Author | Topic: Lost cargo | |
Allen Lee | Lost cargo on Tue, 15 Jun 2010 14:02:20 -0700 Hi All: Has anyone had session parameters dropped between screens? Scenerio example: Call oContext:setCargo() and store an 8 element array on first page. Call oContext:getCargo() on 5 subsequent pages Occasionally, a user will find the array undefined (not retrieved) The oContext:getCargo() could be successful on 4 pages and fail on the fifth ... OR fail on the third page. We know that it is not a programming issue because the same user could logout and try again later and everything works. I cannot reproduce this problem. Web server stats: Max Service Time: 15.64 Avg Service Time: 0.14 Worker Threads: 12 Workload Peak: 2 Would setting WAA_TRACE (off) or WAA_INTERNAL_LOG (off) to ON provide any clues? Could the issue by related to slow response time of the user's network? | |
Jack Duijf | Re: Lost cargo on Wed, 16 Jun 2010 19:54:47 +0200 Hello, Try to log all your SetCargo() and GetCargo() See code below. This wil exactly tell you when and how often the Getcargo() and SetCargo() is called in wich thread. You can add any other requirerd info in ::AddToLog() Change oContact := oldcontext():New() To oContect := Log_Context():New() Hope this helps. Regards, Jack Duijf CLASS Log_Context FROM oldcontext HIDDEN: VAR cLogFile METHOD AddToLog EXPORTED: METHOD Init METHOD Destroy METHOD SetCargo METHOD GetCargo ENDCLASS METHOD Log_Context:Init(p1,p2,p3,p4) ::oldcontext:Init(p1,p2,p3,p4) ::cLogFile := "C:\Log\Myapp\Log_Context.log") ::AddToLog("Init()") Return SELF METHOD Log_Context:Destroy() ::oldcontext:Destroy() ::AddToLog("Destroy()") Return SELF METHOD Log_Context:SetCargo(uVar) ::oldcontext:SetCargo(uVar) ::AddToLog("SetCargo(" + Var2Char(uVar) + ")") Return uVar METHOD Log_Context:GetCargo() LOCAL uRet := ::oldcontext:GetCargo() ::AddToLog("GetVargo() = " + Var2Char(uRet)) Return uRet METHOD Log_Context:AddToLog(cLog) cLog := "ThreadId() = " + AllTrim(Str(ThreadId())) + " : " + cLog Sy_addToLog(::cLogFile,cLog) Return FUNCTION Sy_AddToLog(cFile,cText) Return Sy_AppendToLog(cFile,Chr(13) + Chr(10) + Dtoc(Date()) + " " + Left(Time(),8) + " : " + cText) FUNCTION Sy_AppendToLog(cFile,cText) LOCAL nHandle := -1 File handle LOCAL lOk := FALSE Default, error LOCAL nBytes := 0 Bytes written to file LOCAL cString := cText + Chr(13) + Chr(10) String + CR + LF nHandle := Fopen(cFile,FO_READWRITE) Open existing file if nHandle < 0 .and. Ferror()= 2 File not found nHandle := Fcreate(cFile) Creat new empty file endif if nHandle > -1 File is open Fseek(nHandle,-2,FS_END) Position to end of file - 2 nBytes := Fwrite(nHandle,cString) Fclose(nHandle) Close file lOk := nBytes = (Len(cString)) All data written ? endif Return lOk Op 15-6-2010 23:02, Allen Lee schreef: > Hi All: > Has anyone had session parameters dropped between screens? > > Scenerio example: > Call oContext:setCargo() and store an 8 element array on first page. > Call oContext:getCargo() on 5 subsequent pages > Occasionally, a user will find the array undefined (not retrieved) > > The oContext:getCargo() could be successful on 4 pages and fail on the > fifth ... OR fail on the third page. > > We know that it is not a programming issue because the same user could > logout and try again later and everything works. > I cannot reproduce this problem. > > Web server stats: > Max Service Time: 15.64 > Avg Service Time: 0.14 > Worker Threads: 12 > Workload Peak: 2 > > Would setting WAA_TRACE (off) or WAA_INTERNAL_LOG (off) to ON provide > any clues? > > Could the issue by related to slow response time of the user's network? |