Author | Topic: Directory tree | |
Bengt Ovelius | Directory tree on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 17:20:49 +0200 Is there a good recursive formula that can collect all files into an array in a specified directory tree ..probably based on DIRECTORY() Thanks and Best regards Bengt Ovelius | |
AUGE_OHR | Re: Directory tree on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 18:04:12 +0200 hi, > Is there a good recursive formula that can > collect all files into an array in a > specified directory tree > ..probably based on DIRECTORY() try this : *** snip *** #xtranslate .filename => \[1\] #xtranslate .filesize => \[2\] #xtranslate .filedate => \[3\] #xtranslate .filetime => \[4\] #xtranslate .fileattrib => \[5\] #xtranslate aDIZ => Stack\[SP,1] #xtranslate nLEN => Stack\[SP,2] #xtranslate nCount => Stack\[SP,3] #xtranslate nStartAt => Stack\[SP,4] STATIC aAllFiles := {} PROCEDURE MAIN ... searching recursive from cPathName for *.MP3 RECUDIRS( cPathName, "*.MP3", {|x,y| DoNextWork(x,y, "*.MP3")} ) ... RETURN PROCEDURE RECUDIRS(p_path, p_wildcard, bblock) aDIZ := Directory(p_path+"*.*","D") nLEN := LEN(aDIZ) make all FileNames LOWER() AEVAL(aDIZ, {|x| x.filename := LOWER(x.filename) }) ASORT(aDIZ,,, {|x,y| x.filename < y.filename}) First, put all sub-directories at the beginning of the list ASORT(aDIZ,,, {|x,y| "D" $ x.fileattrib }) Now, lets find out where the other files are AEVAL(aDIZ, {|x,i| nStartAt := ; IF("D" $ x.fileattrib, i, nStartAt) }) Sort sub-directories only ASORT(aDIZ, 1, nStartAt, {|x,y| x.filename < y.filename}) nStartAt++ Sort only the non-directory files. Sort Array based on the first subarray element nLEN := LEN(aDIZ) * IF nLEN > 1 * ASORT( aDIZ, nStartAt,, {|x,y| CompareFile(x.filename,y.filename) } ) * ASORT( aDIZ, nStartAt,, {|x,y| x.filename < y.filename}) * ENDIF FOR nCount = 1 to nLEN IF "D" $ aDIZ[nCount,F_ATTR] .AND. .NOT. ; (aDIZ[nCount,F_NAME] = "." .OR. ; aDIZ[nCount,F_NAME] ="..") RECUDIRS(p_path+aDIZ[nCount,F_NAME]+"\",p_wildcard,bblock) ELSE EVAL(bblock,p_path,aDIZ[nCount,F_NAME]) ENDIF NEXT ENDIF RETURN FUNCTION DoNextWork(ccPath,ccFile,ccWildcard) LOCAL nPosi := RAT(".",ccWildcard) LOCAL cExt := SUBSTR(ccWildcard,nPosi,LEN(ccWildcard)-nPosi) we only take "some" files with valid Extension (*.MP3) IF (cExt) $ ccWildcard AADD( aAllFiles, ccPath+ccFile ) ENDIF RETURN *** eof *** greetings by OHR Jimmy |