Alaska Software Inc. - List Members of ActiveX or Automation Object
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AuthorTopic: List Members of ActiveX or Automation Object
Roger DonnayList Members of ActiveX or Automation Object
on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 14:57:52 -0700
I am looking for a way to get a list of members, ie properties, methods, 
events in an Xbase++ program.

I need this info to be able to inspect ActiveX objects just like I can 
inspect Xbase parts objects with :classDescribe().

I know that I can use a third-party tool like Jace31Wizard.exe to dump all 
this to a PRG file, but then I would need to read all that info from the 
file into memory.
This is probably what I will do if nobody can help.

Does anyone know of a Windows API call that will give me a dump of info from 
an OCX?

I can't find anything on MSDN that is easy to understand.
Clifford Wiernik Re: List Members of ActiveX or Automation Object
on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:32:48 -0600
Roger Donnay wrote:
> I am looking for a way to get a list of members, ie properties, methods, 
> events in an Xbase++ program.
> I need this info to be able to inspect ActiveX objects just like I can 
> inspect Xbase parts objects with :classDescribe().
> I know that I can use a third-party tool like Jace31Wizard.exe to dump all 
> this to a PRG file, but then I would need to read all that info from the 
> file into memory.
> This is probably what I will do if nobody can help.
> Does anyone know of a Windows API call that will give me a dump of info from 
> an OCX?
> I can't find anything on MSDN that is easy to understand.

Roger, some of these may be helpful.

I can't remember how to start a process in VB6, but if you run 
'oleview.exe "C:/path/to/MyControl.ocx" > file.txt' that will send the 
output of oleview to a file.

You might also check out the MemberInfo class - looks like you could do 
it programatically using it. Some info here (listed below) from 19226 
link above posted by sanko at 3:06 PM on July 20, 2006

GetMemberType - Check whether an object exposes a property, method, event

' Returns a bit-coded value that specifies the type of
' an object's member (property, method, event)
' or zero if the member isn't there

' Object is the object which you want to work
' MemberName is the property, method or event name
' the return value is one of the following
'   INVOKE_FUNC (method)
'   INVOKE_PROPERTYGET (property get)
'   INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT (property let)
'   INVOKE_CONST (const)
'   256 is added to INVOKE_FUNC if the method is a function

' Be sure that "TypeLib Information" type library (TlbInf32.tlb)
' is referenced in your VB project.

Function GetMemberType(Object As Object, ByVal MemberName As String) As _
     Dim TLI As New TLIApplication
     Dim Interface As InterfaceInfo
     Dim Member As MemberInfo

     ' get the default interface of the object
     ' any error is returned to the called
     Set Interface = TLI.InterfaceInfoFromObject(Object)

     ' from now on, errors just return 0
     On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

     ' search the property
     For Each Member In Interface.Members
         If StrComp(Member.Name, MemberName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
             ' add this bit to the result
             GetMemberType = GetMemberType Or Member.InvokeKind

             ' different behaviors, depending on member type
             Select Case Member.InvokeKind
                 Case INVOKE_FUNC
                     ' it's a method - add 256 if it has a return value
                     If Member.ReturnType.VarType <> VT_VOID Then
                         GetMemberType = 256 Or INVOKE_FUNC
                     End If
                     ' nothing else to do
                     Exit For
                     ' it's a property - the result is bit coded
                     GetMemberType = GetMemberType Or Member.InvokeKind
                     ' we can't exit until all the members have been parsed
                 Case Else
                     ' just return whatever value we found
                     GetMemberType = Member.InvokeKind
                     Exit For
             End Select
         End If

     Exit Function

     ' an error occurred, return 0
     GetMemberType = 0
End Function
Roger DonnayRe: List Members of ActiveX or Automation Object
on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:02:31 -0700
Thanks Cliff, but I have come up with a solution.

I used the Jace31Wizard.exe to dump all the CodeJock OCXs to separate files.
Then I wrote a program that converts the files to a format that easier to 
read and removes all the junk.
Finally, I wrote a set of functions that can now be used in any ActiveX 
program that will  inspect Automation objects and show the contents of all 
ActiveX properties and events plus list all the methods.  It does this by 
looking up the AutomationObject():interfaceName in the .DEF files and 
returning an array of member names.

It works really slick and took much less time than I thought it would.  I 
wrote this as part of XCodeJock, but I can see how it will work with any 
ActiveX product.

This is a drill-up and drill-down object inspector that allows the 
programmer to walk thru a complex ActiveX project and better understand the 
It's gonna save me a lot of time working with CodeJock.

"Clifford Wiernik" <> wrote in message 
> Roger Donnay wrote:
>> I am looking for a way to get a list of members, ie properties, methods, 
>> events in an Xbase++ program.
>> I need this info to be able to inspect ActiveX objects just like I can 
>> inspect Xbase parts objects with :classDescribe().
>> I know that I can use a third-party tool like Jace31Wizard.exe to dump 
>> all this to a PRG file, but then I would need to read all that info from 
>> the file into memory.
>> This is probably what I will do if nobody can help.
>> Does anyone know of a Windows API call that will give me a dump of info 
>> from an OCX?
>> I can't find anything on MSDN that is easy to understand.
> Roger, some of these may be helpful.
> I can't remember how to start a process in VB6, but if you run 
> 'oleview.exe "C:/path/to/MyControl.ocx" > file.txt' that will send the 
> output of oleview to a file.
> You might also check out the MemberInfo class - looks like you could do it 
> programatically using it. Some info here (listed below) from 19226 link 
> above posted by sanko at 3:06 PM on July 20, 2006
> GetMemberType - Check whether an object exposes a property, method, event
> ' Returns a bit-coded value that specifies the type of
> ' an object's member (property, method, event)
> ' or zero if the member isn't there
> ' Object is the object which you want to work
> ' MemberName is the property, method or event name
> '
> ' the return value is one of the following
> '   INVOKE_FUNC (method)
> '   INVOKE_PROPERTYGET (property get)
> '   INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT (property let)
> '   INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF (property Set)
> '   INVOKE_EVENTFUNC (event)
> '   INVOKE_CONST (const)
> '   256 is added to INVOKE_FUNC if the method is a function
> ' Be sure that "TypeLib Information" type library (TlbInf32.tlb)
> ' is referenced in your VB project.
> Function GetMemberType(Object As Object, ByVal MemberName As String) As _
>     InvokeKinds
>     Dim TLI As New TLIApplication
>     Dim Interface As InterfaceInfo
>     Dim Member As MemberInfo
>     ' get the default interface of the object
>     ' any error is returned to the called
>     Set Interface = TLI.InterfaceInfoFromObject(Object)
>     ' from now on, errors just return 0
>     On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
>     ' search the property
>     For Each Member In Interface.Members
>         If StrComp(Member.Name, MemberName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
>             ' add this bit to the result
>             GetMemberType = GetMemberType Or Member.InvokeKind
>             ' different behaviors, depending on member type
>             Select Case Member.InvokeKind
>                 Case INVOKE_FUNC
>                     ' it's a method - add 256 if it has a return value
>                     If Member.ReturnType.VarType <> VT_VOID Then
>                         GetMemberType = 256 Or INVOKE_FUNC
>                     End If
>                     ' nothing else to do
>                     Exit For
>                     INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF
>                     ' it's a property - the result is bit coded
>                     GetMemberType = GetMemberType Or Member.InvokeKind
>                     ' we can't exit until all the members have been parsed
>                 Case Else
>                     ' just return whatever value we found
>                     GetMemberType = Member.InvokeKind
>                     Exit For
>             End Select
>         End If
>     Next
>     Exit Function
> ErrorHandler:
>     ' an error occurred, return 0
>     GetMemberType = 0
> End Function
Reinthaler RudolfRe: List Members of ActiveX or Automation Object
on Fri, 16 Jan 2009 09:15:31 +0100
Hello Roger,
it's great to have this in eXPress++ because for me the greatest problem 
working with ActiveX is the clear laid out infos about all properties and 
events of an object. Is this available for all eXpress++ users or only for 
XCodeJock ?

"Roger Donnay" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> Thanks Cliff, but I have come up with a solution.
> I used the Jace31Wizard.exe to dump all the CodeJock OCXs to separate 
> files.
> Then I wrote a program that converts the files to a format that easier to 
> read and removes all the junk.
> Finally, I wrote a set of functions that can now be used in any ActiveX 
> program that will  inspect Automation objects and show the contents of all 
> ActiveX properties and events plus list all the methods.  It does this by 
> looking up the AutomationObject():interfaceName in the .DEF files and 
> returning an array of member names.
> It works really slick and took much less time than I thought it would.  I 
> wrote this as part of XCodeJock, but I can see how it will work with any 
> ActiveX product.
> This is a drill-up and drill-down object inspector that allows the 
> programmer to walk thru a complex ActiveX project and better understand 
> the design.
> It's gonna save me a lot of time working with CodeJock.
> "Clifford Wiernik" <> wrote in message 
> news:7b54ab3e$188a8530$
>> Roger Donnay wrote:
>>> I am looking for a way to get a list of members, ie properties, methods, 
>>> events in an Xbase++ program.
>>> I need this info to be able to inspect ActiveX objects just like I can 
>>> inspect Xbase parts objects with :classDescribe().
>>> I know that I can use a third-party tool like Jace31Wizard.exe to dump 
>>> all this to a PRG file, but then I would need to read all that info from 
>>> the file into memory.
>>> This is probably what I will do if nobody can help.
>>> Does anyone know of a Windows API call that will give me a dump of info 
>>> from an OCX?
>>> I can't find anything on MSDN that is easy to understand.
>> Roger, some of these may be helpful.
>> I can't remember how to start a process in VB6, but if you run 
>> 'oleview.exe "C:/path/to/MyControl.ocx" > file.txt' that will send the 
>> output of oleview to a file.
>> You might also check out the MemberInfo class - looks like you could do 
>> it programatically using it. Some info here (listed below) from 19226 
>> link above posted by sanko at 3:06 PM on July 20, 2006
>> GetMemberType - Check whether an object exposes a property, method, event
>> ' Returns a bit-coded value that specifies the type of
>> ' an object's member (property, method, event)
>> ' or zero if the member isn't there
>> ' Object is the object which you want to work
>> ' MemberName is the property, method or event name
>> '
>> ' the return value is one of the following
>> '   INVOKE_FUNC (method)
>> '   INVOKE_PROPERTYGET (property get)
>> '   INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT (property let)
>> '   INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF (property Set)
>> '   INVOKE_EVENTFUNC (event)
>> '   INVOKE_CONST (const)
>> '   256 is added to INVOKE_FUNC if the method is a function
>> ' Be sure that "TypeLib Information" type library (TlbInf32.tlb)
>> ' is referenced in your VB project.
>> Function GetMemberType(Object As Object, ByVal MemberName As String) As _
>>     InvokeKinds
>>     Dim TLI As New TLIApplication
>>     Dim Interface As InterfaceInfo
>>     Dim Member As MemberInfo
>>     ' get the default interface of the object
>>     ' any error is returned to the called
>>     Set Interface = TLI.InterfaceInfoFromObject(Object)
>>     ' from now on, errors just return 0
>>     On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
>>     ' search the property
>>     For Each Member In Interface.Members
>>         If StrComp(Member.Name, MemberName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
>>             ' add this bit to the result
>>             GetMemberType = GetMemberType Or Member.InvokeKind
>>             ' different behaviors, depending on member type
>>             Select Case Member.InvokeKind
>>                 Case INVOKE_FUNC
>>                     ' it's a method - add 256 if it has a return value
>>                     If Member.ReturnType.VarType <> VT_VOID Then
>>                         GetMemberType = 256 Or INVOKE_FUNC
>>                     End If
>>                     ' nothing else to do
>>                     Exit For
>>                     INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF
>>                     ' it's a property - the result is bit coded
>>                     GetMemberType = GetMemberType Or Member.InvokeKind
>>                     ' we can't exit until all the members have been 
>> parsed
>>                 Case Else
>>                     ' just return whatever value we found
>>                     GetMemberType = Member.InvokeKind
>>                     Exit For
>>             End Select
>>         End If
>>     Next
>>     Exit Function
>> ErrorHandler:
>>     ' an error occurred, return 0
>>     GetMemberType = 0
>> End Function