Alaska Software Inc. - SendMail()
Username: Password:
AuthorTopic: SendMail()
on Thu, 24 Sep 2009 10:12:48 -0400
I have a WAA process working, but I'm trying to use SendMail() to send text 
to my email.

The problem is, my ISP requires a password, so I tried using, 
and that doesn't work either.

How can I use my Gmail account to send the email?

I am using WAA 1.9 and IIS on Windows XP Pro.
Thomas Braun
Re: SendMail()
on Fri, 25 Sep 2009 17:31:34 +0200
Michael wrote:

> I have a WAA process working, but I'm trying to use SendMail() to send text 
> to my email.

Do yourself a favour - forget about SendMail() and purchase see4XB from

Trinkl FerencRe: SendMail()
on Mon, 12 Oct 2009 12:43:10 +0200




:connect( [<cUsername>], [<cPassword>] ) --> lSuccess



<cUsername> is an optional character string specifying the name of the user 
to be used when the connection to the Smtp Server is established.


<cPassword> is a character string specifying the password that is used when 
the connection to the SMTP Server is established. If the optional parameter 
<cUserName> is passed, then this parameter becomes a mandatory parameter.


The method returns .T. (true) when a connection to the SMTP server is 
successfully established, otherwise .F. (false) is returned.


This method establishes a connection to the SMTP server a SMTPClient object 
is created for. A connection may fail if the object was instantiated with 
invalid parameters or if the SMTP server does not respond. When the 
connection is successful, e-mail messages can be sent to the server using 
the :send()  method.
In case the SMTP server requires authentification, the username and password 
can be passed as parameters to the method :connect() .


"Michael" <> az albbiakat rta a kvetkez 
hrzenetben: 67282bd8$7c2eea14$
>I have a WAA process working, but I'm trying to use SendMail() to send text 
>to my email.
> The problem is, my ISP requires a password, so I tried using 
>, and that doesn't work either.
> How can I use my Gmail account to send the email?
> I am using WAA 1.9 and IIS on Windows XP Pro.
MichaelRe: SendMail()
on Sat, 21 Nov 2009 15:52:57 -0500
I am not following this.  Can you give me an example on how to use this?

Does this set the name and password prior to calling SENDMAIL()?

I would like to use SENDMAIL() is possible, since I am short on cash.

"Trinkl Ferenc" <> wrote in message 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Class
> SMTPClient()
> Syntax
> :connect( [<cUsername>], [<cPassword>] ) --> lSuccess
> Parameters
> <cUsername>
> <cUsername> is an optional character string specifying the name of the 
> user to be used when the connection to the Smtp Server is established.
> <cPassword>
> <cPassword> is a character string specifying the password that is used 
> when the connection to the SMTP Server is established. If the optional 
> parameter <cUserName> is passed, then this parameter becomes a mandatory 
> parameter.
> Return
> The method returns .T. (true) when a connection to the SMTP server is 
> successfully established, otherwise .F. (false) is returned.
> Description
> This method establishes a connection to the SMTP server a SMTPClient 
> object is created for. A connection may fail if the object was 
> instantiated with invalid parameters or if the SMTP server does not 
> respond. When the connection is successful, e-mail messages can be sent to 
> the server using the :send()  method.
> In case the SMTP server requires authentification, the username and 
> password can be passed as parameters to the method :connect() .
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Michael" <> az albbiakat rta a kvetkez 
> hrzenetben: 67282bd8$7c2eea14$
>>I have a WAA process working, but I'm trying to use SendMail() to send 
>>text to my email.
>> The problem is, my ISP requires a password, so I tried using 
>>, and that doesn't work either.
>> How can I use my Gmail account to send the email?
>> I am using WAA 1.9 and IIS on Windows XP Pro.