Alaska Software Inc. - TopDown and the future...
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AuthorTopic: TopDown and the future...
Markus RatzesbergerTopDown and the future...
on Tue, 21 Jun 2016 11:42:11 +0200
Is topDown now dead?

Frank GrossheinrichRe: TopDown and the future...
on Fri, 24 Jun 2016 17:11:37 +0200
Definitely not. This would be against Clayton's will.
We at Alaska are currently setting up a code repository which will then 
be available to the public.

Chris will keep you guys posted.
He just waits for me .


On 21.06.2016 11:42, Markus Ratzesberger wrote:
> Is topDown now dead?
> Markus
Hubert BrandelRe: TopDown and the future...
on Thu, 04 Aug 2016 09:42:27 +0200
There is a new newsgroup on this server ... topdown

Have I missed the announcement of it ?
Thomas BraunRe: TopDown and the future...
on Thu, 04 Aug 2016 16:40:47 +0200
Hubert Brandel wrote:

> There is a new newsgroup on this server ... topdown
> Have I missed the announcement of it ?

Well... Alaska communication at its best.

Especially when you see that the oldest post in the TopDown section is from
