Alaska Software Inc. - ASINET - Can I pass a complete path?
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AuthorTopic: ASINET - Can I pass a complete path?
Richard A. PulliamASINET - Can I pass a complete path?
on Wed, 30 Mar 2005 11:42:00 -0500
I tried downloading a file from my web site.  No problem
if the file is in the root, but if I pass a path, it will not find
the file.

I tried:


Thomas Braun Re: ASINET - Can I pass a complete path?
on Thu, 31 Mar 2005 08:23:25 +0200
Richard A. Pulliam wrote:

> I tried downloading a file from my web site.  No problem
> if the file is in the root, but if I pass a path, it will not find
> the file.
> I tried:

From what you show, I would say that none of the URLs is valid

Please show us a snippet of the actual code so we can see what functions of
ASINET you are actually using.

Thomas Braun
Thomas Braun Re: ASINET - Can I pass a complete path?
on Thu, 31 Mar 2005 09:50:03 +0200
Richard A. Pulliam wrote:

> I tried downloading a file from my web site.  No problem
> if the file is in the root, but if I pass a path, it will not find
> the file.

Another idea (brute force method as a last resort)... use a protocol
sniffer like ethereal to monitor the communication between your program and
the server... maybe then you can see what the cause is.

Phil Ide
Re: ASINET - Can I pass a complete path?
on Thu, 31 Mar 2005 11:48:30 +0100

> I tried downloading a file from my web site.  No problem
> if the file is in the root, but if I pass a path, it will not find
> the file.
> I tried:
> download\
> \download\
> /download/
> \\download\\
> //download//
> ..\download\
> ..\\download\\
> ..//download//

If you are using LoadFromUrl(), then try the following:


(replace (mysite) with your domain).


Phil Ide

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Hubert Brandel LoadFromUrl - from Phil - and Flags for IGNORE_CERT_ not signed ?
on Sun, 03 Apr 2005 03:30:31 +0200
Hi Phil,

> If you are using LoadFromUrl(), then try the following:

I am just testing your LoadFromUrl() file.
My problem is, that i have made my own CERTs, because
I don't want to pay for my testing-site.
The IE or Firebird just ask me, if i will accept the
cert, even it is not signed by a trusted company.
LoadFromUrl() just gives NIL back.
In the INI I found two 'FLAG' entries wich might be usefull:

#define INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID  0x00002000  expired 
X509 Cert.
#define INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID    0x00001000  bad common 
name in X509 Cert.

My Site is
My Cert and Key is valid for
and it is not expired, just not signed from Verisign etc.

I don't know it the defines are working for me or if another is to use,
and I don't know HOW to get those Flags into the LoadFromUrl().
Which is the right parameter to give the Flags to LoadFromUrl().



My Homepage:

german  -
english -
Phil Ide
Re: LoadFromUrl - from Phil - and Flags for IGNORE_CERT_ not signed ?
on Mon, 04 Apr 2005 10:55:16 +0100

> I am just testing your LoadFromUrl() file.
> My problem is, that i have made my own CERTs, because
> I don't want to pay for my testing-site.
> The IE or Firebird just ask me, if i will accept the
> cert, even it is not signed by a trusted company.
> LoadFromUrl() just gives NIL back.
> In the INI I found two 'FLAG' entries wich might be usefull:

I've responded to this in another thread - I'll come back later with some
more suggestions/solutions.


Phil Ide

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Phil Ide
Re: LoadFromUrl - from Phil - and Flags for IGNORE_CERT_ not signed ?
on Mon, 04 Apr 2005 17:11:06 +0100

> #define INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID  0x00002000  expired 
> X509 Cert.
> #define INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID    0x00001000  bad common 
> name in X509 Cert.
> My Site is
> My Cert and Key is valid for
> and it is not expired, just not signed from Verisign etc.
> I don't know it the defines are working for me or if another is to use,
> and I don't know HOW to get those Flags into the LoadFromUrl().
> Which is the right parameter to give the Flags to LoadFromUrl().

I've added a new flag to the end of the parameter list, lIgnoreBadCerts.
Set this true and it will set both the above flags.  However, I don't think
this will resolve your problem.  You need to import the certificate into
your certificate store (see my ealier post and email to see how that is


Phil Ide

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