Dear collegues,
The annual member's meeting of our society will take place on saturday 13
march. The meeting will take place at Groenestein en Borst's offices,
Costerweg 1d in Wageningen. A route description can be found at
Program of the day:
14.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs. Annual meeting
17.00 hrs to 18.00 hrs. Demonstration of Xbase built GPS / GIS application
18.00 hrs to 19.00 hrs Dinner
19.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs Object oriented programming, clear and simple
20.00 hrs to ..... Social evening with some wine, notebooks and
general merriment.
All members are invited and are requested to make their attendance known to
the secretary, this way we can properly organise the catering. New or
candidate members are also welcome provided they contact the organisation