Author | Topic: ActiveX Word - replace a text | |
Domingo Serrano | ActiveX Word - replace a text on Tue, 12 Apr 2016 18:57:24 +0200 Hello, I only need to replace a text (into the entire document) with another. i.e.: replace "original text" with "final text". Thanks in advance. Domingo Serrano | |
Domingo Serrano | notifications on Tue, 12 Apr 2016 18:58:00 +0200 | |
César Calvo | Re: ActiveX Word - replace a text on Fri, 15 Apr 2016 22:53:31 +0200 Hello Domingo. Prove with this source code: #include "" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FUNCTION ReplaceBookmark(oBM,cBM,cValue) LOCAL lRet := oBM:Exists(cBM) LOCAL oF IF(lRet) ? "Replace", cBM, "with", cValue oF := oBM:Item(cBM) oF:Range:Font:Bold := 1 oF:Range:Text := cValue oF:Destroy() ENDIF RETURN(lRet) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Open a MS Word document and replace the bookmarks with the values passed in the array aData. The resulting document is then saved back to the hard drive. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FUNCTION WordFillDocument(cFile,aData,cSaveAs,lPrint) LOCAL oWord,oBM,oDoc Create a Word ActiveX component oWord := CreateObject("Word.Application") IF Empty( oWord ) MsgBox( "Microsoft Word is not installed" ) ENDIF oWord:visible := .T. Open a Word document and retrieve the bookmarks collection. oWord:documents:open( cFile ) oDoc := oWord:ActiveDocument oBM := oDoc:Bookmarks Replace the Bookmark with a new value ReplaceBookmark(oBM , "NAME" , aData[1] ) ReplaceBookmark(oBM , "TO" , aData[2] ) ReplaceBookmark(oBM , "EUR" , aData[3] ) Save the resulting Word document IF(ValType(cSaveAs)=="C") oDoc:saveas(cSaveAs) ENDIF Optional print out of document to standard printer IF(ValType(lPrint)=="L" .AND. lPrint) oDoc:PrintOut() ENDIF Close the document and destroy the ActiveX object oDoc:close() oWord:Quit() oWord:destroy() RETURN NIL ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Main program entry point of the application ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PROCEDURE main LOCAL cDir,cFile, cSave LOCAL aData := {} AAdd( aData, "in scadenza" ) AAdd( aData, "Albo Professionali degli Spedizionieri" ) AAdd( aData, "Euro 450,00" ) Determine fully-qualified path for loading the word template document cDir := CurDrive()+":\"+CurDir() cFile := cDir +"\" cSave := cDir+"\Saved.doc" Helper function: - loads existing word document - uses the array aData to feed in data into bookmarks - saves the word document under a new name WordFillDocument(cFile,aData,cSave,.F.) ? "Document", cSave, "created" WAIT RETURN "Domingo Serrano" escribió en el mensaje de noticias:44596e6$3a06f80e$ Hello, I only need to replace a text (into the entire document) with another. i.e.: replace "original text" with "final text". Thanks in advance. Domingo Serrano | |
Domingo Serrano | Re: ActiveX Word - replace a text on Sat, 16 Apr 2016 02:51:16 +0200 Thank you very much, César !!. The code is marvellous. It is just what I needed. Best regards. Domingo Serrano. César Calvo <> wrote in message news:3237b935$2531ab49$ >Hello Domingo. >Prove with this source code: > >#include "" > >////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >FUNCTION ReplaceBookmark(oBM,cBM,cValue) > LOCAL lRet := oBM:Exists(cBM) > LOCAL oF > > > IF(lRet) > ? "Replace", cBM, "with", cValue > oF := oBM:Item(cBM) > > > oF:Range:Font:Bold := 1 > > oF:Range:Text := cValue > oF:Destroy() > ENDIF >RETURN(lRet) > > >////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >// Open a MS Word document and replace the bookmarks with the values >// passed in the array aData. The resulting document is then saved >// back to the hard drive. >////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >FUNCTION WordFillDocument(cFile,aData,cSaveAs,lPrint) > LOCAL oWord,oBM,oDoc > > Create a Word ActiveX component > oWord := CreateObject("Word.Application") > IF Empty( oWord ) > MsgBox( "Microsoft Word is not installed" ) > ENDIF > > oWord:visible := .T. > > Open a Word document and retrieve the bookmarks > collection. > oWord:documents:open( cFile ) > oDoc := oWord:ActiveDocument > oBM := oDoc:Bookmarks > > Replace the Bookmark with a new value > ReplaceBookmark(oBM , "NAME" , aData[1] ) > ReplaceBookmark(oBM , "TO" , aData[2] ) > ReplaceBookmark(oBM , "EUR" , aData[3] ) > > Save the resulting Word document > IF(ValType(cSaveAs)=="C") > oDoc:saveas(cSaveAs) > ENDIF > > Optional print out of document to standard > printer > IF(ValType(lPrint)=="L" .AND. lPrint) > oDoc:PrintOut() > ENDIF > > Close the document and destroy the ActiveX > object > oDoc:close() > oWord:Quit() > oWord:destroy() >RETURN NIL > > >////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >// Main program entry point of the application >////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// >PROCEDURE main > LOCAL cDir,cFile, cSave > LOCAL aData := {} > > AAdd( aData, "in scadenza" ) > AAdd( aData, "Albo Professionali degli Spedizionieri" ) > AAdd( aData, "Euro 450,00" ) > > Determine fully-qualified path for > loading the word template document > cDir := CurDrive()+":\"+CurDir() > cFile := cDir +"\" > cSave := cDir+"\Saved.doc" > > Helper function: > - loads existing word document > - uses the array aData to feed in data > into bookmarks > - saves the word document under a new > name > WordFillDocument(cFile,aData,cSave,.F.) > > ? "Document", cSave, "created" > WAIT > >RETURN > >"Domingo Serrano" escribió en el mensaje de >noticias:44596e6$3a06f80e$ > >Hello, >I only need to replace a text (into the entire document) with another. >i.e.: replace "original text" with "final text". >Thanks in advance. > >Domingo Serrano | |
Hubert Brandel | Re: ActiveX Word - replace a text on Wed, 22 Nov 2017 10:37:53 +0100 Am 12.04.2016 um 18:57 schrieb Domingo Serrano: > Hello, > I only need to replace a text (into the entire document) with another. > i.e.: replace "original text" with "final text". > Thanks in advance. > > Domingo Serrano > Maybe you got it, but maybe some other do have the same question: #include "" #include "" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Main()-Prozedur der Anwendung ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PROCEDURE main LOCAL cDir,cFile, cSaveAs LOCAL oWord,oDoc, aReplace set charset to ansi aReplace := { { "from text" , "to replace text" } ,; { "..." , "..." } } set alternate to Ersetzen-LOG.TXT set alternate on cDir := CurDrive()+":\"+CurDir() cFile := cDir+"\Test.docx" cSaveAs := cDir+"\Test1.docx" Erzeugen einer ActiveX-Komponente oWord := CreateObject("Word.Application") IF Empty( oWord ) MsgBox( "Microsoft Word ist nicht installiert" ) ENDIF oWord:visible := .T. Oeffnen eines Word-Dokuments oWord:documents:open( cFile ) oDoc := oWord:ActiveDocument word replace ... aEval( aReplace, {|aR| WordReplace(oWord,aR[1],aR[2]) } ) Speichern des Ergebnisses IF(ValType(cSaveAs)=="C") oDoc:saveas(cSaveAs) ENDIF Schliessen des Dokuments und zerstoeren das ActiveX-Objektes. oDoc:close() oWord:Quit() oWord:destroy() ? "Dokument", cSaveAs, "erzeugt" set alternate to inkey(20) RETURN function WordReplace(oWord,cVon,cNach) local oSel, lOK oSel := oWord:selection oSel:Find:ClearFormatting() oSel:Find:Replacement:ClearFormatting() lOK := oSel:Find:Execute( cVon,; FindText .f.,; MatchCase .f.,; MatchWholeWord .f.,; MatchWildcards .f.,; MatchSoundsLike .f.,; MatchAllWordForms .t.,; Forward wdFindContinue,; Wrap .f.,; Format cNach,; ReplaceWith wdReplaceAll,; Replace .f.,; MatchKashida .f.,; MatchDiacritics .f.,; MatchAlefHamza .f. ) MatchControl ? "ersetze",cVon,cNach, lOK return lOK |