Alaska Software Inc. - Xbase++ 1.90 SL1 Feature Overview
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AuthorTopic: Xbase++ 1.90 SL1 Feature Overview
Alaska SoftwareXbase++ 1.90 SL1 Feature Overview
on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 15:50:27 +0200
Dear Xbase++ community,

We have prepared a feature overview for Xbase++ developers who wish to learn 
more about the features and their practical benefits of the Service Level 
#1. The document also contains further information for those of you wanting 
to perform an educated decision, or needing further argumentation.

Xbase++ Service Level #1 Feature Overview: 

If you use object-oriented programming as a single developer or in a larger 
project team, then the following information is tailored for you. We have 
collected some basic rules and principles regarding the Xbase++ 
object-oriented programming model to give you guidance in that subject area.

Xbase++ OOP 6 rules you need to know! (english) (german)

With kind regards,
Alaska Software