Alaska Software Inc. - change Editor ?
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AuthorTopic: change Editor ?
AUGE_OHRchange Editor ?
on Fri, 11 Feb 2005 00:04:06 +0100

while using VX first time ( i have only with v1.9beta i saw the
Editor ... terrible like all other Windows-Editor. (Multiedit, UltraEdit,

using a Editor i do not want to use a mouse to any interaction !

is it possible to change the Editor to "myEditor" ?

i say under Editor/Options a listbox for "keymapping" but i cant find a way
to create my own ?

i have read, that "zoom" the editor to "full-screen" is not avaiable until
and the answer using 2 Monitor ... 
but not joking, the editor is my "most importend" thing i need, not a

what i realy missing a to "collaps" the code, but not  way multiedit does
( you
need a mouse to open "+").
if i seek for a variable, i like to see "collaps" every matching AND the
name where it is and not use F3/F3/F3 ... (what is the opposit of F3 seek
back ?)

how can i search/replace in ALL (loaded) PRG ?

what about "keyboard - recording/playing" ?

what about "multi - clipboard" ?

what does "auto recovery" saving ?

greetings by OHR
p.s. my Editor is still a DOS Editor called ETP. This was made by the first
Nantucket Reseller in Germany KRS and the Developer a using there own
Editor for Programming...