Alaska Software Inc. - ActiveX Error Codes
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AuthorTopic: ActiveX Error Codes
Regan Cawkwell ActiveX Error Codes
on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 13:13:46 +0100
Hi Guys

Can anyone shed some light on what the actual error code is in the following?  I know it 
shows up as OS code -2147467259, but I have a feeling this is not the actual error code...

ERROR LOG of "N:\rba\RBA32.EXE" Date: 15/04/2008 11:28:34

Xbase++ version     : Xbase++ (R) Version 1.90.331
Operating system    : Windows XP 05.01 Build 02600 Service Pack 2
oError:args         :-> VALTYPE: C - VALUE: AllocatePayment
                      -> VALTYPE: N - VALUE: 14628
                      -> VALTYPE: N - VALUE: 14635
                      -> VALTYPE: N - VALUE: 0.00000000
                      -> VALTYPE: D - VALUE: 20080307
oError:canDefault   : Y
oError:canRetry     : N
oError:canSubstitute: Y
oError:cargo        : NIL
oError:description  : Unspecified error

oError:filename     : NIL
oError:genCode      : NIL
oError:operation    : AllocatePayment
oError:osCode       :          -2147467259
oError:severity     :          2
oError:subCode      :       6500
oError:subSystem    : Automation
oError:thread       :          1
oError:tries        : NIL
Alias(): SG_SL  Record: 13831

Called from EXPORT_SALES_TO_SAGE(2761)
Called from (B)SAGE_INTERFACE(411)
Called from SAGE_DIALOG_ACTION(787)
Called from (B)SAGE_INTERFACE(411)
Called from DC_GETLIST:EVENTLOOP(3880)
Called from DC_GETLIST:READGUI(3336)
Called from DC_READGUI(223)
Called from SAGE_INTERFACE(682)
Called from RUNDLLPROCEDURE(361)
Called from RBA_POST_UTIL(229)
Called from MAIN(382)


Regan Cawkwell
Company  : Real Business Applications Ltd
Title    : Technical Support
Websites :
Email    :
Hannes ZieglerRe: ActiveX Error Codes
on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 15:02:41 +0200

> oError:osCode       :          -2147467259

this is a generic COM error code declared in WinError.h of the Windows 
platform SDK

 MessageId: E_FAIL


  Unspecified error

#define E_FAIL                           _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x80004005L)

The error is raised by the automation component you are using, not by the 
Xbase++ runtime. Unfortunately it doesn't tell more than "the 
AllocatePayment operation failed". I would carefully check the parameters 
passed to "AllocatePayment". Is one missing?


"Regan Cawkwell" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> Hi Guys
> Can anyone shed some light on what the actual error code is in the 
> following?  I know it shows up as OS code -2147467259, but I have a 
> feeling this is not the actual error code...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ERROR LOG of "N:\rba\RBA32.EXE" Date: 15/04/2008 11:28:34
> Xbase++ version     : Xbase++ (R) Version 1.90.331
> Operating system    : Windows XP 05.01 Build 02600 Service Pack 2
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> oError:args         :-> VALTYPE: C - VALUE: AllocatePayment
>                      -> VALTYPE: N - VALUE: 14628
>                      -> VALTYPE: N - VALUE: 14635
>                      -> VALTYPE: N - VALUE: 0.00000000
>                      -> VALTYPE: D - VALUE: 20080307
> oError:canDefault   : Y
> oError:canRetry     : N
> oError:canSubstitute: Y
> oError:cargo        : NIL
> oError:description  : Unspecified error
> oError:filename     : NIL
> oError:genCode      : NIL
> oError:operation    : AllocatePayment
> oError:osCode       :          -2147467259
> oError:severity     :          2
> oError:subCode      :       6500
> oError:subSystem    : Automation
> oError:thread       :          1
> oError:tries        : NIL
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Alias(): SG_SL  Record: 13831
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Called from EXPORT_SALES_TO_SAGE(2761)
> Called from (B)SAGE_INTERFACE(411)
> Called from SAGE_DIALOG_ACTION(787)
> Called from (B)SAGE_INTERFACE(411)
> Called from (B)DC_XBPPUSHBUTTON:INIT(128)
> Called from DC_GETLIST:EVENTLOOP(3880)
> Called from DC_GETLIST:READGUI(3336)
> Called from DC_READGUI(223)
> Called from SAGE_INTERFACE(682)
> Called from (B)RUNDLLPROCEDURE(0)
> Called from RUNDLLPROCEDURE(361)
> Called from RBA_POST_UTIL(229)
> Called from MAIN(382)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks
> -- 
> Regan Cawkwell
> Company  : Real Business Applications Ltd
> Title    : Technical Support
> Websites :
> Email    :
> ------------------------------------------------------
Regan Cawkwell Re: ActiveX Error Codes
on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 14:23:32 +0100
Hi Hannes

Hannes Ziegler wrote:
> Reagan,
>> oError:osCode       :          -2147467259
> this is a generic COM error code declared in WinError.h of the Windows 
> platform SDK
>  MessageId: E_FAIL
>  MessageText:
>   Unspecified error
> #define E_FAIL                           _HRESULT_TYPEDEF_(0x80004005L)
> The error is raised by the automation component you are using, not by 
> the Xbase++ runtime. Unfortunately it doesn't tell more than "the 
> AllocatePayment operation failed". I would carefully check the 
> parameters passed to "AllocatePayment". Is one missing?

Thanks for the details...

There is not a parameter missing but I believe the method that is being called does not 
like having a zero value passed as the 3rd parameter.

This means to me that if I ever get this error in future, the only detail I can actually 
get from it are the method name and the parameter values.  Hopefully that will point me to 
the reason for the error.

Regan Cawkwell
Company  : Real Business Applications Ltd
Title    : Technical Support
Websites :
Email    :
Frans Vermeulen Re: ActiveX Error Codes
on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 15:43:34 +0200

In 2004 I created the function below.
The descriptions were taken from MSDN.

Some descriptions are really humorous. 
Like the one belonging to 0x80004005. 
"Unspecified error"

If I interpret this correct, the microsoft 
developers made their software according to 
specifications, (duh?) and this error was 
not specified ??

IOW. the error itself is a bug !!!

Frans Vermeulen

Function AutomationError(nError)
   Local cErrorMessage:=""
   Automation   Automation
  Error        Error
  in Decimal   in Hex       Error Description
   Do Case
      Case nError==-2147418113 /*8000FFFF*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Katastrofale fout."
      Case nError==-2147942413 /*8007000D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The Data is invalid."
      Case nError==-2147467263 /*80004001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not implemented."
      Case nError==-2147024882 /*8007000E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Ran out of memory."
      Case nError==-2147024809 /*80070057*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="One or more arguments are invalid."
      Case nError==-2147467262 /*80004002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No such interface supported."
      Case nError==-2147467261 /*80004003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid pointer."
      Case nError==-2147024890 /*80070006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid handle."
      Case nError==-2147467260 /*80004004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Operation aborted."
      Case nError==-2147467259 /*80004005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unspecified error."
      Case nError==-2147024891 /*80070005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="General access denied error."
      Case nError==-2147483647 /*80000001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not implemented."
      Case nError==-2147483646 /*80000002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Ran out of memory."
      Case nError==-2147483645 /*80000003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="One or more arguments are invalid."
      Case nError==-2147483644 /*80000004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No such interface supported."
      Case nError==-2147483643 /*80000005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid pointer."
      Case nError==-2147483642 /*80000006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid handle."
      Case nError==-2147483641 /*80000007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Operation aborted."
      Case nError==-2147483640 /*80000008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unspecified error."
      Case nError==-2147483639 /*80000009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="General access denied error."
      Case nError==-2147483638 /*8000000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The data necessary to complete this operation not yet available."
      Case nError==-2147467258 /*80004006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Thread local storage failure."
      Case nError==-2147467257 /*80004007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Get shared memory allocator failure."
      Case nError==-2147467256 /*80004008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Get memory allocator failure."
      Case nError==-2147467255 /*80004009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unable to initialize class cache."
      Case nError==-2147467254 /*8000400A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unable to initialize RPC services."
      Case nError==-2147467253 /*8000400B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Cannot set thread local storage channel control."
      Case nError==-2147467252 /*8000400C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Could not allocate thread local storage channel control."
      Case nError==-2147467251 /*8000400D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The user supplied memory allocator is unacceptable."
      Case nError==-2147467250 /*8000400E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The OLE service mutex already exists."
      Case nError==-2147467249 /*8000400F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The OLE service file mapping already exists."
      Case nError==-2147467248 /*80004010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unable to map view of file for OLE service."
      Case nError==-2147467247 /*80004011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Failure attempting to launch OLE service."
      Case nError==-2147467246 /*80004012*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There was an attempt to call CoInitialize a second time while single threaded."
      Case nError==-2147467245 /*80004013*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A Remote activation was necessary but was not allowed."
      Case nError==-2147467244 /*80004014*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A Remote activation was necessary but the server name provided was invalid."
      Case nError==-2147467243 /*80004015*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The class is configured to run as a security id different from the caller."
      Case nError==-2147467242 /*80004016*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Use of Ole1 services requiring DDE windows is disabled."
      Case nError==-2147467241 /*80004017*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A RunAs specification must be A RunAs specification must be <domain name>\<user name> or simply <user name>."
      Case nError==-2147467240 /*80004018*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server process could not be started. The pathname may be incorrect."
      Case nError==-2147467239 /*80004019*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server process could not be started as the configured identity. The pathname may be incorrect or unavailable."
      Case nError==-2147467238 /*8000401A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. Check the username and password."
      Case nError==-2147467237 /*8000401B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The client is not allowed to launch this server."
      Case nError==-2147467236 /*8000401C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The service providing this server could not be started."
      Case nError==-2147467235 /*8000401D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="This computer was unable to communicate with the computer providing the server."
      Case nError==-2147467234 /*8000401E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server did not respond after being launched."
      Case nError==-2147467233 /*8000401F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The registration information for this server is inconsistent or incomplete."
      Case nError==-2147467232 /*80004020*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The registration information for this interface is inconsistent or incomplete."
      Case nError==-2147467231 /*80004021*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The operation attempted is not supported."
      Case nError==-2147221504 /*80040000*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid OLEVERB structure."
      Case nError==-2147221503 /*80040001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid advise flags."
      Case nError==-2147221502 /*80040002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Can't enumerate any more, because the associated data is missing."
      Case nError==-2147221501 /*80040003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="This implementation doesn't take advises."
      Case nError==-2147221500 /*80040004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There is no connection for this connection ID."
      Case nError==-2147221499 /*80040005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Need to run the object to perform this operation."
      Case nError==-2147221498 /*80040006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There is no cache to operate on."
      Case nError==-2147221497 /*80040007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Uninitialized object."
      Case nError==-2147221496 /*80040008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Linked object's source class has changed."
      Case nError==-2147221495 /*80040009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not able to get the moniker of the object."
      Case nError==-2147221494 /*8004000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not able to bind to the source."
      Case nError==-2147221493 /*8004000B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object is static; operation not allowed."
      Case nError==-2147221492 /*8004000C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="User cancelled out of save dialog."
      Case nError==-2147221491 /*8004000D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid rectangle."
      Case nError==-2147221490 /*8004000E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="compobj.dll is too old for the ole2.dll initialized."
      Case nError==-2147221489 /*8004000F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid window handle."
      Case nError==-2147221488 /*80040010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object is not in any of the inplace active states."
      Case nError==-2147221487 /*80040011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not able to convert object."
      Case nError==-2147221486 /*80040012*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not able to perform the operation because object is not given storage yet."
      Case nError==-2147221404 /*80040064*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid FORMATETC structure."
      Case nError==-2147221403 /*80040065*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid DVTARGETDEVICE structure."
      Case nError==-2147221402 /*80040066*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid STDGMEDIUM structure."
      Case nError==-2147221401 /*80040067*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid STATDATA structure."
      Case nError==-2147221400 /*80040068*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid lindex."
      Case nError==-2147221399 /*80040069*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid tymed."
      Case nError==-2147221398 /*8004006A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid clipboard format."
      Case nError==-2147221397 /*8004006B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid aspect(s*/."
      Case nError==-2147221396 /*8004006C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="tdSize parameter of the DVTARGETDEVICE structure is invalid."
      Case nError==-2147221395 /*8004006D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object doesn't support IViewObject interface."
      Case nError==-2147221248 /*80040100*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been registered."
      Case nError==-2147221247 /*80040101*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="This window has already been registered as a drop target."
      Case nError==-2147221246 /*80040102*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid window handle."
      Case nError==-2147221232 /*80040110*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote*/."
      Case nError==-2147221231 /*80040111*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="ClassFactory cannot supply requested class."
      Case nError==-2147221184 /*80040140*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error drawing view."
      Case nError==-2147221168 /*80040150*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Could not read key from registry."
      Case nError==-2147221167 /*80040151*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Could not write key to registry."
      Case nError==-2147221166 /*80040152*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Could not find the key in the registry."
      Case nError==-2147221165 /*80040153*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid value for registry."
      Case nError==-2147221164 /*80040154*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Class not registered."
      Case nError==-2147221163 /*80040155*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Interface not registered."
      Case nError==-2147221136 /*80040170*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Cache not updated."
      Case nError==-2147221120 /*80040180*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No verbs for OLE object."
      Case nError==-2147221119 /*80040181*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid verb for OLE object."
      Case nError==-2147221088 /*800401A0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Undo is not available."
      Case nError==-2147221087 /*800401A1*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Space for tools is not available."
      Case nError==-2147221056 /*800401C0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLESTREAM Get method failed."
      Case nError==-2147221055 /*800401C1*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLESTREAM Put method failed."
      Case nError==-2147221054 /*800401C2*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Contents of the OLESTREAM not in correct format."
      Case nError==-2147221053 /*800401C3*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There was an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the bitmap to a DIB."
      Case nError==-2147221052 /*800401C4*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Contents of the IStorage not in correct format."
      Case nError==-2147221051 /*800401C5*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Contents of IStorage is missing one of the standard streams."
      Case nError==-2147221050 /*800401C6*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There was an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the DIB to a bitmap."
      Case nError==-2147221040 /*800401D0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OpenClipboard Failed."
      Case nError==-2147221039 /*800401D1*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="EmptyClipboard Failed."
      Case nError==-2147221038 /*800401D2*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="SetClipboard Failed."
      Case nError==-2147221037 /*800401D3*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Data on clipboard is invalid."
      Case nError==-2147221036 /*800401D4*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="CloseClipboard Failed."
      Case nError==-2147221024 /*800401E0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker needs to be connected manually."
      Case nError==-2147221023 /*800401E1*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Operation exceeded deadline."
      Case nError==-2147221022 /*800401E2*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker needs to be generic."
      Case nError==-2147221021 /*800401E3*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Operation unavailable."
      Case nError==-2147221020 /*800401E4*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid syntax."
      Case nError==-2147221019 /*800401E5*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No object for moniker."
      Case nError==-2147221018 /*800401E6*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad extension for file."
      Case nError==-2147221017 /*800401E7*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Intermediate operation failed."
      Case nError==-2147221016 /*800401E8*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker is not bindable."
      Case nError==-2147221015 /*800401E9*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker is not bound."
      Case nError==-2147221014 /*800401EA*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker cannot open file."
      Case nError==-2147221013 /*800401EB*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="User input required for operation to succeed."
      Case nError==-2147221012 /*800401EC*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker class has no inverse."
      Case nError==-2147221011 /*800401ED*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker does not refer to storage."
      Case nError==-2147221010 /*800401EE*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No common prefix."
      Case nError==-2147221009 /*800401EF*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker could not be enumerated."
      Case nError==-2147221008 /*800401F0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="CoInitialize has not been called."
      Case nError==-2147221007 /*800401F1*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="CoInitialize has already been called."
      Case nError==-2147221006 /*800401F2*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Class of object cannot be determined."
      Case nError==-2147221005 /*800401F3*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid class string."
      Case nError==-2147221004 /*800401F4*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid interface string."
      Case nError==-2147221003 /*800401F5*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Application not found."
      Case nError==-2147221002 /*800401F6*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Application cannot be run more than once."
      Case nError==-2147221001 /*800401F7*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Some error in application program."
      Case nError==-2147221000 /*800401F8*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="DLL for class not found."
      Case nError==-2147220999 /*800401F9*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error in the DLL."
      Case nError==-2147220998 /*800401FA*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Verkeerd Operating system of verkeerde versie van het Operating System."
      Case nError==-2147220997 /*800401FB*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object is not registered."
      Case nError==-2147220996 /*800401FC*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object is already registered."
      Case nError==-2147220995 /*800401FD*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object is not connected to server."
      Case nError==-2147220994 /*800401FE*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Application was launched but it didn't register a class factory."
      Case nError==-2147220993 /*800401FF*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object has been released."
      Case nError==-2146959359 /*80080001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Attempt to create a class object failed."
      Case nError==-2146959358 /*80080002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE service could not bind object."
      Case nError==-2146959357 /*80080003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="RPC communication failed with OLE service."
      Case nError==-2146959356 /*80080004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad path to object."
      Case nError==-2146959355 /*80080005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Server execution failed."
      Case nError==-2146959354 /*80080006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE service could not communicate with the object server."
      Case nError==-2146959353 /*80080007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker path could not be normalized."
      Case nError==-2146959352 /*80080008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object server is stopping when OLE service contacts it."
      Case nError==-2146959351 /*80080009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An invalid root block pointer was specified."
      Case nError==-2146959344 /*80080010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An allocation chain contained an invalid link pointer."
      Case nError==-2146959343 /*80080011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The requested allocation size was too large."
      Case nError==-2147352575 /*80020001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unknown interface."
      Case nError==-2147352573 /*80020003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Member not found."
      Case nError==-2147352572 /*80020004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Parameter not found."
      Case nError==-2147352571 /*80020005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Type mismatch."
      Case nError==-2147352570 /*80020006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unknown name."
      Case nError==-2147352569 /*80020007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No named arguments."
      Case nError==-2147352568 /*80020008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad variable type."
      Case nError==-2147352567 /*80020009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Exception occurred."
      Case nError==-2147352566 /*8002000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Out of present range."
      Case nError==-2147352565 /*8002000B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid index."
      Case nError==-2147352564 /*8002000C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unknown language."
      Case nError==-2147352563 /*8002000D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Memory is locked."
      Case nError==-2147352562 /*8002000E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid number of parameters."
      Case nError==-2147352561 /*8002000F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Parameter not optional."
      Case nError==-2147352560 /*80020010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid callee."
      Case nError==-2147352559 /*80020011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Does not support a collection."
      Case nError==-2147319786 /*80028016*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Buffer too small."
      Case nError==-2147319784 /*80028018*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Old format or invalid type library."
      Case nError==-2147319783 /*80028019*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Old format or invalid type library."
      Case nError==-2147319780 /*8002801C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error accessing the OLE registry."
      Case nError==-2147319779 /*8002801D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Library not registered."
      Case nError==-2147319769 /*80028027*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bound to unknown type."
      Case nError==-2147319768 /*80028028*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Qualified name disallowed."
      Case nError==-2147319767 /*80028029*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid forward reference, or reference to uncompiled type."
      Case nError==-2147319766 /*8002802A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Type mismatch."
      Case nError==-2147319765 /*8002802B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Element not found."
      Case nError==-2147319764 /*8002802C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Ambiguous name."
      Case nError==-2147319763 /*8002802D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Name already exists in the library."
      Case nError==-2147319762 /*8002802E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unknown LCID."
      Case nError==-2147319761 /*8002802F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Function not defined in specified DLL."
      Case nError==-2147317571 /*800288BD*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Wrong module kind for the operation."
      Case nError==-2147317563 /*800288C5*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Size may not exceed 64K."
      Case nError==-2147317562 /*800288C6*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Duplicate ID in inheritance hierarchy."
      Case nError==-2147317553 /*800288CF*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Incorrect inheritance depth in standard OLE hmember."
      Case nError==-2147316576 /*80028CA0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Type mismatch."
      Case nError==-2147316575 /*80028CA1*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid number of arguments."
      Case nError==-2147316574 /*80028CA2*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="I/O Error."
      Case nError==-2147316573 /*80028CA3*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error creating unique tmp file."
      Case nError==-2147312566 /*80029C4A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error loading type library/DLL."
      Case nError==-2147312509 /*80029C83*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Inconsistent property functions."
      Case nError==-2147312508 /*80029C84*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Circular dependency between types/modules."
      Case nError==-2147287039 /*80030001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unable to perform requested operation."
      Case nError==-2147287038 /*80030002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="%1 could not be found."
      Case nError==-2147287037 /*80030003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The path %1 could not be found."
      Case nError==-2147287036 /*80030004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There are insufficient resources to open another file."
      Case nError==-2147287035 /*80030005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Access Denied."
      Case nError==-2147287034 /*80030006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Attempted an operation on an invalid object."
      Case nError==-2147287032 /*80030008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There is insufficient memory available to complete operation."
      Case nError==-2147287031 /*80030009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid pointer error."
      Case nError==-2147287022 /*80030012*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There are no more entries to return."
      Case nError==-2147287021 /*80030013*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Disk is write-protected."
      Case nError==-2147287015 /*80030019*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An error occurred during a seek operation."
      Case nError==-2147287011 /*8003001D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A disk error occurred during a write operation."
      Case nError==-2147287010 /*8003001E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A disk error occurred during a read operation."
      Case nError==-2147287008 /*80030020*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A share violation has occurred."
      Case nError==-2147287007 /*80030021*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A lock violation has occurred."
      Case nError==-2147286960 /*80030050*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="%1 already exists."
      Case nError==-2147286953 /*80030057*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid parameter error."
      Case nError==-2147286928 /*80030070*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There is insufficient disk space to complete operation."
      Case nError==-2147286800 /*800300F0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Illegal write of non-simple property to simple property set."
      Case nError==-2147286790 /*800300FA*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An API call exited abnormally."
      Case nError==-2147286789 /*800300FB*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The file %1 is not a valid compound file."
      Case nError==-2147286788 /*800300FC*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The name %1 is not valid."
      Case nError==-2147286787 /*800300FD*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An unexpected error occurred."
      Case nError==-2147286786 /*800300FE*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="That function is not implemented."
      Case nError==-2147286785 /*800300FF*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid flag error."
      Case nError==-2147286784 /*80030100*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Attempted to use an object that is busy."
      Case nError==-2147286783 /*80030101*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The storage has been changed since the last commit."
      Case nError==-2147286782 /*80030102*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Attempted to use an object that has ceased to exist."
      Case nError==-2147286781 /*80030103*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Can't save."
      Case nError==-2147286780 /*80030104*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The compound file %1 was produced with an incompatible version of storage."
      Case nError==-2147286779 /*80030105*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The compound file %1 was produced with a newer version of storage."
      Case nError==-2147286778 /*80030106*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Share.exe or equivalent is required for operation."
      Case nError==-2147286777 /*80030107*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Illegal operation called on non-file based storage."
      Case nError==-2147286776 /*80030108*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Illegal operation called on object with extant marshallings."
      Case nError==-2147286775 /*80030109*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The docfile has been corrupted."
      Case nError==-2147286768 /*80030110*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE32.DLL has been loaded at the wrong address."
      Case nError==-2147286527 /*80030201*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The file download was aborted abnormally. The file is incomplete."
      Case nError==-2147286526 /*80030202*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The file download has been terminated."
      Case nError==-2147418111 /*80010001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Call was rejected by callee."
      Case nError==-2147418110 /*80010002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Call was canceled by the message filter."
      Case nError==-2147418109 /*80010003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The caller is dispatching an intertask SendMessage call and cannot call out via PostMessage."
      Case nError==-2147418108 /*80010004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The caller is dispatching an asynchronous call and cannot make an outgoing call on behalf of this call."
      Case nError==-2147418107 /*80010005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="It is illegal to call out while inside message filter."
      Case nError==-2147418106 /*80010006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The connection terminated or is in a bogus state and cannot be used any more. Other connections are still valid."
      Case nError==-2147418105 /*80010007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The callee (server [not server application]*/ is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call may have executed."
      Case nError==-2147418104 /*80010008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The caller (client*/ disappeared while the callee (server*/ was processing a call."
      Case nError==-2147418103 /*80010009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The data packet with the marshalled parameter data is incorrect."
      Case nError==-2147418102 /*8001000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The call was not transmitted properly; the message queue was full and was not emptied after yielding."
      Case nError==-2147418101 /*8001000B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The client (caller*/ cannot marshal the parameter data - low memory, etc."
      Case nError==-2147418100 /*8001000C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The client (caller*/ cannot unmarshal the return data - low memory, etc."
      Case nError==-2147418099 /*8001000D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server (callee*/ cannot marshal the return data - low memory, etc."
      Case nError==-2147418098 /*8001000E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server (callee*/ cannot unmarshal the parameter data - low memory, etc."
      Case nError==-2147418097 /*8001000F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Received data is invalid; could be server or client data."
      Case nError==-2147418096 /*80010010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A particular parameter is invalid and cannot be (un*/marshalled."
      Case nError==-2147418095 /*80010011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There is no second outgoing call on same channel in DDE conversation."
      Case nError==-2147418094 /*80010012*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The callee (server [not server application]*/ is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call did not execute."
      Case nError==-2147417856 /*80010100*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="System call failed."
      Case nError==-2147417855 /*80010101*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Could not allocate some required resource (memory, events, ...*/"
      Case nError==-2147417854 /*80010102*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Attempted to make calls on more than one thread in single threaded mode."
      Case nError==-2147417853 /*80010103*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The requested interface is not registered on the server object."
      Case nError==-2147417852 /*80010104*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="RPC could not call the server or could not return the results of calling the server."
      Case nError==-2147417851 /*80010105*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server threw an exception."
      Case nError==-2147417850 /*80010106*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Cannot change thread mode after it is set."
      Case nError==-2147417849 /*80010107*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The method called does not exist on the server."
      Case nError==-2147417848 /*80010108*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The object invoked has disconnected from its clients."
      Case nError==-2147417847 /*80010109*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The object invoked chose not to process the call now. Try again later."
      Case nError==-2147417846 /*8001010A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The message filter indicated that the application is busy."
      Case nError==-2147417845 /*8001010B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The message filter rejected the call."
      Case nError==-2147417844 /*8001010C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A call control interfaces was called with invalid data."
      Case nError==-2147417843 /*8001010D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An outgoing call cannot be made since the application is dispatching an input-synchronous call."
      Case nError==-2147417842 /*8001010E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread."
      Case nError==-2147417841 /*8001010F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="CoInitialize has not been called on the current thread."
      Case nError==-2147417840 /*80010110*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The version of OLE on the client and server machines does not match."
      Case nError==-2147417839 /*80010111*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE received a packet with an invalid header."
      Case nError==-2147417838 /*80010112*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE received a packet with an invalid extension."
      Case nError==-2147417837 /*80010113*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The requested object or interface does not exist."
      Case nError==-2147417836 /*80010114*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The requested object does not exist."
      Case nError==-2147417835 /*80010115*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE has sent a request and is waiting for a reply."
      Case nError==-2147417834 /*80010116*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE is waiting before retrying a request."
      Case nError==-2147417833 /*80010117*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Call context cannot be accessed after call completed."
      Case nError==-2147417832 /*80010118*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Impersonate on unsecured calls is not supported."
      Case nError==-2147417831 /*80010119*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Security must be initialized before any interfaces are marshalled or unmarshalled. It cannot be changed once initialized."
      Case nError==-2147417830 /*8001011A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No security packages are installed on this machine or the user is not logged on or there are no compatible security packages between the client and server."
      Case nError==-2147417829 /*8001011B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Access is denied."
      Case nError==-2147417828 /*8001011C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Remote calls are not allowed for this process."
      Case nError==-2147417827 /*8001011D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The marshalled interface data packet (OBJREF*/ has an invalid or unknown format."
      Case nError==-2147352577 /*8001FFFF*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An internal error occurred."
      Case nError==-2146893823 /*80090001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad UID."
      Case nError==-2146893822 /*80090002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad Hash."
      Case nError==-2146893821 /*80090003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad Key."
      Case nError==-2146893820 /*80090004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad Length."
      Case nError==-2146893819 /*80090005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad Data."
      Case nError==-2146893818 /*80090006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid Signature."
      Case nError==-2146893817 /*80090007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad Version of provider."
      Case nError==-2146893816 /*80090008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid algorithm specified."
      Case nError==-2146893815 /*80090009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid flags specified."
      Case nError==-2146893814 /*8009000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid type specified."
      Case nError==-2146893813 /*8009000B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Key not valid for use in specified state."
      Case nError==-2146893812 /*8009000C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Hash not valid for use in specified state."
      Case nError==-2146893811 /*8009000D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Key does not exist."
      Case nError==-2146893810 /*8009000E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Insufficient memory available for the operation."
      Case nError==-2146893809 /*8009000F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object already exists."
      Case nError==-2146893808 /*80090010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Access denied."
      Case nError==-2146893807 /*80090011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object was not found."
      Case nError==-2146893806 /*80090012*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Data already encrypted."
      Case nError==-2146893805 /*80090013*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid provider specified."
      Case nError==-2146893804 /*80090014*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid provider type specified."
      Case nError==-2146893803 /*80090015*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider's public key is invalid."
      Case nError==-2146893802 /*80090016*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Keyset does not exist."
      Case nError==-2146893801 /*80090017*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider type not defined."
      Case nError==-2146893800 /*80090018*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider type as registered is invalid."
      Case nError==-2146893799 /*80090019*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The keyset is not defined."
      Case nError==-2146893798 /*8009001A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Keyset as registered is invalid."
      Case nError==-2146893797 /*8009001B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider type does not match registered value."
      Case nError==-2146893796 /*8009001C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The digital signature file is corrupt."
      Case nError==-2146893795 /*8009001D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider DLL failed to initialize correctly."
      Case nError==-2146893794 /*8009001E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider DLL could not be found."
      Case nError==-2146893793 /*8009001F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The Keyset parameter is invalid."
      Case nError==-2146893792 /*80090020*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An internal error occurred."
      Case nError==-2146893791 /*80090021*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A base error occurred."
      Case nError==-2146762751 /*800B0001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The specified trust provider is not known on this system."
      Case nError==-2146762750 /*800B0002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The trust verification action specified is not supported by the specified trust provider."
      Case nError==-2146762749 /*800B0003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The form specified for the subject is not one supported or known by the specified trust provider."
      Case nError==-2146762748 /*800B0004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The subject is not trusted for the specified action."
      Case nError==-2146762747 /*800B0005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error due to problem in ASN.1 encoding process."
      Case nError==-2146762746 /*800B0006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error due to problem in ASN.1 decoding process."
      Case nError==-2146762745 /*800B0007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Reading / writing Extensions where Attributes are appropriate, and visa versa."
      Case nError==-2146762744 /*800B0008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unspecified cryptographic failure."
      Case nError==-2146762743 /*800B0009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The size of the data could not be determined."
      Case nError==-2146762742 /*800B000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The size of the indefinite-sized data could not be determined."
      Case nError==-2146762741 /*800B000B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="This object does not read and write self-sizing data."
      Case nError==-2146762496 /*800B0100*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No signature was present in the subject."
      Case nError==-2146762495 /*800B0101*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A required certificate is not within its validity period."
      Case nError==-2146762494 /*800B0102*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The validity periods of the certification chain do not nest correctly."
      Case nError==-2146762493 /*800B0103*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A certificate that can only be used as an end-entity is being used as a CA or visa versa."
      Case nError==-2146762492 /*800B0104*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A path length constraint in the certification chain has been violated."
      Case nError==-2146762491 /*800B0105*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An extension of unknown type that is labeled 'critical' is present in a certificate."
      Case nError==-2146762490 /*800B0106*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A certificate is being used for a purpose other than that for which it is permitted."
      Case nError==-2146762489 /*800B0107*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A parent of a given certificate in fact did not issue that child certificate."
      Case nError==-2146762488 /*800B0108*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A certificate is missing or has an empty value for an important field, such as a subject or issuer name."
      Case nError==-2146762487 /*800B0109*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A certification chain processed correctly, but terminated in a root certificate which isn't trusted by the trust provider."
      Case nError==-2146762486 /*800B010A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A chain of certs didn't chain as they should in a certain application of chaining."
Return cErrorMessage
Regan Cawkwell Re: ActiveX Error Codes
on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 15:16:03 +0100
Hi Frans

Frans Vermeulen wrote:
> Regan,
> In 2004 I created the function below.
> The descriptions were taken from MSDN.
> Some descriptions are really humorous. 
> Like the one belonging to 0x80004005. 
> "Unspecified error"
> If I interpret this correct, the microsoft 
> developers made their software according to 
> specifications, (duh?) and this error was 
> not specified ??
> IOW. the error itself is a bug !!!

Thanks for the code.  Very useful...  I may very well introduce it into our error handler.

But if what you say is true, I might as well just go home right now!  Please let it be true...

Regan Cawkwell
Company  : Real Business Applications Ltd
Title    : Technical Support
Websites :
Email    :
Hannes ZieglerRe: ActiveX Error Codes
on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 02:54:04 +0200

IMO the PRG code you posted is a clear sign for Xbase++'s failure to support 
a programmer.

All string constants are built into the operating system, and they can be 
retrieved for a national language using a Locale identifier. There is no 
need to "reprogram" error messages of the operating system in PRG code.

Sorry to say so, but the PRG code you posted is nothing but redundant. All I 
can say: don't do that! You are better off with learning the Windows SDK!

Alaska should provide an Xbase compliant way of translating a numeric error 
code of the operating system to a human readable message.


PS: (Note: the Locale identifier must be respected)

"Frans Vermeulen" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Regan,
> In 2004 I created the function below.
> The descriptions were taken from MSDN.
> Some descriptions are really humorous.
> Like the one belonging to 0x80004005.
> "Unspecified error"
> If I interpret this correct, the microsoft
> developers made their software according to
> specifications, (duh?) and this error was
> not specified ??
> IOW. the error itself is a bug !!!
> Regards,
> Frans Vermeulen
> ///----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Function AutomationError(nError)
> ///----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Local cErrorMessage:=""
>   Automation   Automation
>  Error        Error
>  in Decimal   in Hex       Error Description
>   Do Case
>      Case nError==-2147418113 /*8000FFFF*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="Katastrofale fout."
>      Case nError==-2147942413 /*8007000D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The Data is 
> invalid."
>      Case nError==-2147467263 /*80004001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not 
> implemented."
>      Case nError==-2147024882 /*8007000E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Ran out of 
> memory."
>      Case nError==-2147024809 /*80070057*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="One or more 
> arguments are invalid."
>      Case nError==-2147467262 /*80004002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No such 
> interface supported."
>      Case nError==-2147467261 /*80004003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> pointer."
>      Case nError==-2147024890 /*80070006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> handle."
>      Case nError==-2147467260 /*80004004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Operation 
> aborted."
>      Case nError==-2147467259 /*80004005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unspecified 
> error."
>      Case nError==-2147024891 /*80070005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="General 
> access denied error."
>      Case nError==-2147483647 /*80000001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not 
> implemented."
>      Case nError==-2147483646 /*80000002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Ran out of 
> memory."
>      Case nError==-2147483645 /*80000003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="One or more 
> arguments are invalid."
>      Case nError==-2147483644 /*80000004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No such 
> interface supported."
>      Case nError==-2147483643 /*80000005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> pointer."
>      Case nError==-2147483642 /*80000006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> handle."
>      Case nError==-2147483641 /*80000007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Operation 
> aborted."
>      Case nError==-2147483640 /*80000008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unspecified 
> error."
>      Case nError==-2147483639 /*80000009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="General 
> access denied error."
>      Case nError==-2147483638 /*8000000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The data 
> necessary to complete this operation not yet available."
>      Case nError==-2147467258 /*80004006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Thread 
> local storage failure."
>      Case nError==-2147467257 /*80004007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Get shared 
> memory allocator failure."
>      Case nError==-2147467256 /*80004008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Get memory 
> allocator failure."
>      Case nError==-2147467255 /*80004009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unable to 
> initialize class cache."
>      Case nError==-2147467254 /*8000400A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unable to 
> initialize RPC services."
>      Case nError==-2147467253 /*8000400B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Cannot set 
> thread local storage channel control."
>      Case nError==-2147467252 /*8000400C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Could not 
> allocate thread local storage channel control."
>      Case nError==-2147467251 /*8000400D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The user 
> supplied memory allocator is unacceptable."
>      Case nError==-2147467250 /*8000400E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The OLE 
> service mutex already exists."
>      Case nError==-2147467249 /*8000400F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The OLE 
> service file mapping already exists."
>      Case nError==-2147467248 /*80004010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unable to 
> map view of file for OLE service."
>      Case nError==-2147467247 /*80004011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Failure 
> attempting to launch OLE service."
>      Case nError==-2147467246 /*80004012*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There was 
> an attempt to call CoInitialize a second time while single threaded."
>      Case nError==-2147467245 /*80004013*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A Remote 
> activation was necessary but was not allowed."
>      Case nError==-2147467244 /*80004014*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A Remote 
> activation was necessary but the server name provided was invalid."
>      Case nError==-2147467243 /*80004015*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The class 
> is configured to run as a security id different from the caller."
>      Case nError==-2147467242 /*80004016*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Use of Ole1 
> services requiring DDE windows is disabled."
>      Case nError==-2147467241 /*80004017*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A RunAs 
> specification must be A RunAs specification must be <domain name>\<user 
> name> or simply <user name>."
>      Case nError==-2147467240 /*80004018*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server 
> process could not be started. The pathname may be incorrect."
>      Case nError==-2147467239 /*80004019*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server 
> process could not be started as the configured identity. The pathname may 
> be incorrect or unavailable."
>      Case nError==-2147467238 /*8000401A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server 
> process could not be started because the configured identity is incorrect. 
> Check the username and password."
>      Case nError==-2147467237 /*8000401B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The client 
> is not allowed to launch this server."
>      Case nError==-2147467236 /*8000401C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The service 
> providing this server could not be started."
>      Case nError==-2147467235 /*8000401D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="This 
> computer was unable to communicate with the computer providing the 
> server."
>      Case nError==-2147467234 /*8000401E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server 
> did not respond after being launched."
>      Case nError==-2147467233 /*8000401F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> registration information for this server is inconsistent or incomplete."
>      Case nError==-2147467232 /*80004020*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> registration information for this interface is inconsistent or 
> incomplete."
>      Case nError==-2147467231 /*80004021*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> operation attempted is not supported."
>      Case nError==-2147221504 /*80040000*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> OLEVERB structure."
>      Case nError==-2147221503 /*80040001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> advise flags."
>      Case nError==-2147221502 /*80040002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Can't 
> enumerate any more, because the associated data is missing."
>      Case nError==-2147221501 /*80040003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="This 
> implementation doesn't take advises."
>      Case nError==-2147221500 /*80040004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There is no 
> connection for this connection ID."
>      Case nError==-2147221499 /*80040005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Need to run 
> the object to perform this operation."
>      Case nError==-2147221498 /*80040006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There is no 
> cache to operate on."
>      Case nError==-2147221497 /*80040007*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="Uninitialized object."
>      Case nError==-2147221496 /*80040008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Linked 
> object's source class has changed."
>      Case nError==-2147221495 /*80040009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not able to 
> get the moniker of the object."
>      Case nError==-2147221494 /*8004000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not able to 
> bind to the source."
>      Case nError==-2147221493 /*8004000B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object is 
> static; operation not allowed."
>      Case nError==-2147221492 /*8004000C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="User 
> cancelled out of save dialog."
>      Case nError==-2147221491 /*8004000D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> rectangle."
>      Case nError==-2147221490 /*8004000E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="compobj.dll 
> is too old for the ole2.dll initialized."
>      Case nError==-2147221489 /*8004000F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> window handle."
>      Case nError==-2147221488 /*80040010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object is 
> not in any of the inplace active states."
>      Case nError==-2147221487 /*80040011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not able to 
> convert object."
>      Case nError==-2147221486 /*80040012*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Not able to 
> perform the operation because object is not given storage yet."
>      Case nError==-2147221404 /*80040064*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> FORMATETC structure."
>      Case nError==-2147221403 /*80040065*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> DVTARGETDEVICE structure."
>      Case nError==-2147221402 /*80040066*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> STDGMEDIUM structure."
>      Case nError==-2147221401 /*80040067*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> STATDATA structure."
>      Case nError==-2147221400 /*80040068*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> lindex."
>      Case nError==-2147221399 /*80040069*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> tymed."
>      Case nError==-2147221398 /*8004006A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> clipboard format."
>      Case nError==-2147221397 /*8004006B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> aspect(s*/."
>      Case nError==-2147221396 /*8004006C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="tdSize 
> parameter of the DVTARGETDEVICE structure is invalid."
>      Case nError==-2147221395 /*8004006D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object 
> doesn't support IViewObject interface."
>      Case nError==-2147221248 /*80040100*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Trying to 
> revoke a drop target that has not been registered."
>      Case nError==-2147221247 /*80040101*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="This window 
> has already been registered as a drop target."
>      Case nError==-2147221246 /*80040102*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> window handle."
>      Case nError==-2147221232 /*80040110*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Class does 
> not support aggregation (or class object is remote*/."
>      Case nError==-2147221231 /*80040111*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="ClassFactory cannot supply requested class."
>      Case nError==-2147221184 /*80040140*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error 
> drawing view."
>      Case nError==-2147221168 /*80040150*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Could not 
> read key from registry."
>      Case nError==-2147221167 /*80040151*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Could not 
> write key to registry."
>      Case nError==-2147221166 /*80040152*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Could not 
> find the key in the registry."
>      Case nError==-2147221165 /*80040153*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> value for registry."
>      Case nError==-2147221164 /*80040154*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Class not 
> registered."
>      Case nError==-2147221163 /*80040155*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Interface 
> not registered."
>      Case nError==-2147221136 /*80040170*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Cache not 
> updated."
>      Case nError==-2147221120 /*80040180*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No verbs 
> for OLE object."
>      Case nError==-2147221119 /*80040181*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> verb for OLE object."
>      Case nError==-2147221088 /*800401A0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Undo is not 
> available."
>      Case nError==-2147221087 /*800401A1*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Space for 
> tools is not available."
>      Case nError==-2147221056 /*800401C0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLESTREAM 
> Get method failed."
>      Case nError==-2147221055 /*800401C1*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLESTREAM 
> Put method failed."
>      Case nError==-2147221054 /*800401C2*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Contents of 
> the OLESTREAM not in correct format."
>      Case nError==-2147221053 /*800401C3*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There was 
> an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the bitmap to a DIB."
>      Case nError==-2147221052 /*800401C4*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Contents of 
> the IStorage not in correct format."
>      Case nError==-2147221051 /*800401C5*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Contents of 
> IStorage is missing one of the standard streams."
>      Case nError==-2147221050 /*800401C6*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There was 
> an error in a Windows GDI call while converting the DIB to a bitmap."
>      Case nError==-2147221040 /*800401D0*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="OpenClipboard Failed."
>      Case nError==-2147221039 /*800401D1*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="EmptyClipboard Failed."
>      Case nError==-2147221038 /*800401D2*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="SetClipboard Failed."
>      Case nError==-2147221037 /*800401D3*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Data on 
> clipboard is invalid."
>      Case nError==-2147221036 /*800401D4*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="CloseClipboard Failed."
>      Case nError==-2147221024 /*800401E0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker 
> needs to be connected manually."
>      Case nError==-2147221023 /*800401E1*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Operation 
> exceeded deadline."
>      Case nError==-2147221022 /*800401E2*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker 
> needs to be generic."
>      Case nError==-2147221021 /*800401E3*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Operation 
> unavailable."
>      Case nError==-2147221020 /*800401E4*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> syntax."
>      Case nError==-2147221019 /*800401E5*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No object 
> for moniker."
>      Case nError==-2147221018 /*800401E6*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad 
> extension for file."
>      Case nError==-2147221017 /*800401E7*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="Intermediate operation failed."
>      Case nError==-2147221016 /*800401E8*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker is 
> not bindable."
>      Case nError==-2147221015 /*800401E9*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker is 
> not bound."
>      Case nError==-2147221014 /*800401EA*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker 
> cannot open file."
>      Case nError==-2147221013 /*800401EB*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="User input 
> required for operation to succeed."
>      Case nError==-2147221012 /*800401EC*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker 
> class has no inverse."
>      Case nError==-2147221011 /*800401ED*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker 
> does not refer to storage."
>      Case nError==-2147221010 /*800401EE*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No common 
> prefix."
>      Case nError==-2147221009 /*800401EF*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker 
> could not be enumerated."
>      Case nError==-2147221008 /*800401F0*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="CoInitialize has not been called."
>      Case nError==-2147221007 /*800401F1*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="CoInitialize has already been called."
>      Case nError==-2147221006 /*800401F2*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Class of 
> object cannot be determined."
>      Case nError==-2147221005 /*800401F3*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> class string."
>      Case nError==-2147221004 /*800401F4*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> interface string."
>      Case nError==-2147221003 /*800401F5*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Application 
> not found."
>      Case nError==-2147221002 /*800401F6*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Application 
> cannot be run more than once."
>      Case nError==-2147221001 /*800401F7*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Some error 
> in application program."
>      Case nError==-2147221000 /*800401F8*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="DLL for 
> class not found."
>      Case nError==-2147220999 /*800401F9*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error in 
> the DLL."
>      Case nError==-2147220998 /*800401FA*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Verkeerd 
> Operating system of verkeerde versie van het Operating System."
>      Case nError==-2147220997 /*800401FB*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object is 
> not registered."
>      Case nError==-2147220996 /*800401FC*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object is 
> already registered."
>      Case nError==-2147220995 /*800401FD*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object is 
> not connected to server."
>      Case nError==-2147220994 /*800401FE*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Application 
> was launched but it didn't register a class factory."
>      Case nError==-2147220993 /*800401FF*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object has 
> been released."
>      Case nError==-2146959359 /*80080001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Attempt to 
> create a class object failed."
>      Case nError==-2146959358 /*80080002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE service 
> could not bind object."
>      Case nError==-2146959357 /*80080003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="RPC 
> communication failed with OLE service."
>      Case nError==-2146959356 /*80080004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad path to 
> object."
>      Case nError==-2146959355 /*80080005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Server 
> execution failed."
>      Case nError==-2146959354 /*80080006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE service 
> could not communicate with the object server."
>      Case nError==-2146959353 /*80080007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Moniker 
> path could not be normalized."
>      Case nError==-2146959352 /*80080008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object 
> server is stopping when OLE service contacts it."
>      Case nError==-2146959351 /*80080009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An invalid 
> root block pointer was specified."
>      Case nError==-2146959344 /*80080010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An 
> allocation chain contained an invalid link pointer."
>      Case nError==-2146959343 /*80080011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> requested allocation size was too large."
>      Case nError==-2147352575 /*80020001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unknown 
> interface."
>      Case nError==-2147352573 /*80020003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Member not 
> found."
>      Case nError==-2147352572 /*80020004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Parameter 
> not found."
>      Case nError==-2147352571 /*80020005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Type 
> mismatch."
>      Case nError==-2147352570 /*80020006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unknown 
> name."
>      Case nError==-2147352569 /*80020007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No named 
> arguments."
>      Case nError==-2147352568 /*80020008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad 
> variable type."
>      Case nError==-2147352567 /*80020009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Exception 
> occurred."
>      Case nError==-2147352566 /*8002000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Out of 
> present range."
>      Case nError==-2147352565 /*8002000B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> index."
>      Case nError==-2147352564 /*8002000C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unknown 
> language."
>      Case nError==-2147352563 /*8002000D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Memory is 
> locked."
>      Case nError==-2147352562 /*8002000E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> number of parameters."
>      Case nError==-2147352561 /*8002000F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Parameter 
> not optional."
>      Case nError==-2147352560 /*80020010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> callee."
>      Case nError==-2147352559 /*80020011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Does not 
> support a collection."
>      Case nError==-2147319786 /*80028016*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Buffer too 
> small."
>      Case nError==-2147319784 /*80028018*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Old format 
> or invalid type library."
>      Case nError==-2147319783 /*80028019*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Old format 
> or invalid type library."
>      Case nError==-2147319780 /*8002801C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error 
> accessing the OLE registry."
>      Case nError==-2147319779 /*8002801D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Library not 
> registered."
>      Case nError==-2147319769 /*80028027*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bound to 
> unknown type."
>      Case nError==-2147319768 /*80028028*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Qualified 
> name disallowed."
>      Case nError==-2147319767 /*80028029*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> forward reference, or reference to uncompiled type."
>      Case nError==-2147319766 /*8002802A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Type 
> mismatch."
>      Case nError==-2147319765 /*8002802B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Element not 
> found."
>      Case nError==-2147319764 /*8002802C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Ambiguous 
> name."
>      Case nError==-2147319763 /*8002802D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Name 
> already exists in the library."
>      Case nError==-2147319762 /*8002802E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unknown 
> LCID."
>      Case nError==-2147319761 /*8002802F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Function 
> not defined in specified DLL."
>      Case nError==-2147317571 /*800288BD*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Wrong 
> module kind for the operation."
>      Case nError==-2147317563 /*800288C5*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Size may 
> not exceed 64K."
>      Case nError==-2147317562 /*800288C6*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Duplicate 
> ID in inheritance hierarchy."
>      Case nError==-2147317553 /*800288CF*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Incorrect 
> inheritance depth in standard OLE hmember."
>      Case nError==-2147316576 /*80028CA0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Type 
> mismatch."
>      Case nError==-2147316575 /*80028CA1*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> number of arguments."
>      Case nError==-2147316574 /*80028CA2*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="I/O Error."
>      Case nError==-2147316573 /*80028CA3*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error 
> creating unique tmp file."
>      Case nError==-2147312566 /*80029C4A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error 
> loading type library/DLL."
>      Case nError==-2147312509 /*80029C83*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="Inconsistent property functions."
>      Case nError==-2147312508 /*80029C84*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Circular 
> dependency between types/modules."
>      Case nError==-2147287039 /*80030001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unable to 
> perform requested operation."
>      Case nError==-2147287038 /*80030002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="%1 could 
> not be found."
>      Case nError==-2147287037 /*80030003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The path %1 
> could not be found."
>      Case nError==-2147287036 /*80030004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There are 
> insufficient resources to open another file."
>      Case nError==-2147287035 /*80030005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Access 
> Denied."
>      Case nError==-2147287034 /*80030006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Attempted 
> an operation on an invalid object."
>      Case nError==-2147287032 /*80030008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There is 
> insufficient memory available to complete operation."
>      Case nError==-2147287031 /*80030009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> pointer error."
>      Case nError==-2147287022 /*80030012*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There are 
> no more entries to return."
>      Case nError==-2147287021 /*80030013*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Disk is 
> write-protected."
>      Case nError==-2147287015 /*80030019*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An error 
> occurred during a seek operation."
>      Case nError==-2147287011 /*8003001D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A disk 
> error occurred during a write operation."
>      Case nError==-2147287010 /*8003001E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A disk 
> error occurred during a read operation."
>      Case nError==-2147287008 /*80030020*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A share 
> violation has occurred."
>      Case nError==-2147287007 /*80030021*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A lock 
> violation has occurred."
>      Case nError==-2147286960 /*80030050*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="%1 already 
> exists."
>      Case nError==-2147286953 /*80030057*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> parameter error."
>      Case nError==-2147286928 /*80030070*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There is 
> insufficient disk space to complete operation."
>      Case nError==-2147286800 /*800300F0*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Illegal 
> write of non-simple property to simple property set."
>      Case nError==-2147286790 /*800300FA*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An API call 
> exited abnormally."
>      Case nError==-2147286789 /*800300FB*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The file %1 
> is not a valid compound file."
>      Case nError==-2147286788 /*800300FC*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The name %1 
> is not valid."
>      Case nError==-2147286787 /*800300FD*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An 
> unexpected error occurred."
>      Case nError==-2147286786 /*800300FE*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="That 
> function is not implemented."
>      Case nError==-2147286785 /*800300FF*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> flag error."
>      Case nError==-2147286784 /*80030100*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Attempted 
> to use an object that is busy."
>      Case nError==-2147286783 /*80030101*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The storage 
> has been changed since the last commit."
>      Case nError==-2147286782 /*80030102*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Attempted 
> to use an object that has ceased to exist."
>      Case nError==-2147286781 /*80030103*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Can't 
> save."
>      Case nError==-2147286780 /*80030104*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> compound file %1 was produced with an incompatible version of storage."
>      Case nError==-2147286779 /*80030105*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> compound file %1 was produced with a newer version of storage."
>      Case nError==-2147286778 /*80030106*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Share.exe 
> or equivalent is required for operation."
>      Case nError==-2147286777 /*80030107*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Illegal 
> operation called on non-file based storage."
>      Case nError==-2147286776 /*80030108*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Illegal 
> operation called on object with extant marshallings."
>      Case nError==-2147286775 /*80030109*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The docfile 
> has been corrupted."
>      Case nError==-2147286768 /*80030110*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE32.DLL 
> has been loaded at the wrong address."
>      Case nError==-2147286527 /*80030201*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The file 
> download was aborted abnormally. The file is incomplete."
>      Case nError==-2147286526 /*80030202*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The file 
> download has been terminated."
>      Case nError==-2147418111 /*80010001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Call was 
> rejected by callee."
>      Case nError==-2147418110 /*80010002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Call was 
> canceled by the message filter."
>      Case nError==-2147418109 /*80010003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The caller 
> is dispatching an intertask SendMessage call and cannot call out via 
> PostMessage."
>      Case nError==-2147418108 /*80010004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The caller 
> is dispatching an asynchronous call and cannot make an outgoing call on 
> behalf of this call."
>      Case nError==-2147418107 /*80010005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="It is 
> illegal to call out while inside message filter."
>      Case nError==-2147418106 /*80010006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> connection terminated or is in a bogus state and cannot be used any more. 
> Other connections are still valid."
>      Case nError==-2147418105 /*80010007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The callee 
> (server [not server application]*/ is not available and disappeared; all 
> connections are invalid. The call may have executed."
>      Case nError==-2147418104 /*80010008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The caller 
> (client*/ disappeared while the callee (server*/ was processing a call."
>      Case nError==-2147418103 /*80010009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The data 
> packet with the marshalled parameter data is incorrect."
>      Case nError==-2147418102 /*8001000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The call 
> was not transmitted properly; the message queue was full and was not 
> emptied after yielding."
>      Case nError==-2147418101 /*8001000B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The client 
> (caller*/ cannot marshal the parameter data - low memory, etc."
>      Case nError==-2147418100 /*8001000C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The client 
> (caller*/ cannot unmarshal the return data - low memory, etc."
>      Case nError==-2147418099 /*8001000D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server 
> (callee*/ cannot marshal the return data - low memory, etc."
>      Case nError==-2147418098 /*8001000E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server 
> (callee*/ cannot unmarshal the parameter data - low memory, etc."
>      Case nError==-2147418097 /*8001000F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Received 
> data is invalid; could be server or client data."
>      Case nError==-2147418096 /*80010010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A 
> particular parameter is invalid and cannot be (un*/marshalled."
>      Case nError==-2147418095 /*80010011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="There is no 
> second outgoing call on same channel in DDE conversation."
>      Case nError==-2147418094 /*80010012*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The callee 
> (server [not server application]*/ is not available and disappeared; all 
> connections are invalid. The call did not execute."
>      Case nError==-2147417856 /*80010100*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="System call 
> failed."
>      Case nError==-2147417855 /*80010101*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Could not 
> allocate some required resource (memory, events, ...*/"
>      Case nError==-2147417854 /*80010102*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Attempted 
> to make calls on more than one thread in single threaded mode."
>      Case nError==-2147417853 /*80010103*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> requested interface is not registered on the server object."
>      Case nError==-2147417852 /*80010104*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="RPC could 
> not call the server or could not return the results of calling the 
> server."
>      Case nError==-2147417851 /*80010105*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The server 
> threw an exception."
>      Case nError==-2147417850 /*80010106*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Cannot 
> change thread mode after it is set."
>      Case nError==-2147417849 /*80010107*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The method 
> called does not exist on the server."
>      Case nError==-2147417848 /*80010108*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The object 
> invoked has disconnected from its clients."
>      Case nError==-2147417847 /*80010109*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The object 
> invoked chose not to process the call now. Try again later."
>      Case nError==-2147417846 /*8001010A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The message 
> filter indicated that the application is busy."
>      Case nError==-2147417845 /*8001010B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The message 
> filter rejected the call."
>      Case nError==-2147417844 /*8001010C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A call 
> control interfaces was called with invalid data."
>      Case nError==-2147417843 /*8001010D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An outgoing 
> call cannot be made since the application is dispatching an 
> input-synchronous call."
>      Case nError==-2147417842 /*8001010E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> application called an interface that was marshalled for a different 
> thread."
>      Case nError==-2147417841 /*8001010F*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="CoInitialize has not been called on the current thread."
>      Case nError==-2147417840 /*80010110*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The version 
> of OLE on the client and server machines does not match."
>      Case nError==-2147417839 /*80010111*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE 
> received a packet with an invalid header."
>      Case nError==-2147417838 /*80010112*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE 
> received a packet with an invalid extension."
>      Case nError==-2147417837 /*80010113*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> requested object or interface does not exist."
>      Case nError==-2147417836 /*80010114*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> requested object does not exist."
>      Case nError==-2147417835 /*80010115*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE has 
> sent a request and is waiting for a reply."
>      Case nError==-2147417834 /*80010116*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="OLE is 
> waiting before retrying a request."
>      Case nError==-2147417833 /*80010117*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Call 
> context cannot be accessed after call completed."
>      Case nError==-2147417832 /*80010118*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Impersonate 
> on unsecured calls is not supported."
>      Case nError==-2147417831 /*80010119*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Security 
> must be initialized before any interfaces are marshalled or unmarshalled. 
> It cannot be changed once initialized."
>      Case nError==-2147417830 /*8001011A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No security 
> packages are installed on this machine or the user is not logged on or 
> there are no compatible security packages between the client and server."
>      Case nError==-2147417829 /*8001011B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Access is 
> denied."
>      Case nError==-2147417828 /*8001011C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Remote 
> calls are not allowed for this process."
>      Case nError==-2147417827 /*8001011D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> marshalled interface data packet (OBJREF*/ has an invalid or unknown 
> format."
>      Case nError==-2147352577 /*8001FFFF*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An internal 
> error occurred."
>      Case nError==-2146893823 /*80090001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad UID."
>      Case nError==-2146893822 /*80090002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad Hash."
>      Case nError==-2146893821 /*80090003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad Key."
>      Case nError==-2146893820 /*80090004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad 
> Length."
>      Case nError==-2146893819 /*80090005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad Data."
>      Case nError==-2146893818 /*80090006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> Signature."
>      Case nError==-2146893817 /*80090007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Bad Version 
> of provider."
>      Case nError==-2146893816 /*80090008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> algorithm specified."
>      Case nError==-2146893815 /*80090009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> flags specified."
>      Case nError==-2146893814 /*8009000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> type specified."
>      Case nError==-2146893813 /*8009000B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Key not 
> valid for use in specified state."
>      Case nError==-2146893812 /*8009000C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Hash not 
> valid for use in specified state."
>      Case nError==-2146893811 /*8009000D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Key does 
> not exist."
>      Case nError==-2146893810 /*8009000E*/ ; 
> cErrorMessage:="Insufficient memory available for the operation."
>      Case nError==-2146893809 /*8009000F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object 
> already exists."
>      Case nError==-2146893808 /*80090010*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Access 
> denied."
>      Case nError==-2146893807 /*80090011*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Object was 
> not found."
>      Case nError==-2146893806 /*80090012*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Data 
> already encrypted."
>      Case nError==-2146893805 /*80090013*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> provider specified."
>      Case nError==-2146893804 /*80090014*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Invalid 
> provider type specified."
>      Case nError==-2146893803 /*80090015*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider's 
> public key is invalid."
>      Case nError==-2146893802 /*80090016*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Keyset does 
> not exist."
>      Case nError==-2146893801 /*80090017*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider 
> type not defined."
>      Case nError==-2146893800 /*80090018*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider 
> type as registered is invalid."
>      Case nError==-2146893799 /*80090019*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The keyset 
> is not defined."
>      Case nError==-2146893798 /*8009001A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Keyset as 
> registered is invalid."
>      Case nError==-2146893797 /*8009001B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider 
> type does not match registered value."
>      Case nError==-2146893796 /*8009001C*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The digital 
> signature file is corrupt."
>      Case nError==-2146893795 /*8009001D*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider 
> DLL failed to initialize correctly."
>      Case nError==-2146893794 /*8009001E*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Provider 
> DLL could not be found."
>      Case nError==-2146893793 /*8009001F*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The Keyset 
> parameter is invalid."
>      Case nError==-2146893792 /*80090020*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An internal 
> error occurred."
>      Case nError==-2146893791 /*80090021*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A base 
> error occurred."
>      Case nError==-2146762751 /*800B0001*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> specified trust provider is not known on this system."
>      Case nError==-2146762750 /*800B0002*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The trust 
> verification action specified is not supported by the specified trust 
> provider."
>      Case nError==-2146762749 /*800B0003*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The form 
> specified for the subject is not one supported or known by the specified 
> trust provider."
>      Case nError==-2146762748 /*800B0004*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The subject 
> is not trusted for the specified action."
>      Case nError==-2146762747 /*800B0005*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error due 
> to problem in ASN.1 encoding process."
>      Case nError==-2146762746 /*800B0006*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Error due 
> to problem in ASN.1 decoding process."
>      Case nError==-2146762745 /*800B0007*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Reading / 
> writing Extensions where Attributes are appropriate, and visa versa."
>      Case nError==-2146762744 /*800B0008*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="Unspecified 
> cryptographic failure."
>      Case nError==-2146762743 /*800B0009*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The size of 
> the data could not be determined."
>      Case nError==-2146762742 /*800B000A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The size of 
> the indefinite-sized data could not be determined."
>      Case nError==-2146762741 /*800B000B*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="This object 
> does not read and write self-sizing data."
>      Case nError==-2146762496 /*800B0100*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="No 
> signature was present in the subject."
>      Case nError==-2146762495 /*800B0101*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A required 
> certificate is not within its validity period."
>      Case nError==-2146762494 /*800B0102*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="The 
> validity periods of the certification chain do not nest correctly."
>      Case nError==-2146762493 /*800B0103*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A 
> certificate that can only be used as an end-entity is being used as a CA 
> or visa versa."
>      Case nError==-2146762492 /*800B0104*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A path 
> length constraint in the certification chain has been violated."
>      Case nError==-2146762491 /*800B0105*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="An 
> extension of unknown type that is labeled 'critical' is present in a 
> certificate."
>      Case nError==-2146762490 /*800B0106*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A 
> certificate is being used for a purpose other than that for which it is 
> permitted."
>      Case nError==-2146762489 /*800B0107*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A parent of 
> a given certificate in fact did not issue that child certificate."
>      Case nError==-2146762488 /*800B0108*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A 
> certificate is missing or has an empty value for an important field, such 
> as a subject or issuer name."
>      Case nError==-2146762487 /*800B0109*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A 
> certification chain processed correctly, but terminated in a root 
> certificate which isn't trusted by the trust provider."
>      Case nError==-2146762486 /*800B010A*/ ;   cErrorMessage:="A chain of 
> certs didn't chain as they should in a certain application of chaining."
>   EndCase
> Return cErrorMessage
Andreas Gehrs-Pahl
Re: ActiveX Error Codes
on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 22:59:46 -0400
Hannes, Frans,

>IMO the PRG code you posted is a clear sign for Xbase++'s failure to 
>support a programmer.

Not at all -- it is a clear sign of RTFM syndrome!

>All string constants are built into the operating system, and they can 
>be retrieved for a national language using a Locale identifier. There 
>is no need to "reprogram" error messages of the operating system in PRG 

>Sorry to say so, but the PRG code you posted is nothing but redundant. 
>All I can say: don't do that! You are better off with learning the 
>Windows SDK!

I completely agree, but I don't think "learning the Windows SDK" would 
help a lot in this case.

>Alaska should provide an Xbase compliant way of translating a numeric 
>error code of the operating system to a human readable message.

Xbase++ does provide such a way! It is called DosErrorMessage() -- RTFM.
And even if it wouldn't, you could write a substitute function with a
single Windows API call (FormatMessage).

And Regan's error log actually showed the appropriate -- even though 
pretty useless -- error description for the -2147467259 error. Why the 
programmer of the Active-X Control decided to use this meaningless and 
generic error code is a completely different question and you would have 
to ask him/her yourself. You can't fault Xbase++ (or Alaska) for that!

But what I would like to see in Xbase++ (for the last 10 years or so) is 
a complete documentation of all the used Xbase++ General and Sub-System 
Error Codes (or at least a way to retrieve Error Descriptions for those 
codes) and a consistent application of those Error Codes in the Xbase++ 
Error System! That is something that Alaska could actually do!

-- Andreas

---                                                                      ---
  Andreas Gehrs-Pahl              E-Mail:
  415 Gute Street                     or:
  Owosso, MI 48867-4410               or:
  Tel: (989) 723-9927           Web Site:
---                                                                      ---
Frans Vermeulen Re: ActiveX Error Codes
on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:24:30 +0200

> Xbase++ does provide such a way! It is called DosErrorMessage() -- RTFM.
> And even if it wouldn't, you could write a substitute function with a
> single Windows API call (FormatMessage).

Thanks for the tip. As said, I wrote this code for use with the old 
XbpOCX, and I was not aware that it could be replaced with

As the FormatMessage(...)-API concerns:
In general, Formatmessage(...) works for errors below 12000.
For the higher numbers you have to provide the source system.
I am surprised to see, the ActiveX is part of the 

Anyway, thnx & regards,
Frans Vermeulen
Hannes ZieglerRe: ActiveX Error Codes
on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 04:35:40 +0200

> Not at all -- it is a clear sign of RTFM syndrome!


> Xbase++ does provide such a way! It is called DosErrorMessage() -- RTFM.
> And even if it wouldn't, you could write a substitute function with a
> single Windows API call (FormatMessage).

I am aware of DosErorMessage(). For some reson I do not recall I don't trust 
the Alaska implementation of presenting an error message any more. I prefer 
to go with the "real stuff" 

> But what I would like to see in Xbase++ (for the last 10 years or so) is
> a complete documentation of all the used Xbase++ General and Sub-System
> Error Codes (or at least a way to retrieve Error Descriptions for those
> codes) and a consistent application of those Error Codes in the Xbase++
> Error System! That is something that Alaska could actually do!

I grab "(for the last 10 years or so)" from your msg and can tell that noone 
at Alaska is working at rebuilding the error handling of the Xbase++ 
runtime. Everyone (steffen,till,andreas) knows that the error handling HAS 
to be reprogramed, but noone does it since 10 years.

Xbase++ users are tolerant 

Peter Alderliesten Re: ActiveX Error Codes
on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:48:41 +0200

> Xbase++ users are tolerant 

Not at all. We're creating error free programmes, so we can easily live
with the current error handling...

Hannes ZieglerRe: ActiveX Error Codes
on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 03:59:34 +0200

>> Xbase++ users are tolerant 
> Not at all. We're creating error free programmes, so we can easily live
> with the current error handling...

Thank you so much for this message. I finally found a programmer who 
produces error free software that does not require advanced error handling 
routines. Please teach me ...
Clifford Wiernik Re: ActiveX Error Codes
on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 18:51:29 -0500
Hannes Ziegler wrote:
> Peter
>>> Xbase++ users are tolerant 
>> Not at all. We're creating error free programmes, so we can easily live
>> with the current error handling...
> Thank you so much for this message. I finally found a programmer who 
> produces error free software that does not require advanced error 
> handling routines. Please teach me ...
> -- 
> Hannes
Yes, I also produce error free code, but only if the user uses it 
correctly.  They entered $7 monthly income instead of $7000 monthly 
income.  Result of 8000/7 exceeded database field size.  Now I have to 
check these amount as had not thought about that type of error coming in 
from a 3rd party.
mark carew Re: ActiveX Error Codes
on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:24:43 +1000
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 03:59:34 +0200, Hannes Ziegler wrote:

> Peter
>>> Xbase++ users are tolerant 
>> Not at all. We're creating error free programmes, so we can easily live
>> with the current error handling...
> Thank you so much for this message. I finally found a programmer who 
> produces error free software that does not require advanced error handling 
> routines. Please teach me ...

Hi All,

* here is an error free xbase++ program I prepared earlier

procedure main

function errorFreeProgram()
return nil

Thomas Braun
Re: ActiveX Error Codes
on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:04:51 +0200
mark carew wrote:

> procedure main
>   errorFreeProgram()
> return
> function errorFreeProgram()
> return nil

Sorry, but without knowing the original specifications, it is impossible to
decide wether this program is error free or not... 
