Alaska Software Inc. - vista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
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AuthorTopic: vista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
news.alaska-software.comvista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 16:03:12 -0400
I am new to Vista, and am trying to duplicate my previous IIS / WAA 1.82 
setup that I was using under XP.

I configured CGI-BIN the way I always had, but when my WAA app goes from the 
static "login" page, I get:

HTTP Error 405.0 - Method Not Allowed
The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method 
(HTTP verb) is being used. Detailed Error InformationModule StaticFileModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler StaticFile
Error Code 0x80070001
Requested URL http://localhost:80/cgi-bin/waa1gate.exe
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\waa1gate.exe
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous

My best guess is that the gateway does not have the correct permissions. I 
could not find the equivalent IIS admin page where I could set "allow 
executable and scripts", but when I checked permissions, all users including 
the IIS user have "Read and Execute" permission.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

Les C. CsehRe: vista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 16:07:38 -0400
Just noticed that my user name was not correctly set. Let's see if I have it 
right when I send this.


"" <> wrote in message 
>I am new to Vista, and am trying to duplicate my previous IIS / WAA 1.82 
>setup that I was using under XP.
> I configured CGI-BIN the way I always had, but when my WAA app goes from 
> the static "login" page, I get:
> HTTP Error 405.0 - Method Not Allowed
> The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method 
> (HTTP verb) is being used. Detailed Error InformationModule 
> StaticFileModule
> Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
> Handler StaticFile
> Error Code 0x80070001
> Requested URL http://localhost:80/cgi-bin/waa1gate.exe
> Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\waa1gate.exe
> Logon Method Anonymous
> Logon User Anonymous
> My best guess is that the gateway does not have the correct permissions. I 
> could not find the equivalent IIS admin page where I could set "allow 
> executable and scripts", but when I checked permissions, all users 
> including the IIS user have "Read and Execute" permission.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> Les
Pablo BotellaRe: vista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 09:20:19 +0200
Hi Les,

Have you copied the WAA1GATE.CFG to the system directory?

Pablo Botella
Les C. CsehRe: vista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 08:13:55 -0400
Hi, Pablo .. my waa1gate.cfg is also in the cgi-bin folder (same place i 
have had it with xp).

But I just got the #$()#&$) thing working  .. there is a day of my life I 
would like back 

In IIS 7 (and I think from what I read IIS 6), you need to do the following 
additional step:

- in the IIS Manager, for the default web site (or the specific one you wish 
to enable this for), select Add Script Map and complete it as follows:

request path: waa1gate.exe
executable: c:\intepub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\waa1gate.exe
name: alaska waa gateway (or whateever you want)

- while still in the same dialog, click Request Restrictions button, click 
on the Access tab, and select Execute.


"Pablo Botella" <> wrote in message 
> Hi Les,
> Have you copied the WAA1GATE.CFG to the system directory?
> Regards,
> Pablo Botella
Bruce AndersonRe: vista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:15:57 -0500
Vista Ultimate (which means I have the power to command the Universe, I 
IIS Manager
Your Host (top of the tree) already has its features expanded in center 
ISAPI and CGI Restriction (in the IIS portion, between ASP.NET and 
Management), right click.
Open Feature
Right hand panel lets you Add/Edit/Delete
Put in the path and check allow extention path to execute.
Bruce AndersonRe: vista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 17:01:18 -0500
BTW, this is how to setup IIS for using WAA1GATE.ISA.  As I understand, only 
one instance of this file will be loaded regardless of the number of 
websites, clients, etc. operating on this server.  I believe if you use 
WAA1GATE.EXE, multiple instances will load.
Pablo BotellaRe: vista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 02:52:21 +0200

> BTW, this is how to setup IIS for using WAA1GATE.ISA.  As I understand, only 
> one instance of this file will be loaded regardless of the number of 
> websites, clients, etc. operating on this server.  I believe if you use 
> WAA1GATE.EXE, multiple instances will load. 

Yes waa1gate.isa is a dll using the IIS API to retrieve the data while the exe is a cgi, not only multiple instances charged with the exe but also the data retrieval is slower with the cgi method.

Pablo Botella
Les C. Cseh (ASAP Checks)Re: vista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 18:11:20 -0400
Thanks, Pablo.


"Pablo Botella" <> wrote in message 
> Hi,
>> BTW, this is how to setup IIS for using WAA1GATE.ISA.  As I understand, 
>> only
>> one instance of this file will be loaded regardless of the number of
>> websites, clients, etc. operating on this server.  I believe if you use
>> WAA1GATE.EXE, multiple instances will load.
> Yes waa1gate.isa is a dll using the IIS API to retrieve the data while the 
> exe is a cgi, not only multiple instances charged with the exe but also 
> the data retrieval is slower with the cgi method.
> Regards,
> Pablo Botella
Les C. Cseh (ASAP Checks)Re: vista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 18:10:11 -0400
Thanks, Bruce.

Was there supposed to be an attachment?


"Bruce Anderson" <> wrote in message 
> BTW, this is how to setup IIS for using WAA1GATE.ISA.  As I understand, 
> only one instance of this file will be loaded regardless of the number of 
> websites, clients, etc. operating on this server.  I believe if you use 
> WAA1GATE.EXE, multiple instances will load.
Bruce AndersonRe: vista iis (7?) and waa 1.82
on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 18:35:29 -0500
No, there's no attachment.  I was just verbally clumsy.  Immediately after I 
posted the way to setup IIS v.7 for WAA1GATE.ISA, I saw your message saying 
you had gotten WAA1GATE.EXE to work.  I didn't know if you were aware of the 
difference between the two file types, so I added the postscript 

The ISA version works well with IIS's virtual hosting ability.  I can add a 
website specific DLL and reference it WAA1SRV.CFG, restart WAA1SRV.EXE, and 
it just works.  I have had six different websites for four different 
customers running simultaneously on one server this way.