Alaska Software Inc. - Tiny MCE Javascript editor
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AuthorTopic: Tiny MCE Javascript editor
Dirk Visser RITiny MCE Javascript editor
on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 14:38:26 +0100
Dear readers,

I have found a nice WYSIWYG editor but that is a javscript editor. On the 
website they are talking about an API but there is no OCX. Does anybody know 
how to integrate it in an xBase app.

Information about this editor is found on

Dirk Visser RI
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James Loughner Re: Tiny MCE Javascript editor
on Fri, 06 Feb 2009 10:30:27 -0500
That is an editor for web pages. ie the API is HTML. To run it from a
XBase++ app just make a web page with this Control on it and invoke a
XbpHtml control pointing to that web page. I'm guessing that the editor
saves and reads HTML formated text.


Dirk Visser RI wrote:
> Dear readers,
> I have found a nice WYSIWYG editor but that is a javscript editor. On the 
> website they are talking about an API but there is no OCX. Does anybody know 
> how to integrate it in an xBase app.
> Information about this editor is found on 