Alaska Software Inc. - DLL access
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AuthorTopic: DLL access
Wolfgang CiriackDLL access
on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 19:30:24 +0100
Hi all,
i have a DLL from which i try to use a function without succsess.
From the docs of the DLL:

There are different Interfaces in the DLL

interface IDataConv: IDispatch

IID for the interface:
Interface:  IDataConv
IID:     5AC83EFF-D070-46CE-87EA-3DAD6FC5C34A

CLSID for the interface
Interface: IDataConv
CLSID:   68EDCA10-F381-4161-ACFC-B71010C7D795

Comment for the Declaration
Zur Instanziierung unter VB ist folgende Deklaration notwendig
Interface Deklaration
IDataConv SIGNUTILLib.DataConv

Then the methods follow.

I tried the following:

n:=DLLLoad("SignUtil.dll")    ->ok, n>0
l:=DLLInfo(n,DLL_INFO_LOADED)   ->.T.

aT:=DllInfo(n, DLL_INFO_FUNCLIST)      -> {}

if i try to call a method from the DLL, the error "no such function" arises.
From the description it looks like an ActiveX with CLSID and methods, but 
there is no .OCX.

Is it possible to use these DLLs with XBase++ ?

Regards Wolfgang