I leave you the same example where the field "associated chart of accounts" handles a browse to a DBF
"Carlos A Beling"  escribió en el mensaje de noticias:78fda112$6caa7868$
Hello Andreas.
Good day.
According to your advise:
The only way to rectify this, is to write your own XbpGet code for those
cases to make it work the way you want. Especially the
XbpGet:SetInputFocus and XbpGet:KillInputFocus methods probably need to
be modified.
I made changes to the XbpGet System and it is working as I expected.
I attached the modified files for who wants to see the changes.
All they are preceded by one line started by "//?"
Many thanks again.
On 29/10/2020 10:54, Andreas Gehrs-Pahl wrote:
> Carlos,
>> When you exit of the second XbpGet typing the key <UP> and you exit from
>> the first one XbpGet typing the key <DOWN> the second XbpGet ia not marked.
>> If it has a way for to do this can someone post how?
> Yes there is a way, but it requires some work. The Alaska XbpGet (and the
> XbpGetController) are not very sophisticated, so they don't accommodate many
> of those features that you expect.
> The basic issue (in this case) is, that XbpGet objects don't remember where
> in the SLE (or Get) the cursor was, before they lost focus (to a different
> get, or in your specific case, a different dialog). That's the reason why
> the cursor is always on the first (editable) character of a field if you tab
> through them. The XbpGet does remember the ::QueryMarked() positions -- so
> the highlight returns for basic text fields), but forgets them if you have a
> numeric value or a post- or pre-validation or some specific Picture values.
> And even though the highlight is still there (you can test this with the
> "Uppercase" field), the actual ::get position moves to the first character,
> so if you type cursor right, you cursor is back on the (second) character,
> rather than the one to the right of the highlight, as one would expect.
> The reason why the second field doesn't highlight the first character is
> simply because it is a numeric value. There are other fields that behave the
> same on that dialog, including the "Phone", "Zip", and "Bank" fields. If you
> click on a different dialog while in one of those four fields, and then
> click back on the input dialog (but not in any field or button), the cursor
> will be in the first position of the field (and not marked/highlighted),
> even if that first position isn't even editable (as in "Phone" and "Zip").
> The only way to rectify this, is to write your own XbpGet code for those
> cases to make it work the way you want. Especially the XbpGet:SetInputFocus
> and XbpGet:KillInputFocus methods probably need to be modified.
> Hope that helps,
> Andreas