Alaska Software Inc. - Why This Error?
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AuthorTopic: Why This Error?
Donald R. KeatingWhy This Error?
on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 06:28:48 -0400
Hi Y'all,

Someone please tell me why code below gives 
[Error] APPBROW.PRG(795): XBT0236: Incomplete statement or unbalanced

aFIELDS:= {{"FNAME"   ,"FIRST NAME"             ,.T.,       ,,,12}     ,;
           {"MI"      ,"I"                      ,.T.             }     ,:
           {"LNAME"   ,"LAST NAME^"             ,.T.,       ,,,16}     ,;
           {"CLUBNO"  ,"CLUB#^"                 ,.T.,"!9999",,, 4}     ,;
           {{||if(empty(right(MTG->MBRNO,1)),MTG->MBRNO," GST")},"MBR#" ;
                                                ,.T.,"9999" ,,, 3}     ,;
           {"REGDATE" ,"DATE^"                  ,.T.,"@D"        }     ,;
           {"PREREG"  ,"PRE;REG"                ,.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
           {"REG1"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT1)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
           {"REG2"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT2)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
           {"REG3"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT3)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
           {"REG4"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT4)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
           {"REG5"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT5)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
           {"REG6"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT6)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
           {"REG7"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT7)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
           {"REG8"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT8)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
           {"REG9"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT9)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
           {"NOTES"   ,"NOTES"                  ,.T.             }}


Karl Heinz HammelrathRe: Why This Error?
on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 12:51:12 +0200
Hi Donald,

you used a ':' instead of ';' at the end in the 'MI' line:

  {"MI"      ,"I"                      ,.T.             }     ,:

Karl Heinz

"Donald R. Keating" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi Y'all,
> Someone please tell me why code below gives
> [Error] APPBROW.PRG(795): XBT0236: Incomplete statement or unbalanced
> delimiters?
> aFIELDS:= {{"FNAME"   ,"FIRST NAME"             ,.T.,       ,,,12}     ,;
>           {"MI"      ,"I"                      ,.T.             }     ,:
>           {"LNAME"   ,"LAST NAME^"             ,.T.,       ,,,16}     ,;
>           {"CLUBNO"  ,"CLUB#^"                 ,.T.,"!9999",,, 4}     ,;
>           {{||if(empty(right(MTG->MBRNO,1)),MTG->MBRNO," GST")},"MBR#" ;
>                                                ,.T.,"9999" ,,, 3}     ,;
>           {"REGDATE" ,"DATE^"                  ,.T.,"@D"        }     ,;
>           {"PREREG"  ,"PRE;REG"                ,.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>           {"REG1"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT1)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>           {"REG2"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT2)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>           {"REG3"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT3)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>           {"REG4"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT4)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>           {"REG5"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT5)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>           {"REG6"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT6)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>           {"REG7"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT7)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>           {"REG8"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT8)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>           {"REG9"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT9)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>           {"NOTES"   ,"NOTES"                  ,.T.             }}
> Thanks.
>   >don<
Donald R. KeatingRe: Why This Error?
on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 09:18:04 -0400
On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 12:51:12 +0200, Karl Heinz Hammelrath wrote:

> Hi Donald,
> you used a ':' instead of ';' at the end in the 'MI' line:
>   {"MI"      ,"I"                      ,.T.             }     ,:
> Karl Heinz
> "Donald R. Keating" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
>> Hi Y'all,
>> Someone please tell me why code below gives
>> [Error] APPBROW.PRG(795): XBT0236: Incomplete statement or unbalanced
>> delimiters?
>> aFIELDS:= {{"FNAME"   ,"FIRST NAME"             ,.T.,       ,,,12}     ,;
>>           {"MI"      ,"I"                      ,.T.             }     ,:
>>           {"LNAME"   ,"LAST NAME^"             ,.T.,       ,,,16}     ,;
>>           {"CLUBNO"  ,"CLUB#^"                 ,.T.,"!9999",,, 4}     ,;
>>           {{||if(empty(right(MTG->MBRNO,1)),MTG->MBRNO," GST")},"MBR#" ;
>>                                                ,.T.,"9999" ,,, 3}     ,;
>>           {"REGDATE" ,"DATE^"                  ,.T.,"@D"        }     ,;
>>           {"PREREG"  ,"PRE;REG"                ,.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>>           {"REG1"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT1)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>>           {"REG2"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT2)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>>           {"REG3"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT3)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>>           {"REG4"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT4)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>>           {"REG5"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT5)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>>           {"REG6"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT6)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>>           {"REG7"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT7)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>>           {"REG8"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT8)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>>           {"REG9"    ,upper(trim(CFG->MTGACT9)),.T.,"Y"    ,,, 3}     ,;
>>           {"NOTES"   ,"NOTES"                  ,.T.             }}
>> Thanks.
>>   >don<

Danke sehr viel, Karl.

Knew it had to be something simple like that but, had looked at it too many
times.  So, was overlooking it.
