Author | Topic: Send one SMS to a movil number from Outlook. | |
César Calvo | Send one SMS to a movil number from Outlook. on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 17:29:48 +0200 Hello. Is it possible to send one SMS from Outlook to a movil number with Xbase, activex or asinet? Iy yes, please tell me how must I do. Install any complemet? Regards. C.esar. | |
Hector Pezoa | Re: Send one SMS to a movil number from Outlook. on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 16:59:22 -0400 Cesar Si puedes usando activex , ubicate la libreria cdosys hay ejemplo en la red, o mira este link saludos hector "Csar Calvo" <> escribi en el mensaje news:31658472$313cb118$ > Hello. > Is it possible to send one SMS from Outlook to a movil number with Xbase, > activex or asinet? > Iy yes, please tell me how must I do. > Install any complemet? > Regards. > C.esar. | |
Hector Pezoa | Re: Send one SMS to a movil number from Outlook. on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 17:12:27 -0400 "Csar Calvo" <> escribi en el mensaje news:31658472$313cb118$ > Hello. > Is it possible to send one SMS from Outlook to a movil number with Xbase, > activex or asinet? > Iy yes, please tell me how must I do. > Install any complemet? > Regards. > C.esar. > wcorreo='TU-CORREO' --- sms wclave='TU-CONTRASEA' ----sms wcorreo=ALLTRIM(wcorreo)+"" wclave=ALLTRIM(wclave) wdestino='NUMERO-DE-DESTINO-SIN-0-Y-SIN-15' ----sms wdestino=ALLTRIM(wdestino)+"" LOCAL lcSchema, loConfig, loMsg, loError, lcErr,lcFile lcErr = "" lcSchema = "" loConfig = CREATEOBJECT("CDO.Configuration" ) WITH loConfig.FIELDS .ITEM(lcSchema + "smtpserver" ) = "" .ITEM(lcSchema + "smtpserverport" ) = 465 && 465 && 587 .ITEM(lcSchema + "sendusing" ) = 2 .ITEM(lcSchema + "smtpauthenticate" ) = .T. .ITEM(lcSchema + "smtpusessl" ) = .T. .ITEM(lcSchema + "sendusername" ) = wcorreo && Correo de envio .ITEM(lcSchema + "sendpassword" ) = wclave && Clave de tu correo .UPDATE ENDWITH loMsg = CREATEOBJECT ("CDO.Message" ) WITH loMsg .Configuration = loConfig .FROM = wcorreo .TO = wdestino .Subject = "ASUNTO" ----sms .TextBody = "MENSAJE A MANDAR" ------sms .Send() ENDWITH RELEASE loConfig, loMsg STORE .NULL. TO loConfig, loMsg IF EMPTY(lcErr) MESSAGEBOX ("Archivo de Notas Enviado con xito", 64, "Aviso" ) ELSE MESSAGEBOX (lcErr, 16 , "Error" ) ENDIF *********************** CLEAR CLOSE DATABASES .................................................................................................... Bueno lo que est en rojo (....sms ) son los campos que deben llenar ustedes... Ah y este ejemplo funciona con una casilla de Gmail nada mas y sirve para mandar SMS a un celular con Claro (ex CTI)... Con un poco de imaginacin pueden hacer muchas cosas con este codigo... Suerte big2v5.gif |