Alaska Software Inc. - quickpdf problems
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AuthorTopic: quickpdf problems
Rudolf Reinthalerquickpdf problems
on Sat, 26 Mar 2011 07:38:15 +0100
habe two problems with Quickpdf, maybe someone can confirm it.

The first one is the rendering to EPS files, the result cannot be opend 
and seems to have a wrong header.
Example: .:RenderDocumentToFile(96,1,nPages,4,"test.eps")

The ohter one is when drawing boxes. The variable for top is not correct 
converted, Quickpdf interpret it as bottom. So I have to set the 
variable for top to 296-nTop at the parameters, when scaling in mm.

The support from Quickpdf looks already at the first problem. But maybe 
someone can help to check what's wrong in the EPS file.

Rudolf ReinthalerRe: quickpdf problems
on Sat, 26 Mar 2011 11:38:08 +0100
one problem is solved, got a new version from the support that creates 
correct file format

Am 26.03.2011 07:38, schrieb Rudolf Reinthaler:
> Hello,
> habe two problems with Quickpdf, maybe someone can confirm it.
> The first one is the rendering to EPS files, the result cannot be opend
> and seems to have a wrong header.
> Example: .:RenderDocumentToFile(96,1,nPages,4,"test.eps")
> The ohter one is when drawing boxes. The variable for top is not correct
> converted, Quickpdf interpret it as bottom. So I have to set the
> variable for top to 296-nTop at the parameters, when scaling in mm.
> .:DrawBox(190,296-255,4.5,4.5,0)
> The support from Quickpdf looks already at the first problem. But maybe
> someone can help to check what's wrong in the EPS file.
> regards
> Rudolf