Alaska Software Inc. - apache 2.2
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AuthorTopic: apache 2.2
Peterapache 2.2
on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 20:16:18 +0200
because I heard, that there are perhaps security-problems with apache 1.3 I 
installed apache 2.2. I got it run now, but when I try the waa-samples friom 
alaska, there comes no reaction from the server. With apache 1.3 there was 
not any problem. Perhaps I made a mistake in the http.conf for apache 2.2. 
Does somebody has an apache 2.2-exampl-cfg-file or can tell me, what mistake 
I probably made?
Phil Ide
Re: apache 2.2
on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 00:58:14 +0100

> because I heard, that there are perhaps security-problems with apache 1.3 I 
> installed apache 2.2. I got it run now, but when I try the waa-samples friom 
> alaska, there comes no reaction from the server. With apache 1.3 there was 
> not any problem. Perhaps I made a mistake in the http.conf for apache 2.2. 
> Does somebody has an apache 2.2-exampl-cfg-file or can tell me, what mistake 
> I probably made?

I'm using Apache 2.0.48 without problems. If you send me your httpd.conf,
I'll take a look at it (and also your waa1gate.cfg and startwaa.bat).

I always use vhosts, which I find are much better than the monolith host, so
perhpas if you aren't doing that I could show you how it's done.
Configuration of vhosts seem to throw people, but onc setup, vhosts are much
easier to configure and maintain.


Phil Ide

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quiet civil ceremony, not a lavish spectacle in three weeks' time during
which the final phase of my plan will be carried out.
          [Things I'd do as an Evil Overlord]
PeterRe: apache 2.2
on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 18:06:13 +0200
Hi Phil,

> I'm using Apache 2.0.48 without problems. If you send me your httpd.conf,
> I'll take a look at it (and also your waa1gate.cfg and startwaa.bat).

Perhaps I made a mistake, when sending my configuration-files to your 
email-adress. Now I put it here.

Phil Ide
Re: apache 2.2
on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 18:18:59 +0100

>> I'm using Apache 2.0.48 without problems. If you send me your httpd.conf,
>> I'll take a look at it (and also your waa1gate.cfg and startwaa.bat).
> Perhaps I made a mistake, when sending my configuration-files to your 
> email-adress. Now I put it here.
> regards

Thanks, I've tried emailing you but get rejection messages. I'll take a look
and report back.


Phil Ide

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