Alaska Software Inc. - Suggestions requested
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AuthorTopic: Suggestions requested
Bruce AndersonSuggestions requested
on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 08:23:21 -0600
I have a need to show the availability of a scheduled item as a strip chart, 
a horizontal bar showing when it is booked versus open.  I want to frame the 
data with time markings on the horizontal axis. There are multiple items to 
show and I will put them on the vertical axis.  I can do the display in a 
locally running application, but this needs to be internet accessible.  Any 
suggestions for how to show this in the internet browser client will be most 
appreciated.  Is it something as simple as html table> row>cell 

Thanks, oh Great Minds!
Bruce Anderson
Phil Ide
Re: Suggestions requested
on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 15:56:58 +0000

> I have a need to show the availability of a scheduled item as a strip chart, 
> a horizontal bar showing when it is booked versus open.  I want to frame the 
> data with time markings on the horizontal axis. There are multiple items to 
> show and I will put them on the vertical axis.  I can do the display in a 
> locally running application, but this needs to be internet accessible.  Any 
> suggestions for how to show this in the internet browser client will be most 
> appreciated.  Is it something as simple as html table> row>cell 
> construction?


1. Create a table with no border
2. Apply a style-sheet with left and bottom border as "solid 1px black"

This creates your axes.

For horizontal bars, you need to create a row with a single cell per time
granule. Put a non-breaking space in the cell, and set the background color
to one of three settings:

a) available
b) not available
c) not applicable (effectively the background color of the grid)

The grid (axes) table should have cellspacing=0.

You can make it look a bit sexier by using images instead of the
non-breaking space.  Take a look at the attached report from the WAA Remote
Controller software WaaRC.


Phil Ide

I will not have captives of one sex guarded by members of the opposite sex.
          [Things I'd do as an Evil Overlord]
Bruce AndersonRe: Suggestions requested
on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:55:59 -0600
Thank you for validating my thought.  If it is a harebrained idea, I take 
comfort in the fact that I am not alone.  But it seemed like a simple way to 
get it done and to provide some mouse click popup enhanced info dialogs for 
the user's benefit.

I could not remember where I had seen this done before, but it must have 
been your statistics report.  Very groovy.
James Loughner Re: Suggestions requested
on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 11:21:14 -0500
Do you want to make a graph??

Do line and bar graphs


Bruce Anderson wrote:
> I have a need to show the availability of a scheduled item as a strip chart, 
> a horizontal bar showing when it is booked versus open.  I want to frame the 
> data with time markings on the horizontal axis. There are multiple items to 
> show and I will put them on the vertical axis.  I can do the display in a 
> locally running application, but this needs to be internet accessible.  Any 
> suggestions for how to show this in the internet browser client will be most 
> appreciated.  Is it something as simple as html table> row>cell 
> construction?
> Thanks, oh Great Minds!
> Bruce Anderson 