Author | Topic: Excel 2007 | |
Willy Mollers | Excel 2007 on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 23:39:59 +0200 Has somebody the same problem as me! if i open with Excel 2007 a DBF file with date fields on it i have as result in the excel sheet the date colum convert in wrong dates formats! The same DBF file with Excel 2000 or 2003 no problem! example: for 30.12.2008 in the DBF fle (German XP/ Office 2007 and date format) the result is 12.30.2008 or sometimes 20081230 (both formats in the same sheet) see attach files Thanks for any help Willy EAC_RG062008.DBF EAC_RG062008.XLS | |
Thomas Braun | Re: Excel 2007 on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:00:53 +0200 Willy Mollers wrote: > Has somebody the same problem as me! > > if i open with Excel 2007 a DBF file with date fields on it i have as result > in the excel > sheet the date colum convert in wrong dates formats! > > The same DBF file with Excel 2000 or 2003 no problem! I whished they (Microsoft) would let the Visual Foxpro Team have a look at the Excel DBF functionality... seems as if this is getting worse with every new version of Excel. It would also be very nice if Excel could read memo fields... now I know why I have to stay away from Office 2007 as long as possible. Thomas | |
Zupan Miran | Re: Excel 2007 on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 16:29:39 +0200 I have the same problem with Excel 2007, (but not in Excel 2003) When you export dbf file to excel, date field must be Character C10, then you convert date field with ctod(xxx) in export proces.. FUNCTION Preg_Zam() LOCAL nIzb kretpom1:=0 kretpom2:="Centralno skladie" Vnesi_DATUM() if !LastKey()=K_ESC //*** najprej naredi pomozno datoteko *** dbCreate( "&pot_smeti"+"POMOZNA.dbf",; {{ "RACUN" ,"C", 7,0 },; { "PARTNER" ,"C",50,0 },; { "DATUM" ,"C",10,0 },; /* DATE FIELD */ { "VALUTA" ,"C",10,0 },; /* DATE FIELD */ { "DAT_PLAC" ,"C",10,0 },; /* DATE FIELD */ { "ZNESEK" ,"N",12,2 },; { "PLACANO" ,"N",12,2 },; { "OSTANEK" ,"N",12,2 },; { "ZAMUDA" ,"N",12,0 } } ) tdOpenDbf("&pot_smeti"+"POMOZNA.dbf","POMOZNA","exclusive") nIzb:=tdP2Box("Izpis je mono narediti v RTF obliki primerni za MS WORD,",; "ali v XLS obliki primerni ta MS Excel. Izberi obliko izpisa ?",; "MS Word","MS Excel",1, {tdWHI,tdDCY},"12.Times New Roman CE") //*** Odpri datoteke *** IF !tdOpenDbf("&pot_baze"+"RACUNI.dbf","RACUNI","exclusive") RETURN nil ELSE //*** Postavljam klju za: RACUNI.DBF - nazivu *** TmpCdx() index on slo_sort(naziv_par)+dtos(dat_val) to "&pot_smeti"+"&cTempDbf" for storno=" " .and.; dat_fak>=oDatum1 .and. dat_fak<=oDatum2 .and. sifra_pod=kretpom1 .and. ; dat_pla>dat_val .and. obrok1>0 set index to "&pot_smeti"+"&cTempDbf" dbGoTop() ENDIF //*** zapisi *** cFile:="PREGZAM" zbrisi_porocilo(cFile) set century off set device to print set printer to "&pot_report"+cFile vrsta:=70;x_stran:=1 xpartner:=space(40) stevc:=0 x1:=0 DO while (!eof()) IF vrsta > max_vrsta glava(cFile) @ 4,1 say chr(27)+"M" @ 5,5 say chr(27)+"E"+"IZPIS ZAMUJENIH PLAIL v obdobju od "+dtoc(oDatum1)+" do "+dtoc(oDatum2)+chr(27)+"F" @ 7,5 say replicate("-",90) @ 8,5 say "Naziv Partnerja Datum Datum Datum t.dni Znesek Znesek RAZLIKA" @ 9,5 say " RAUN RAUNA ZAPADL. PLAILA ZAMUDE RAUNA PLAILA" @ 10,5 say replicate("-",90) vrsta:=11 x_stran:=++x_stran ENDIF kljuc1:=naziv_par IF xpartner=kljuc1 x1:=x1+dat_pla-dat_val @ vrsta,11 say sif_rac+" "+dtoc(dat_fak)+" "+dtoc(dat_val)+" "+dtoc(dat_pla)+; " "+transform(dat_pla-dat_val,"999")+" "+transform(znesek,"999,999.99")+" "+; " "+transform(znesek_pla,"999,999.99")+" "+transform(znesek-znesek_pla,"999,999.99") ELSE vrsta:=++vrsta @ vrsta,5 say chr(27)+"E"+naziv_par+chr(27)+"F" vrsta:=++vrsta x1:=x1+dat_pla-dat_val @ vrsta,11 say sif_rac+" "+dtoc(dat_fak)+" "+dtoc(dat_val)+" "+dtoc(dat_pla)+; " "+transform(dat_pla-dat_val,"999")+" "+transform(znesek,"999,999.99")+" "+; " "+transform(znesek_pla,"999,999.99")+" "+transform(znesek-znesek_pla,"999,999.99") ENDIF //*** EXPORT TO Excel IF nIzb=2 SET CENTURY ON a1:=sif_rac a2:=dat_fak a3:=dat_val a4:=dat_pla a5:=znesek a6:=znesek_pla a7:=znesek-znesek_pla a8:=dat_pla-dat_val SELECT POMOZNA Append Blank Replace RACUN with a1,; PARTNER with xPartner,; DATUM with dtoc(a2),; /* DATE FIELD */ VALUTA with dtoc(a3),; /* DATE FIELD */ DAT_PLAC with dtoc(a4),; /* DATE FIELD */ ZNESEK with a5,; PLACANO with a6,; OSTANEK with a7,; ZAMUDA with a8 SELECT RACUNI SET CENTURY OFF ENDIF xpartner:=naziv_par stevc:=++stevc vrsta:=++vrsta dbskip() ENDDO vrsta:=++vrsta @ vrsta,5 say replicate("=",90) vrsta:=++vrsta+1 @ vrsta,5 say "TEVILO ZAMUJENIH PLAIL : "+transform(stevc,"99999") vrsta:=++vrsta @ vrsta,5 say "POVPRENO ZAMUJENO DNI : "+transform(x1/stevc,"99999") vrsta:=++vrsta @ vrsta,1 say " " set century on set printer to set device to screen if nIzb=1 //*** prenos v RTF *** Tiskaj(cFile) else //*** prenos v Excel *** SELECT POMOZNA Copy2Excel("Preg_Zamude") endif dbcloseall() endif RETURN nil This works for me (for now) Best regards Zupan Miran Slovenia | |
Willy Mollers | Re: Excel 2007 on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 18:50:42 +0200 Hello Zupan, thanks for your answer If i understand your program the destination colum for date in Excel is formated text only ("31.02.2008") ! What i need is that the "date destination colum" in Excel is formated as date field, the program that use this created file can only import the data if the field is a real Excel date format. I dont have the possibility to change this program myself . Greetings Willy "Zupan Miran" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:6b7a179$56717429$ > I have the same problem with Excel 2007, (but not in Excel 2003) > When you export dbf file to excel, date field must be Character C10, > then you convert date field with ctod(xxx) in export proces.. > > > FUNCTION Preg_Zam() > LOCAL nIzb > > kretpom1:=0 > kretpom2:="Centralno skladise" > > Vnesi_DATUM() > if !LastKey()=K_ESC > //*** najprej naredi pomozno datoteko *** > dbCreate( "&pot_smeti"+"POMOZNA.dbf",; > {{ "RACUN" ,"C", 7,0 },; > { "PARTNER" ,"C",50,0 },; > { "DATUM" ,"C",10,0 },; /* DATE FIELD > */ > { "VALUTA" ,"C",10,0 },; /* DATE FIELD */ > { "DAT_PLAC" ,"C",10,0 },; /* DATE FIELD */ > { "ZNESEK" ,"N",12,2 },; > { "PLACANO" ,"N",12,2 },; > { "OSTANEK" ,"N",12,2 },; > { "ZAMUDA" ,"N",12,0 } } ) > > tdOpenDbf("&pot_smeti"+"POMOZNA.dbf","POMOZNA","exclusive") > > nIzb:=tdP2Box("Izpis je mozno narediti v RTF obliki primerni za MS > WORD,",; > "ali v XLS obliki primerni ta MS Excel. Izberi obliko > izpisa ?",; > "MS Word","MS Excel",1, {tdWHI,tdDCY},"12.Times New > Roman CE") > > //*** Odpri datoteke *** > IF !tdOpenDbf("&pot_baze"+"RACUNI.dbf","RACUNI","exclusive") > RETURN nil > ELSE > //*** Postavljam klju za: RACUNI.DBF - nazivu *** > TmpCdx() > index on slo_sort(naziv_par)+dtos(dat_val) to > "&pot_smeti"+"&cTempDbf" for storno=" " .and.; > dat_fak>=oDatum1 .and. dat_fak<=oDatum2 .and. > sifra_pod=kretpom1 .and. ; > dat_pla>dat_val .and. obrok1>0 > set index to "&pot_smeti"+"&cTempDbf" > dbGoTop() > ENDIF > > //*** zapisi *** > cFile:="PREGZAM" > zbrisi_porocilo(cFile) > > set century off > set device to print > set printer to "&pot_report"+cFile > > vrsta:=70;x_stran:=1 > xpartner:=space(40) > stevc:=0 > x1:=0 > > DO while (!eof()) > IF vrsta > max_vrsta > glava(cFile) > @ 4,1 say chr(27)+"M" > @ 5,5 say chr(27)+"E"+"IZPIS ZAMUJENIH PLAIL v obdobju > od "+dtoc(oDatum1)+" do "+dtoc(oDatum2)+chr(27)+"F" > @ 7,5 say replicate("-",90) > @ 8,5 say "Naziv Partnerja Datum Datum Datum > St.dni Znesek Znesek RAZLIKA" > @ 9,5 say " RAUN RAUNA ZAPADL. PLAILA > ZAMUDE RAUNA PLAILA" > @ 10,5 say replicate("-",90) > vrsta:=11 > x_stran:=++x_stran > ENDIF > > kljuc1:=naziv_par > IF xpartner=kljuc1 > x1:=x1+dat_pla-dat_val > @ vrsta,11 say sif_rac+" "+dtoc(dat_fak)+" > "+dtoc(dat_val)+" "+dtoc(dat_pla)+; > " "+transform(dat_pla-dat_val,"999")+" > "+transform(znesek,"999,999.99")+" "+; > " "+transform(znesek_pla,"999,999.99")+" > "+transform(znesek-znesek_pla,"999,999.99") > ELSE > vrsta:=++vrsta > @ vrsta,5 say chr(27)+"E"+naziv_par+chr(27)+"F" > vrsta:=++vrsta > x1:=x1+dat_pla-dat_val > @ vrsta,11 say sif_rac+" "+dtoc(dat_fak)+" > "+dtoc(dat_val)+" "+dtoc(dat_pla)+; > " "+transform(dat_pla-dat_val,"999")+" > "+transform(znesek,"999,999.99")+" "+; > " "+transform(znesek_pla,"999,999.99")+" > "+transform(znesek-znesek_pla,"999,999.99") > ENDIF > > //*** EXPORT TO Excel > IF nIzb=2 > SET CENTURY ON > a1:=sif_rac > a2:=dat_fak > a3:=dat_val > a4:=dat_pla > a5:=znesek > a6:=znesek_pla > a7:=znesek-znesek_pla > a8:=dat_pla-dat_val > SELECT POMOZNA > Append Blank > Replace RACUN with a1,; > PARTNER with xPartner,; > DATUM with dtoc(a2),; /* DATE FIELD */ > VALUTA with dtoc(a3),; /* DATE FIELD */ > DAT_PLAC with dtoc(a4),; /* DATE FIELD */ > ZNESEK with a5,; > PLACANO with a6,; > OSTANEK with a7,; > ZAMUDA with a8 > SELECT RACUNI > SET CENTURY OFF > ENDIF > > xpartner:=naziv_par > stevc:=++stevc > vrsta:=++vrsta > dbskip() > ENDDO > > vrsta:=++vrsta > @ vrsta,5 say replicate("=",90) > vrsta:=++vrsta+1 > @ vrsta,5 say "STEVILO ZAMUJENIH PLAIL : > "+transform(stevc,"99999") > vrsta:=++vrsta > @ vrsta,5 say "POVPRENO ZAMUJENO DNI : > "+transform(x1/stevc,"99999") > vrsta:=++vrsta > @ vrsta,1 say " " > > set century on > set printer to > set device to screen > > if nIzb=1 > //*** prenos v RTF *** > Tiskaj(cFile) > else > //*** prenos v Excel *** > SELECT POMOZNA > Copy2Excel("Preg_Zamude") > endif > > dbcloseall() > endif > RETURN nil > > > This works for me (for now) > Best regards > Zupan Miran > Slovenia > > | |
Thomas Braun | Re: Excel 2007 on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:30:17 +0200 Willy Mollers wrote: > What i need is that the "date destination colum" in Excel is formated as > date field, the program > that use this created file can only import the data if the field is a real > Excel date format. You could use the "text to columns" assistant to manually (or via macro) convert the column to date format - just as a workaround. Thomas | |
Thomas Braun | Re: Excel 2007 on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:28:37 +0200 Zupan Miran wrote: > I have the same problem with Excel 2007, (but not in Excel 2003) > When you export dbf file to excel, date field must be Character C10, > then you convert date field with ctod(xxx) in export proces.. This creates an potential additional problem if the data is to be shared between people with differend date formats, as Excel uses the systems date setting when interpreting date strings. Actually, the right thing to do would be to open a support case with Microsoft, since it is their fault. Thomas | |
Greg Doran | Re: Excel 2007 on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 02:02:44 +0100 Excel stores the date as the number of days since 1900-Jan-0. 1 = 1900-Jan-01 For example, the date 19-Jan-2000 is stored as 36,544, since 36,544 days have passed since 1900-Jan-0. So for any date after 2000-Jan-19... nDate := (MyDbf->MyDate - StoD("20000119"))+36544 Pass nDate to Excel and format the Column or Cell as Date Greg Doran, Dublin Ireland |