Alaska Software Inc. - help!!! error [35] general protection fault in farmacia.exe at 01CF:0B9
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AuthorTopic: help!!! error [35] general protection fault in farmacia.exe at 01CF:0B9
GShelp!!! error [35] general protection fault in farmacia.exe at 01CF:0B9
on Thu, 04 Aug 2005 12:11:57 +0200
Hi, I want help because I have the error message in title when I compile
with exospace. I always compile with clipper 5.3 and exospace but now, after
a XP update I can't do it.Please help me!
Rodd GrahamRe: help!!! error [35] general protection fault in farmacia.exe at 01CF:0B9
on Thu, 04 Aug 2005 22:41:31 -0500

Since this is a clipper app, I am not sure why you are posting on an Xbase++ 
newsgroup.  Regardless, here is my two cents worth...

I currently have a Clipper 5.2e/Blinker 7 app running fine on the WinXPsp2 
with all windows updates.  You should look at your .MAP file to determine 
the source of the offending code and use the clipper debugger to step your 
code until the GPF occurs to isolate the clipper logic in use.

Clipper should not be affected much by Windows changes since it runs within 
the NTVDM (Virtual Dos Machine) and interacts with the OS using the Dos api.

However, the blink inc ( tech support page does suggest 
that GPFs were introduced in clipper on Win2k/XP versions.  However, my own 
clipper GPF experience suggests that there are many minor situations that 
create GPF problems.  The .MAP file and debugger are your best starting 


"GS" <> wrote in message 
> Hi, I want help because I have the error message in title when I compile
> with exospace. I always compile with clipper 5.3 and exospace but now, 
> after
> a XP update I can't do it.Please help me!
Alfred Janssen Re: help!!! error [35] general protection fault in farmacia.exe at 01CF:0B9
on Fri, 05 Aug 2005 10:49:00 +0200
GS schrieb:

>Hi, I want help because I have the error message in title when I compile
>with exospace. I always compile with clipper 5.3 and exospace but now, after
>a XP update I can't do it.Please help me!

try the machine with DOS 6.20, Win95 or Win 98 attempts by floppy disk 
to start. The link-routine starts then.

Roger MettamRe: help!!! error [35] general protection fault in farmacia.exe at 01CF:0B9
on Tue, 16 Aug 2005 14:05:39 +0200
I had a similar error and through a clipper newsgroup I received help that 
solved the problem

Try removing the hot fix KB885835 or upgrade to  Service Pack 2

"GS" <> wrote in message 
> Hi, I want help because I have the error message in title when I compile
> with exospace. I always compile with clipper 5.3 and exospace but now, 
> after
> a XP update I can't do it.Please help me!