabil, need SLEEP(1)

XP Sp2 : need  SLEEP(40) to display a ":Note" in a Balloon
in a DO WHILE Loop of 3000 PushPin.

VISTA : new timeout on "other" Place like set ":Panestate"

after place a new SLEEP(60) before ":Panestate" it work
again now under VISTA and i can make more test ...

i knew that "modern" OS() need "better" Hardware, but how
shoud we Developer "plan" for next OS() ... SLEEP(1000) ... ?

... or is it Xbase++ ? ... i did not "see" that VB or C need SLEEP()
in there Sample which i "translate" to Xbase++

greetings by OHR