Alaska Software Inc. - HTML ComboBox Code
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AuthorTopic: HTML ComboBox Code
Bruce AndersonHTML ComboBox Code
on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 14:30:06 -0600
This is a way to create a combobox, a very useful item which does not have a 
pure representation in html.  You are left to cobble one together from 
component parts and a little innovative coding on your own.  I am struck by 
how similar this situation is to what we faced when XBase++ first came out 
and there was no GET method, per se.  Using a phrase from the late 60's, we 
had to "roll our own".

This example lets the user select the "origin" from an array.  However, if 
the array does not include what the user needs, he can write it in.  This 
all happens in what appears to be a single dialog window, but actually is 
two separate windows superimposed one on top of the other.  If the user 
picks an item from the list, its value is also saved to the input var 
"m_ORIGIN", which is important var. If the user types an entry into the 
dialog, this entry is also appended to the select array should he go back to 
this method of data entry.  By making each <td> cell a <div>, this technique 
can be used multiple times on a single screen.  This code is partly borrowed 
and partly mine.

    <style type="text/css">
       .txtBox1 { position: absolute;
            top: 2px;
            left: 80px;
            width: 50px;
            z-index: 5;  }           this sets the "text" input behind the 
"select" input
       .dropDown1 { position: absolute;
               top: 2px;
               left: 80px;
               width: 75px;          this is 25px wider to accommodate the 
pull down arrow control
               border: 0;
               z-index: 0; }

            oHtml:put([<input type="text" name="m_ORIGIN" id="m_ORIGIN" 
class="txtBox1" onkeypress="return fakeCombo(this,'m_O_SEL',event);" /><br 
            oHtml:put([<select name="m_O_SEL" id="m_O_SEL" class="dropDown1" 
onChange="comboSelect(this,'m_ORIGIN');" />])
            for n := 1 to len( aOrigin )
               cId := aOrigin[n]
               oHtml:put([<option value="] + cId + [" >] + cId + 

JavaScript Code
    function fakeCombo(xText,xSelect,eEvent)
      var S = document.getElementById(xSelect);
      var L = S.options.length;
      var found = false;
      var myIndex = 0;
      var keycode;
      if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {keycode = 
eEvent.keyCode; }
      else   { keycode = eEvent.which }

      if (keycode == 13)
      {  for (var i=0; i <= L-1; i++) { if (xText.value == 
S.options[i].value) {found = true; myIndex = i}; }
          if (found) { S.options.selectedIndex = myIndex; }
          else { S.options[S.options.length] = new 
                S.options.selectedIndex = (S.options.length - 1); }
          return false;

function comboSelect(xSelect,xText)
{ document.getElementById(xText).value = 

Bruce Anderson
Graphical Database Programs

Allen Lee Re: HTML ComboBox Code
on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 12:02:45 -0800
Hi Bruce;
I really liked your example.
It reminds me of the help that Phil and others used to give.
What a great guy you are to share your code with our community.
Thomas Braun
Re: HTML ComboBox Code
on Thu, 29 Jan 2009 09:14:59 +0100
Bruce Anderson wrote:

> This is a way to create a combobox, a very useful item which does not have a 
> pure representation in html.  

nice work - on which browsers does this work?

Bruce AndersonRe: HTML ComboBox Code
on Thu, 29 Jan 2009 07:30:19 -0600
It does work on IE, Firefox, and Safari. I have not tested it on any others.
Thomas Braun
Re: HTML ComboBox Code
on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 13:14:44 +0100
Bruce Anderson wrote:

> It does work on IE, Firefox, and Safari. I have not tested it on any others.

