For TD User:
I use a method in Topdown Library (in tdCPrn3)
//~ determine text width of a particular string in a given font
method tdcPrn3:TextWidth(cText,nWidth)
local nLen,aPts,nTxtWd,cText2,i,nLen2
cText2 := left(cText, nWidth)
nLen := len(cText2)
whil .t.
 i  := len(cText2)
 aPts := GraQueryTextBox(::oPs,cText2)
 ** nTxtWd := int(((aPts[3,1] - aPts[1,1]) / ::nPPt) + 0.5)
 nTxtWd := int(((aPts[3,1] - aPts[1,1]) / ::nPt) + 0.5)
 if nTxtWd >= nWidth .or. i == 0 .or. len(cText2) >= len(cText)
  nLen := i
  cText2 += subs(cText, len(cText2)+1,1)
return nLen
//~ determine font point size to print a particular string in a given width
method tdcPrn3:TextPoint(cText,nWidth)
local aPts,nTxtWd,i,cNewFont
LOCAL cOldFont := tdStrnum(::oFont:nominalPointSize)+"."+::oFont:compoundName
cNewFont := cOldFont
whil .t.
 aPts := GraQueryTextBox(::oPs,cText)
 //nTxtWd := int(((aPts[3,1] - aPts[1,1]) / ::nPPt) + 0.5)
 nTxtWd := int(((aPts[3,1] - aPts[1,1]) / ::nPt) + 0.5)
 if nTxtWd <= nWidth .or. i == 6
  i   := ::oFont:nominalPointSize -1
  cNewFont := tdStrnum(i)+"."+::oFont:compoundName
return cNewFont