Alaska Software Inc. - how to access a folder on a network
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AuthorTopic: how to access a folder on a network
Les C. Csehhow to access a folder on a network
on Fri, 18 May 2007 16:23:41 -0400
Hi ..i have a waa app that currently includes links to images and faxes via 
a link such as http://hostname/docs/filename.jpg. This works well.

I am in the process of moving the waa app to another server, but still 
accessing all the data and documents on the original server.

I tried adding a virtual directory on the new server to the web hierarchy 
that would point to the original server, but the virtual server dialog only 
shows drives on the local PC.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Les C. CsehRe: how to access a folder on a network
on Fri, 18 May 2007 16:28:48 -0400
d-oh .. the dialog may not alllow you to browse to network folders, but it 
did accept \\servername\folder

have a great weekend, everyone.


"Les C. Cseh" <> wrote in message 
> Hi ..i have a waa app that currently includes links to images and faxes 
> via a link such as http://hostname/docs/filename.jpg. This works well.
> I am in the process of moving the waa app to another server, but still 
> accessing all the data and documents on the original server.
> I tried adding a virtual directory on the new server to the web hierarchy 
> that would point to the original server, but the virtual server dialog 
> only shows drives on the local PC.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> Les