Alaska Software Inc. - Problems with session management
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AuthorTopic: Problems with session management
Thomas Braun
Problems with session management
on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 15:28:06 +0200

I'm running an event registration site with WAA and I'm using the built-in 
session management of WAA.

At the beginning of the registration process I'm creating a unique random
session key which is stored via SetCargo() and passed on to the next
registration page via SetVar():

   IF nStep = 1 .AND. EMPTY(cSession)
      cSession := RandomPass(64)
      oCon:SetCargo("SESSION", cSession)

   oH:SetVar( "SESSION", cSession )

On every following registration step, I check if the session key from the
"cargo" is the same as the key on the page itself:

LOCAL cSession := oH:GetVar( "SESSION" )
   IF ! EMPTY(cSession) .AND. VALTYPE(oCon:GetCargo("SESSION")) == "C"
      IF cSession != oCon:GetCargo("SESSION")

If the two keys do not match, I send an email to the administrator (= me

Recently, I have quite a lot of session errors and I'm wondering what could
cause this... any ideas?

Just a few minutes ago I got the following error, alos related to the
session management:

Invalid datatype for index key


But only from one client, several others where registering at the same time
without problems - I deleted waa1srv.dbf/fpt/cdx, hoping this cures the

Does anyone know how exactly the session logic works with WAA?

I suppose the WAA sends a cookie to the browser on oContext:OpenSession()

I also think the session data is stored in waa1srv.dbf/fpt/cdx

Vladimir IahnencoRe: Problems with session management
on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 10:29:26 -0400
I have never got this errors.
I check if user browser support cookies. When we start WAA, we define a 
global var DtoS(Date())+Time()+Whatever. When a user logs in, we send a 
cookie myCookie=MyGlobalVar. Next session we check if this cookie exists and 
equal to MyGlobalVar.

Your issue probably because of multiple computers with the same IP, also I 
got some complains that some applications do no allow to send cookies or 
interfere ith them in some way.

I recall we had some issues with HTML:SetCookie, so I set them in a bit 
different way. Email me if you need any piece of source.


"Thomas Braun" <> wrote in message 
> Hi,
> I'm running an event registration site with WAA and I'm using the built-in
> session management of WAA.
> At the beginning of the registration process I'm creating a unique random
> session key which is stored via SetCargo() and passed on to the next
> registration page via SetVar():
>   IF nStep = 1 .AND. EMPTY(cSession)
>      cSession := RandomPass(64)
>      oCon:SetCargo("SESSION", cSession)
>   oH:SetVar( "SESSION", cSession )
> On every following registration step, I check if the session key from the
> "cargo" is the same as the key on the page itself:
> LOCAL cSession := oH:GetVar( "SESSION" )
> ...
>   IF ! EMPTY(cSession) .AND. VALTYPE(oCon:GetCargo("SESSION")) == "C"
>      IF cSession != oCon:GetCargo("SESSION")
> If the two keys do not match, I send an email to the administrator (= me
> Recently, I have quite a lot of session errors and I'm wondering what 
> could
> cause this... any ideas?
> Just a few minutes ago I got the following error, alos related to the
> session management:
> Invalid datatype for index key
>     REGSAVE(2323)
>     SERVEJOB(313)
> But only from one client, several others where registering at the same 
> time
> without problems - I deleted waa1srv.dbf/fpt/cdx, hoping this cures the
> problem.
> Does anyone know how exactly the session logic works with WAA?
> I suppose the WAA sends a cookie to the browser on oContext:OpenSession()
> I also think the session data is stored in waa1srv.dbf/fpt/cdx
> regards,
> Thomas