Alaska Software Inc. - just a curious question for ARD...
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AuthorTopic: just a curious question for ARD...
Carsten Posingiesjust a curious question for ARD...
on Thu, 15 Jan 2004 13:14:39 +0100
VX2 is written in which programming language?
Thomas Braun Re: just a curious question for ARD...
on Thu, 15 Jan 2004 15:35:14 +0100
Carsten Posingies:

> VX2 is written in which programming language?

Load vxide20.exe into a hex editor, search for the word "borland" and find
out for yourself.

HINT: The first hit should tell you enough 

Claudio Driussi Re: just a curious question for ARD...
on Thu, 15 Jan 2004 17:13:34 +0100
Thomas Braun wrote:

>>VX2 is written in which programming language?
> Load vxide20.exe into a hex editor, search for the word "borland" and find
> out for yourself.
> HINT: The first hit should tell you enough 

Whow! I seen, the keymapping of editor is the same of Delphi.

Now i am not afraid for the VX 3.0 linux IDE, it will be written
in Kylix.

And the new GUI will be a wrapper around QT like Kylix ord will
be rewritten from scratch?

Claudio Driussi

P.S. Intellihelp and Intellicode are more difficult in Xbase++ than
in Delphi, because in Xbase++ the variables aren't tipized so
great work by Alaska people, well done!
Mike EvansRe: just a curious question for ARD...
on Thu, 15 Jan 2004 18:17:30 +0200
Steffen allready said that they are planning for somethink like Local oXbp AS XbpStatic etc. So it will be possible in the future
for the VX to recognize the type of a variable.
As for the language they are using Borland Delphi - an addon library -  Microsoft C++ and Xbase++.

Mike Evans

"Claudio Driussi" <> wrote in message news:nUmfFK42DHA.2016@S15147418...
> Thomas Braun wrote:
> >>VX2 is written in which programming language?
> >
> > Load vxide20.exe into a hex editor, search for the word "borland" and find
> > out for yourself.
> >
> > HINT: The first hit should tell you enough 
> Whow! I seen, the keymapping of editor is the same of Delphi.
> Now i am not afraid for the VX 3.0 linux IDE, it will be written
> in Kylix.
> And the new GUI will be a wrapper around QT like Kylix ord will
> be rewritten from scratch?
> Regards.
> Claudio Driussi
> P.S. Intellihelp and Intellicode are more difficult in Xbase++ than
> in Delphi, because in Xbase++ the variables aren't tipized so
> great work by Alaska people, well done!
Thomas Braun Re: just a curious question for ARD...
on Thu, 15 Jan 2004 17:52:58 +0100
Claudio Driussi:

> P.S. Intellihelp and Intellicode are more difficult in Xbase++ than
> in Delphi, because in Xbase++ the variables aren't tipized

I don't think this has much to do with language features, IntelliHelp and
IntelliCode is more or less a sophisticated dictionary lookup logic.

You can take a look at the C# source of SharpDevelop at
to find out how features like these can be implemented.

With a some effort it could even be possible to use SharpDevelop for
Xbase++, but who would want to do this, now that the VX IDE is about to be
finished at last ))

Thomas Braun
Carsten PosingiesRe: just a curious question for ARD...
on Fri, 16 Jan 2004 21:06:06 +0100
Thomas Braun wrote:
> Claudio Driussi:
>> P.S. Intellihelp and Intellicode are more difficult in Xbase++ than
>> in Delphi, because in Xbase++ the variables aren't tipized
> I don't think this has much to do with language features, IntelliHelp
> and IntelliCode is more or less a sophisticated dictionary lookup
> logic.
> You can take a look at the C# source of SharpDevelop at
> to find out how features like these can be
> implemented.
> With a some effort it could even be possible to use SharpDevelop for
> Xbase++, but who would want to do this, now that the VX IDE is about
> to be finished at last ))


I know I'm gonna be, from now on, for all times, the Evil here...

I've downloaded the .NET SDK from M$ recently as well as SharpDevelop.
Nb, just nb, SharpDevelop is below version 1.0 and does contain a
(buggy) form designer. For all this stuff, I paid... well... am I
allowed to say it? Well, what the heck... I paid nothing, since this
stuff is free. And, imho, just imho, it is at least VX 1.999. It is
indeed missing a debugger. But one is indeed free to buy the real thing,
i.e. VS.

I then just jumped into the ice-cold water, and one day later, never
written any line of C# before, I had a generic MDI application. Another
day later I found out how to handle database access via ODBC (just to
name it: DBFCDX via ADS). And from there I went on some hours surfing to
kill the last living enemy, named "eval", or codeblocks. "He is dead,
Jim!" In other words: .NET provides, via
JScript/VBScript/WhatsoeverScript, a more than simple API to make your
app script-able. Just a few lines in JScript itself, a call to jsc.exe,
some fiddling with references to the project, and there you are!

Alaska, it's getting cold out there. Very cold, I suppose.










