Alaska Software Inc. - open cdx foxpro
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AuthorTopic: open cdx foxpro
rousseau alainopen cdx foxpro
on Mon, 12 Aug 2013 21:25:09 +0200

I work in Xbas an I would like open
existing DBF in foxpro
(I use dbesys.prg to switch in Foxpro dbf and CDX)

I haven't source program in Xbase and
I can't open the cdx of a dbf foxpro

the dbf is wstock1.dbf and in the same directory I have
a wstock1.cdx

I can't open the dbf but I can't use the cdx

What is the xbase command
I use this

Cfile := "h:\gcipv2\data\kan_cbf.cdx"
*index on cbf to (Cfile)
set index to (Cfile)

It's possible to have many index in a same cdx

xbase  : set index to index1, index2

Foxpro : set index to index 1 tag .... ????
after how I use the correct index
If this syntax is correct how to know the list of index key in the cdx
if your are not the programmer ?

Sorry to poor english


Peter AlderliestenRe: open cdx foxpro
on Mon, 12 Aug 2013 21:53:27 +0200

> I work in Xbas an I would like open existing DBF in foxpro
> (I use dbesys.prg to switch in Foxpro dbf and CDX)
> I haven't source program in Xbase and
> I can't open the cdx of a dbf foxpro
> the dbf is wstock1.dbf and in the same directory I have
> a wstock1.cdx
> I can't open the dbf but I can't use the cdx
> What is the xbase command
> I use this
> reseau("h:\gcipv2\data\wstock1.dbf",.f.,0)
> Cfile := "h:\gcipv2\data\kan_cbf.cdx"
> *index on cbf to (Cfile)
> set index to (Cfile)
> It's possible to have many index in a same cdx
> xbase  : set index to index1, index2
> Foxpro : set index to index 1 tag .... ????
> after how I use the correct index
> If this syntax is correct how to know the list of index key in the cdx
> if your are not the programmer ?

Could you check if there is/was an order active after you opened the file?
The .cdx file is not automatically opened with Xbase++
You have to:
and then specify an order.
Xbase++ supports FoxPro files so it should be a problem.

Peter AlderliestenRe: open cdx foxpro
on Tue, 13 Aug 2013 08:59:12 +0200
> Xbase++ supports FoxPro files so it should be a problem.

... should be NO problem.

news alaska softwareRe: open cdx foxpro
on Tue, 13 Aug 2013 17:39:46 +0200
thanks Peter

We have a software to make the cashdrawer
(it's the right word !)

This soft is write in FOXPRO and the motor is Borland engine ....

It's not very fast  !!

and I would like pick up some informations in the
BD with a program write in Xbase.
I have made a soft
and I don't understand to open cdx in foxpro

reseau(drive + ":\gcipv2\data\wstock1.dbf",.f.,0)     *** this function is 
netuse bur en francais
Cfile := drive + ":\gcipv2\data\w_stock1.cdx"
set index  to (Cfile)

I use this, and I have an error
when the program execute "set index"

message of error (alaska1.jpg)  :
unknown variable !!!

after I click on "annuler"

message error again (alaska2.jpg)
File can't be opened

no generation of xpperror.log
idem to xppfatal.log

It's possible to have an example in Foxpro
open, index, and set index

Thanks a lot

Peter AlderliestenRe: open cdx foxpro
on Wed, 14 Aug 2013 09:25:25 +0200

> It's possible to have an example in Foxpro
> open, index, and set index

lOpen  := .f.
cFile  :=  cDrive + ":\gcipv2\data\w_stock1
cAlias := "w_stock1"
cOrder := "myOrder"

dbUseArea(.t.,, cFile, cAlias, .t.)          open shared
if ! neterr()                                check if file is open
  lOpen := .t.
return lOpen

Could you set the value of cOrder to the name of the required tag and test
this with the debugger. You could check there ordname() as well to see if
the correct order is set.

news alaska softwareinvalid user name
on Tue, 13 Aug 2013 17:48:22 +0200

I little mistake to the user name

it's not news.alaska-software !!

Pascal BoivinRe: open cdx foxpro
on Wed, 14 Aug 2013 14:32:26 +0200

You should show us your DbeSys functions.  Maybe there is something
wrong in there.
Rousseau ALainRe: open cdx foxpro
on Wed, 14 Aug 2013 15:29:45 +0200
Bonjour Pascal

Je pense que Dbesys.prg est correct :

Procedure dbesys()

IF ! DbeLoad( "FOXDBE", .T.)
   Alert( "FOXDBE not loaded", {"OK"} )

IF ! DbeLoad( "CDXDBE", .T.)
   Alert( "CDXDBE not loaded", {"OK"} )

IF ! DbeBuild( "FOXCDX", "FOXDBE", "CDXDBE" )
   Alert( "Unable to build;" + ;
          "FOXCDX DatabaseEngine" , {"OK"} )


DbeSetDefault( "FOXCDX" )

Mais attention
je travaille en mixte dbf et foxpro
et j'utilise dbfsetdefault pour passer d'un à l'autre !


"Pascal Boivin" a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion :
> Hi
> You should show us your DbeSys functions.  Maybe there is something
> wrong in there.
Pascal BoivinRe: open cdx foxpro
on Wed, 14 Aug 2013 16:26:06 +0200
Anyone out there using FoxDbe know what are the right DbeInfo settings
for Alain?
From the help file, it should look like these below.


Je n'utilise pas FoxDbe alors je ne connais pas les options spécifique,
mais habituellement il y a des trucs comme ceci à ajouter dans ton
DbeSys.  Regarde dans "FOXDBE" et "CDXDBE" dans l'aide.  Pour avoir le
plus de réponses possible, vaut mieux continuer en anglais car il y a
beaucoup d'Allemands et autre!
Carlos A Beling Re: open cdx foxpro
on Wed, 14 Aug 2013 12:10:17 -0300
good morning.
Attached is the DBf that I use.


Em 14/8/2013 11:26, Pascal Boivin escreveu:
> Anyone out there using FoxDbe know what are the right DbeInfo settings
> for Alain?
>  From the help file, it should look like these below.
> Je n'utilise pas FoxDbe alors je ne connais pas les options spécifique,
> mais habituellement il y a des trucs comme ceci à ajouter dans ton
> DbeSys.  Regarde dans "FOXDBE" et "CDXDBE" dans l'aide.  Pour avoir le
> plus de réponses possible, vaut mieux continuer en anglais car il y a
> beaucoup d'Allemands et autre!

Peter AlderliestenRe: open cdx foxpro
on Wed, 14 Aug 2013 19:35:33 +0200

> From the help file, it should look like these below.

This depends on the Foxpro file version you are working with.
This creates the lowest compatible FoxPro file. If you are working with
Visual Foxpro files, you should comment out this line.

rousseau alainRe: open cdx foxpro
on Thu, 15 Aug 2013 22:47:06 +0200
Hello to all

Thank you for your answers
I do not still find the solution !!!
I used Carlos's dbesys.prg ( thanks Carlos)
With the software of Management of Stock, the supplier gave us Dot9.exe
I have verified de version of Visual FoxPro 9.00
Our supplier uses this program to reach in Database to correct certain 
Otherwise our program of Stock is in  .EXE

I used Dot9 to open the BD WSTOCK1
J'ai introduit

use c:\data\wstock1
set index to c:\data\wstock1
set order to cbf
indexation on "code barre"
That works !!
set order to libelle
That works !!
From moment or I program it in xBase
The program stop at the opening of the file cdx
with this error

first window

Erreur Base/2000
Description : unknown variable
Operation : CODE_COULEUR
Thread ID 1

I click on "Annuler"

second window

Erreur Base/2000
Description : File can not be opened
Operation : OrdlistAdd
Thread ID 1

Remark: the variable code_couleur does not exist
Only a field of the BD wstock1 looks like: CODE_coule

2 Windows open for  errors on the line 128 to the opening of the file index
File not found

I can open the BD wstock and  I create  new index
to consult data
But if I want to change keys of index, the original program is going to have 
Still have you ideas to help me

Thanks to you all


"rousseau alain" <> a écrit dans le message de 
groupe de discussion : c20141f$40c26518$
> Hi
> I work in Xbas an I would like open
> existing DBF in foxpro
> (I use dbesys.prg to switch in Foxpro dbf and CDX)
> I haven't source program in Xbase and
> I can't open the cdx of a dbf foxpro
> the dbf is wstock1.dbf and in the same directory I have
> a wstock1.cdx
> I can't open the dbf but I can't use the cdx
> What is the xbase command
> I use this
> reseau("h:\gcipv2\data\wstock1.dbf",.f.,0)
> Cfile := "h:\gcipv2\data\kan_cbf.cdx"
> *index on cbf to (Cfile)
> set index to (Cfile)
> It's possible to have many index in a same cdx
> xbase  : set index to index1, index2
> Foxpro : set index to index 1 tag .... ????
> after how I use the correct index
> If this syntax is correct how to know the list of index key in the cdx
> if your are not the programmer ?
> Sorry to poor english
> thanks
> alain
Carlos A Beling Re: open cdx foxpro
on Fri, 16 Aug 2013 09:33:51 -0300
Hello Rousseau:
good morning.
It has a problem when you indexes a database with a field that does not 
exists. I think you must dlete all indexes and reindex fot to have sure 
that everything is ok.


Em 15/8/2013 17:47, rousseau alain escreveu:
> Hello to all
> Thank you for your answers
> I do not still find the solution !!!
> I used Carlos's dbesys.prg ( thanks Carlos)
> With the software of Management of Stock, the supplier gave us Dot9.exe
> I have verified de version of Visual FoxPro 9.00
> Our supplier uses this program to reach in Database to correct certain
> problems.
> Otherwise our program of Stock is in  .EXE
> I used Dot9 to open the BD WSTOCK1
> J'ai introduit
> use c:\data\wstock1
> set index to c:\data\wstock1
> set order to cbf
> brow
> indexation on "code barre"
> That works !!
> set order to libelle
> brow
> That works !!
>  From moment or I program it in xBase
> The program stop at the opening of the file cdx
> with this error
> first window
> Erreur Base/2000
> Description : unknown variable
> Operation : CODE_COULEUR
> Thread ID 1
> Facturation(128)
> I click on "Annuler"
> second window
> Erreur Base/2000
> Description : File can not be opened
> Operation : OrdlistAdd
> Thread ID 1
> Facturation(128)
> Remark: the variable code_couleur does not exist
> Only a field of the BD wstock1 looks like: CODE_coule
> 2 Windows open for  errors on the line 128 to the opening of the file index
> File not found
> I can open the BD wstock and  I create  new index
> to consult data
> But if I want to change keys of index, the original program is going to
> have bugs.
> Still have you ideas to help me
> Thanks to you all
> Alain
> "rousseau alain" <> a écrit dans le
> message de groupe de discussion :
> c20141f$40c26518$
>> Hi
>> I work in Xbas an I would like open
>> existing DBF in foxpro
>> (I use dbesys.prg to switch in Foxpro dbf and CDX)
>> I haven't source program in Xbase and
>> I can't open the cdx of a dbf foxpro
>> the dbf is wstock1.dbf and in the same directory I have
>> a wstock1.cdx
>> I can't open the dbf but I can't use the cdx
>> What is the xbase command
>> I use this
>> reseau("h:\gcipv2\data\wstock1.dbf",.f.,0)
>> Cfile := "h:\gcipv2\data\kan_cbf.cdx"
>> *index on cbf to (Cfile)
>> set index to (Cfile)
>> It's possible to have many index in a same cdx
>> xbase  : set index to index1, index2
>> Foxpro : set index to index 1 tag .... ????
>> after how I use the correct index
>> If this syntax is correct how to know the list of index key in the cdx
>> if your are not the programmer ?
>> Sorry to poor english
>> thanks
>> alain
Pascal BoivinRe: open cdx foxpro
on Fri, 16 Aug 2013 16:39:34 +0200

Old clipper allow field name with more than 10 caracters, but only the
first 10 are saved.  It looks like Foxpro is doing the same thing.

This means you can have a field named CODE_COULE in the DBF,
CODE_COULEUR in the CDX, and CODE_COULEUR_DU_CIEL in software.

XBase doesn't allow that.  I'm pretty sure you can rebuild the CDX with
"CODE_COULE" and the original Foxpro software will still recognize it.
Rousseau ALainopen cdx foxpro
on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 11:40:01 +0200
Hi Pascal

CODE_COULE in the bdf foxpro      : Yes
CODE_COULEUR in the cdx foxpro :NO
CODE_COULEUR_nimportequoi in foxpro soft : I don't know

Hello has all
I tried all your ideas
But unsuccessfully
I am blocked on this unknown variable

PFF Ras le bol en français

I also tried the reindexation as Carlos said
I made him(it) with the original program in Foxpro but unsuccessfully

Thanks a lot

"Pascal Boivin" a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion :
> Hi
> Old clipper allow field name with more than 10 caracters, but only the
> first 10 are saved.  It looks like Foxpro is doing the same thing.
> This means you can have a field named CODE_COULE in the DBF,
> CODE_COULEUR in the CDX, and CODE_COULEUR_DU_CIEL in software.
> XBase doesn't allow that.  I'm pretty sure you can rebuild the CDX with
> "CODE_COULE" and the original Foxpro software will still recognize it.
James LoughnerRe: open cdx foxpro
on Sun, 18 Aug 2013 01:11:25 -0400
Reindex in Xbase++ Should work in FoxPro also the problem is a field 
name with more then 10 characters. I have no idea where it is coming 
from but it is there and confusing Xbase++ which a little more strict 
then FoxPro about field naming


On 08/17/2013 05:40 AM, Rousseau ALain wrote:
> Hi Pascal
> CODE_COULE in the bdf foxpro      : Yes
> CODE_COULEUR in the cdx foxpro :NO
> CODE_COULEUR_nimportequoi in foxpro soft : I don't know
> Hello has all
> I tried all your ideas
> But unsuccessfully
> I am blocked on this unknown variable
> PFF Ras le bol en français
> I also tried the reindexation as Carlos said
> I made him(it) with the original program in Foxpro but unsuccessfully
> Thanks a lot
> "Pascal Boivin" a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion :
>> Hi
>> Old clipper allow field name with more than 10 caracters, but only the
>> first 10 are saved.  It looks like Foxpro is doing the same thing.
>> This means you can have a field named CODE_COULE in the DBF,
>> CODE_COULEUR in the CDX, and CODE_COULEUR_DU_CIEL in software.
>> XBase doesn't allow that.  I'm pretty sure you can rebuild the CDX with
>> "CODE_COULE" and the original Foxpro software will still recognize it.