Alaska Software Inc. - looking for quotes for xbase++ payment interface app
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AuthorTopic: looking for quotes for xbase++ payment interface app
Les C. Csehlooking for quotes for xbase++ payment interface app
on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 16:51:23 -0400
Hi .. I am looking for quotes and timeframe for a "Payment Interface" 
application to be written in Xbase++, using the IBiz E-Payment Integrator 
.NET component:

PI (Payment Interface)

1. ASAP writes a simple "request" file in xml format to a folder (details to 
follow) on our inhouse Windows 2003 Server system.

2. PI needs to run on the same inhouse Windows 2003 Server system, either:

A) running all the time, checking that folder every 2 seconds looking for 
any .xml files, or

B) launched by our app specifying the xml file as a parameter

PI needs to be a completely standalone app, that I can move among servers as 
required. Source code and instructions for compiling/building it would also 
be required.

3. Request files written by ASAP will be for Authorization requests.

Authorization request files specify the payment gateway (currently or moneris), our account number with the gateway, credit card 
details including billing address, level of validation requested (eg. has some options), "test mode" on/off, and anything else we 
need to get an authorization (or error, such as declined and the reason).

PI formats and calls the IBiz E-Payment Integrator .NET component and 
returns the results.

4. PI moves the Request file to a \processed subfolder so it will not be 
processed twice but will still be available for diagnosis, and writes a 
Result file in xml to a \results subfolder with the original filename 
prefixed by result-

Error returns for both requests can also include things like timeout, or 
internet not available.

5. If PI was launched, it exits. If it runs all the time scanning the 
folder, it goes back into scan mode.

We may expand this in future (eg. not just authorizations, but 
cancellations, finalizing, etc.). And there may be a similar "Shipping 
Interface" app that uses similar controls to return shipping rates from a 
variety of carriers.



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