Alaska Software Inc. - html email sending
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AuthorTopic: html email sending
Butch Balascohtml email sending
on Fri, 18 Mar 2005 11:13:09 -0500
Vladimir IahnencoRe: html email sending
on Mon, 21 Mar 2005 00:54:56 -0500



  "Butch Balasco" <> wrote in message news:0L4EIV9KFHA.6160@S15147418...
  Does anyone have a way of sending a html email through 
  oContext:sendMail function..
  Sure would app. a sample if this can be done..

  Thanks for the help
  Butch Balasco
Bruce AndersonRe: html email sending
on Sun, 27 Mar 2005 11:19:21 -0600