Alaska Software Inc. - Names of the field or tags for a PDF file with AX VBA
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AuthorTopic: Names of the field or tags for a PDF file with AX VBA
=?UTF-8?Q?C=c3=a9sar_Calvo?= Names of the field or tags for a PDF file with AX VBA
on Sat, 26 May 2018 04:27:48 +0200

With this code a PDF file is opened:

oPDF := CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")


    Infobox("The PDF is opened")



    Infobox("The PDF isn´t opened")


I am trying to get the names of the files row by row of the attachment PDF.

Here is an interesting article:

     If (bOK) Then
         Set AFORMAUT = CreateObject("AFormAut.App")
         Set FormFields = AFORMAUT.Fields
         For Each FormField In FormFields
             With FormField
                 sFieldName = .Name
                 If .IsTerminal Then
                     If sFields = "" Then
                         sFields = .Name
                         sTypes = .Type
                         sFields = sFields + "," + .Name
                         sTypes = sTypes + "," + .Type
                     End If
                 End If
             End With
         Next FormField

Does anybody knows how do it?


Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Re: Names of the field or tags for a PDF file with AX VBA
on Sat, 26 May 2018 04:45:01 -0400

>I am trying to get the names of the files row by row of the attachment PDF.

The attached PDF doesn't contain any Form Fields, so you can't get their 
name, type or content. This PDF file was programmatically created, using 
"IBM afp2pdf Transform Version: 1.6.0" using "[ClibPDF Library 2.02-r1-2] 
1.6.0 AIX", so it (almost certainly) never included any Form Fields.

This PDF isn't designed to programmatically extract any data. You might be 
able to extract the text with the appropriate tools, but it won't be in a 
structured format. There are many tools to manipulate PDFs, including Adobe 
Acrobat Reader. Just google AcroPDTextSelect for more info on how to use 

Hope that helps,


Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Absolute Software, LLC

phone: (989) 723-9927
=?UTF-8?Q?C=c3=a9sar_Calvo?= Re: Names of the field or tags for a PDF file with AX VBA
on Sat, 26 May 2018 11:48:56 +0200
El 26/05/2018 a las 10:45, Andreas Gehrs-Pahl escribió:
> César,
>> I am trying to get the names of the files row by row of the attachment PDF.
> The attached PDF doesn't contain any Form Fields, so you can't get their
> name, type or content. This PDF file was programmatically created, using
> "IBM afp2pdf Transform Version: 1.6.0" using "[ClibPDF Library 2.02-r1-2]
> 1.6.0 AIX", so it (almost certainly) never included any Form Fields.
> This PDF isn't designed to programmatically extract any data. You might be
> able to extract the text with the appropriate tools, but it won't be in a
> structured format. There are many tools to manipulate PDFs, including Adobe
> Acrobat Reader. Just google AcroPDTextSelect for more info on how to use
> this.
> Hope that helps,
> Andreas

Ok, understood but if I had a PDF that included what I said, as it would 
be with ActiveX?
Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Re: Names of the field or tags for a PDF file with AX VBA
on Sat, 26 May 2018 07:45:55 -0400

>Ok, understood but if I had a PDF that included what I said, as it would 
>be with ActiveX?

To manipulate PDF Form Fields, you probably need an add-on product, as the 
(free) Adobe Acrobat Reader doesn't include features to manage Form Fields 
programmatically (via Active-X), as far as I can tell. I use the X-Change 
PDF Viewer Active-X Control to manipulate Form Fields, basically using 

To use "AFormAut.App" you apparently need to have the full Adobe Acrobat 
(SDK) installed, not just the Adobe Acrobat Reader, as far as I know. I 
don't know if this has changed since Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 11, but 
prior versions wouldn't allow it.

Hope that helps,


Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Absolute Software, LLC

phone: (989) 723-9927
Klaus OverhageRe: Names of the field or tags for a PDF file with AX VBA
on Tue, 29 May 2018 07:22:45 +0200
You can use the xpppdf tool form Edgar Borger 
or the foxit quick pdf library
for this

Am 26.05.2018 um 04:27 schrieb César Calvo:
> Hello.
> With this code a PDF file is opened:
> oPDF := CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
>     Infobox("The PDF is opened")
>     oPDF:close()
>     oPDF:Destroy()
>     ELSE
>     Infobox("The PDF isn´t opened")
> I am trying to get the names of the files row by row of the attachment PDF.
> Here is an interesting article:
>      If (bOK) Then
>          Set AFORMAUT = CreateObject("AFormAut.App")
>          Set FormFields = AFORMAUT.Fields
>          For Each FormField In FormFields
>              With FormField
>                  sFieldName = .Name
>                  If .IsTerminal Then
>                      If sFields = "" Then
>                          sFields = .Name
>                          sTypes = .Type
>                      Else
>                          sFields = sFields + "," + .Name
>                          sTypes = sTypes + "," + .Type
>                      End If
>                  End If
>              End With
>          Next FormField
> Does anybody knows how do it?
> Thanks.