Alaska Software Inc. - Bug in tdcDlgGraph class
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AuthorTopic: Bug in tdcDlgGraph class
Jonathan LeemingBug in tdcDlgGraph class
on Sat, 11 Mar 2017 09:31:22 -0700
In recent work using Clayton's tdcDlgGraph class I found a minor bug.
If one is creating a line graph with more than 3 data sets with
legends tdcDlgGraph.prg may error out at line 435. The optional
aLedgends is defined as an array comprised of a sub array for each
legend item...


At this point the routine is checking to see if the optional cCompName
has been specified.

The following minor modification needs to be made...

Replace line 435...

*IF nJlen > 3 .AND. !(aLegends[j,4] == nil) 


IF LEN(aLegends[j]) > 3 .AND. !(aLegends[j,4] == nil)

I've been using Clayton's libraries since I first ordered ver 7.2 in
2010 and it is with thanks that I acknowledge his contributions to the
Xbase++ community!

Sincere Regards... Jonathan
Frank GrossheinrichRe: Bug in tdcDlgGraph class
on Fri, 17 Mar 2017 12:01:07 +0100
Hey Jonathan,

thank you for your contribution.
@Chris: will you check this in into the repository? Or should I do this?

Regards, Frank

On 11.03.2017 17:31, Jonathan Leeming wrote:
> In recent work using Clayton's tdcDlgGraph class I found a minor bug.
> If one is creating a line graph with more than 3 data sets with
> legends tdcDlgGraph.prg may error out at line 435. The optional
> aLedgends is defined as an array comprised of a sub array for each
> legend item...
> {nRow,nCol,cText,[cCompname],[lSymbol]}
> At this point the routine is checking to see if the optional cCompName
> has been specified.
> The following minor modification needs to be made...
> Replace line 435...
> *IF nJlen > 3 .AND. !(aLegends[j,4] == nil)
> With...
> IF LEN(aLegends[j]) > 3 .AND. !(aLegends[j,4] == nil)
> I've been using Clayton's libraries since I first ordered ver 7.2 in
> 2010 and it is with thanks that I acknowledge his contributions to the
> Xbase++ community!
> Sincere Regards... Jonathan