Thomas Braun wrote:
> Claudio Driussi:
>> P.S. Intellihelp and Intellicode are more difficult in Xbase++ than
>> in Delphi, because in Xbase++ the variables aren't tipized
> I don't think this has much to do with language features, IntelliHelp
> and IntelliCode is more or less a sophisticated dictionary lookup
> logic.
> You can take a look at the C# source of SharpDevelop at
> to find out how features like these can be
> implemented.
> With a some effort it could even be possible to use SharpDevelop for
> Xbase++, but who would want to do this, now that the VX IDE is about
> to be finished at last ))
I know I'm gonna be, from now on, for all times, the Evil here...
I've downloaded the .NET SDK from M$ recently as well as SharpDevelop.
Nb, just nb, SharpDevelop is below version 1.0 and does contain a
(buggy) form designer. For all this stuff, I paid... well... am I
allowed to say it? Well, what the heck... I paid nothing, since this
stuff is free. And, imho, just imho, it is at least VX 1.999. It is
indeed missing a debugger. But one is indeed free to buy the real thing,
i.e. VS.
I then just jumped into the ice-cold water, and one day later, never
written any line of C# before, I had a generic MDI application. Another
day later I found out how to handle database access via ODBC (just to
name it: DBFCDX via ADS). And from there I went on some hours surfing to
kill the last living enemy, named "eval", or codeblocks. "He is dead,
Jim!" In other words: .NET provides, via
JScript/VBScript/WhatsoeverScript, a more than simple API to make your
app script-able. Just a few lines in JScript itself, a call to jsc.exe,
some fiddling with references to the project, and there you are!
Alaska, it's getting cold out there. Very cold, I suppose.