Alaska Software Inc. - Is Crystal compatible with FoxDBE?
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AuthorTopic: Is Crystal compatible with FoxDBE?
IBAIs Crystal compatible with FoxDBE?
on Fri, 20 Aug 2010 16:00:14 -0700

I have been using Crystal Reports Activex with DBFXCX without any problem 
for years.  Recently, I've converted DBFCDX to FOXCDX.  After the 
conversion, Crystal Reports "Failed to Login" when accessing a DBF created 
with FOX dbe.  Is there a way to bypass the "Login" associated with FOX 

Many thanks,

IBARe: Is Crystal compatible with FoxDBE?
on Sun, 22 Aug 2010 23:57:19 -0700

It seems that Alaska FOXDBE create a file in a different format than Visual 
FoxPro.  Crystal Report cannot read that file.  However, Crystal Report 
perfectly reads file(s) created with Alaska's DBFCDX.
