Alaska Software Inc. - More ActiveX, more pain, please help
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AuthorTopic: More ActiveX, more pain, please help
Paulo GaitaMore ActiveX, more pain, please help
on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 00:15:03 +0100
Hi everyone,

I am once again up to my neck in it...

For a while, after you guys gave me a hand, I managed to run pretty much any
ActiveX I wanted, no problems.

Now though, I find myself once again in trouble, the culprit being "Sonic
Click Super"

It's a Button control that has some nice features, it's inexpensive, small,
and quite fast. All in all, or so I thought, a good buy.

So I did, and now I am stumped. Any and all attempt at creating the
"SonicClickSuper.SonicClick" control within an XBase++ application will yeld
a Cannot Create ActiveX Control error message.

At first I though it to a license problem, it usually is, but no, that
doesn't seam to be the problem. So I fear it might be something I am doing
wrong, although I can't figure out what...

The Error:
ERROR LOG of "E:\Projects\MyProg\MyProg.EXE" Date: 04/06/08 23:59:54

Xbase++ version     : Xbase++ (R) Version 1.90.331
Operating system    : Windows XP 05.01 Build 02600 Service Pack 3
oError:args         :
          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
          -> VALTYPE: L VALUE: .F.
oError:canDefault   : Y
oError:canRetry     : N
oError:canSubstitute: Y
oError:cargo        : NIL
oError:description  : Could not create ActiveX control
oError:filename     : NIL
oError:genCode      :       6503
oError:osCode       : NIL
oError:severity     :          2
oError:subCode      :       6500
oError:subSystem    : Automation
oError:thread       :          1
oError:tries        : NIL

Called from MAIN(985)


The code:
oButton := XbpActiveXControl():new( drawingArea, , {10,10}, {68, 72} )
oButton:CLSID := "SonicClickSuper.SonicClick"
oButton:clipSiblings := .T.

I've tried it under VB 6 and both VB.NET and C# 2005 and it works just fine,
even if I choose to create it in code.

You can find this control at

Unfortunately when I downloaded it I didn't try it under XBase++. Since it
worked well in VB I assumed the same to be true for XBase++.

Any help anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very mutch.

Best Regards,
Paulo Gaita
AUGE_OHRRe: More ActiveX, more pain, please help
on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 02:10:39 +0200

> You can find this control at


that Website is "hacked" and will try to install 

greetings by OHR
Hannes ZieglerRe: More ActiveX, more pain, please help
on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 02:33:55 +0200

the definition of the SonicClick ActiveX control starts with 488 
[restricted] methods, which is really weird. I haven't seen the [restricted] 
attribute with ActiveX controls so far. I assume that Alaska's developers 
haven't seen that attribute either (SonicClick must have good reason to 
start the VTable of an ActiveX control with 488 unused/reserved methods. I 
don't understand WHY they do that)

IMO, ActiveX is too complex for Alaska. You can be lucky when an OCX works 
with Xbase++.

While I'm at it, Alaska fails with ActiveX event handling. Xbase++'s ActiveX 
event handling is ENTIRELY wrong implemented (IMO, Steffen, Till, Andreas 
don't know what they are doing).

As a summary: NO, I don't think that the SonicClick ActiveX control will 
work with Xbase++, unless the Alaska developers change Xbase++.

Maybe you want to send a PDR to Alaska support.


"Paulo Gaita" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> Hi everyone,
> I am once again up to my neck in it...
> For a while, after you guys gave me a hand, I managed to run pretty much 
> any
> ActiveX I wanted, no problems.
> Now though, I find myself once again in trouble, the culprit being "Sonic
> Click Super"
> It's a Button control that has some nice features, it's inexpensive, 
> small,
> and quite fast. All in all, or so I thought, a good buy.
> So I did, and now I am stumped. Any and all attempt at creating the
> "SonicClickSuper.SonicClick" control within an XBase++ application will 
> yeld
> a Cannot Create ActiveX Control error message.
> At first I though it to a license problem, it usually is, but no, that
> doesn't seam to be the problem. So I fear it might be something I am doing
> wrong, although I can't figure out what...
> The Error:
> --------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ERROR LOG of "E:\Projects\MyProg\MyProg.EXE" Date: 04/06/08 23:59:54
> Xbase++ version     : Xbase++ (R) Version 1.90.331
> Operating system    : Windows XP 05.01 Build 02600 Service Pack 3
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> oError:args         :
>          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
>          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
>          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
>          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
>          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
>          -> VALTYPE: L VALUE: .F.
> oError:canDefault   : Y
> oError:canRetry     : N
> oError:canSubstitute: Y
> oError:cargo        : NIL
> oError:description  : Could not create ActiveX control
> oError:filename     : NIL
> oError:genCode      :       6503
> oError:operation    : XBPACTIVEXCONTROL:CREATE
> oError:osCode       : NIL
> oError:severity     :          2
> oError:subCode      :       6500
> oError:subSystem    : Automation
> oError:thread       :          1
> oError:tries        : NIL
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Called from MAIN(985)
> -------------------------
> The code:
> -------------------------
> oButton := XbpActiveXControl():new( drawingArea, , {10,10}, {68, 72} )
> oButton:CLSID := "SonicClickSuper.SonicClick"
> oButton:clipSiblings := .T.
> oButton:create()
> --------------
> I've tried it under VB 6 and both VB.NET and C# 2005 and it works just 
> fine,
> even if I choose to create it in code.
> You can find this control at
> Unfortunately when I downloaded it I didn't try it under XBase++. Since it
> worked well in VB I assumed the same to be true for XBase++.
> Any help anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you very mutch.
> Best Regards,
> Paulo Gaita
Paulo GaitaRe: More ActiveX, more pain, please help
on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 20:24:44 +0100
Well it turns out their support is quite good.

They actually have a special version for XBase++, and it works. Not 
everything works has intended and the useGUIThread := .F. switch is 
required, but it's working. They look awsome and are quite fast and small so 
I'm a happy camper!

Thanks for the input guys, just wanted to let you know.

Best regards,
Paulo Gaita

"Paulo Gaita" <> wrote in message 
> Hi everyone,
> I am once again up to my neck in it...
> For a while, after you guys gave me a hand, I managed to run pretty much 
> any
> ActiveX I wanted, no problems.
> Now though, I find myself once again in trouble, the culprit being "Sonic
> Click Super"
> It's a Button control that has some nice features, it's inexpensive, 
> small,
> and quite fast. All in all, or so I thought, a good buy.
> So I did, and now I am stumped. Any and all attempt at creating the
> "SonicClickSuper.SonicClick" control within an XBase++ application will 
> yeld
> a Cannot Create ActiveX Control error message.
> At first I though it to a license problem, it usually is, but no, that
> doesn't seam to be the problem. So I fear it might be something I am doing
> wrong, although I can't figure out what...
> The Error:
> --------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ERROR LOG of "E:\Projects\MyProg\MyProg.EXE" Date: 04/06/08 23:59:54
> Xbase++ version     : Xbase++ (R) Version 1.90.331
> Operating system    : Windows XP 05.01 Build 02600 Service Pack 3
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> oError:args         :
>          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
>          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
>          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
>          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
>          -> VALTYPE: U VALUE: NIL
>          -> VALTYPE: L VALUE: .F.
> oError:canDefault   : Y
> oError:canRetry     : N
> oError:canSubstitute: Y
> oError:cargo        : NIL
> oError:description  : Could not create ActiveX control
> oError:filename     : NIL
> oError:genCode      :       6503
> oError:operation    : XBPACTIVEXCONTROL:CREATE
> oError:osCode       : NIL
> oError:severity     :          2
> oError:subCode      :       6500
> oError:subSystem    : Automation
> oError:thread       :          1
> oError:tries        : NIL
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Called from MAIN(985)
> -------------------------
> The code:
> -------------------------
> oButton := XbpActiveXControl():new( drawingArea, , {10,10}, {68, 72} )
> oButton:CLSID := "SonicClickSuper.SonicClick"
> oButton:clipSiblings := .T.
> oButton:create()
> --------------
> I've tried it under VB 6 and both VB.NET and C# 2005 and it works just 
> fine,
> even if I choose to create it in code.
> You can find this control at
> Unfortunately when I downloaded it I didn't try it under XBase++. Since it
> worked well in VB I assumed the same to be true for XBase++.
> Any help anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you very mutch.
> Best Regards,
> Paulo Gaita
Hannes ZieglerRe: More ActiveX, more pain, please help
on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 02:22:04 +0200
> Well it turns out their support is quite good.
> They actually have a special version for XBase++, and it works. Not 
> everything works has intended and the useGUIThread := .F. switch is 
> required, but it's working. They look awsome and are quite fast and small 
> so I'm a happy camper!

I'm wondering what the "special version for XBase++" would be.

Do you have details?

AUGE_OHRRe: More ActiveX, more pain, please help
on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 05:56:20 +0200

> I'm wondering what the "special version for XBase++" would be.

SL1 ?

greetings by OHR
Jan Escholt Re: More ActiveX, more pain, please help
on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 07:02:57 +0200
Hi Jimmy,

indeed, with SL1 Preview some of my former problems are solved, 
basically with displaying ActiveX-Elements.

But we all know that Alaska sometimes has "special editions" for 
testing, that are not public. Just to figuere out where a special 
problem may occure, or what could be the next step in the evolution. 
Maybe Paulo got one of these?


AUGE_OHR schrieb:
> hi,
>> I'm wondering what the "special version for XBase++" would be.
> SL1 ?
> greetings by OHR
> Jimmy 
Paulo GaitaMore ActiveX, more pain, please help
on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:40:31 +0100
I have a Demo package for the Sonic ActiveX controls for XBase++, 
compliments of SWiJ.
I's 2MB+ so I guess attaching it might not be such a good idea, it anyone 
wants to give it a go drop me a line.
Make sure you'r email account can handle a 2MB+ attachment.

I am in no way affiliated with SWiJ, I just happen to like the controls. 
They're light, fast, and work reasonably well.

There's a Button control, fully colored and with several internal styles, 
all of them quite fast. Can handle images too.
The Frame control is also a must, if one wants to beef up ones application 
The Calendar control is also worth taking a look at.

The version also works with other environments, like VB and such.

Best regards,
Paulo Gaita
Anand GuptaRe: More ActiveX, more pain, please help
on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:57:16 +0530
Send to my email anandg AT


"Paulo Gaita" <> wrote in message 
>I have a Demo package for the Sonic ActiveX controls for XBase++, 
>compliments of SWiJ.
> I's 2MB+ so I guess attaching it might not be such a good idea, it anyone 
> wants to give it a go drop me a line.
> Make sure you'r email account can handle a 2MB+ attachment.
> I am in no way affiliated with SWiJ, I just happen to like the controls. 
> They're light, fast, and work reasonably well.
> There's a Button control, fully colored and with several internal styles, 
> all of them quite fast. Can handle images too.
> The Frame control is also a must, if one wants to beef up ones application 
> looks.
> The Calendar control is also worth taking a look at.
> The version also works with other environments, like VB and such.
> Best regards,
> Paulo Gaita