Alaska Software Inc. - Printing
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AuthorTopic: Printing
Don KeatingPrinting
on Fri, 19 Mar 2004 15:42:01 -0500
Hi Y'all,

Is it possible to know which printer is selected by viewing this screen?  If
not, I think it should be.  If so, someone please tell me how.

When I choose line numbers I expect it to print the line numbers from the
file, not the selected block.  Is there a setting for this?



Steffen F. Pirsig [Alaska Software]Re: Printing
on Mon, 22 Mar 2004 16:15:42 +0100

 no there is no setting for the printer. Currently VX is
 using the workstation default printer. An optional
 printer config dialog is already on the todo-list.

 Steffen F. Pirsig
 Alaska Research & Development

"Don Keating" <> wrote in message
> Hi Y'all,
> Is it possible to know which printer is selected by viewing this screen?
> not, I think it should be.  If so, someone please tell me how.
> When I choose line numbers I expect it to print the line numbers from the
> file, not the selected block.  Is there a setting for this?
> TIA,
>     >don<