Again thanks, Phil.
I release my app to my costumer both as deskop application and as service (although I don't use your serviceconsole framework).
The app hangs at Accept() functions. These are the steps (summarized):
SKT_Open() // It's ok
SKT_Bind(nSocket,nPort) // It's ok
SKT_Nagle(nSocket) // It's ok
SKT_Listen(nSocket) //Still ok
// --------> Non Blocking Mode
// Start listening
 oTr := Thread():new()
 if uSSL == NIL
  if uLocal == NIL
   ::nSSLInternetSocket := nSocket
   ::nSSLSocket := nSocket
METHOD HTTPMan:Listener(nAcceptSocket,uLocal)
LOCAL nClientSock, nLastError, nClientSocket
LOCAL cRcvMeth := "SockReceive"
LOCAL oTr, cErr
while .T.
 nClientSocket := SKT_Accept(nAcceptSocket) // HERE IS THE PROBLEM
 if (nClientSocket <= 0)
  if (nLastError := SKT_LastError()) == WSAEWOULDBLOCK
   Sleep(10)             // No client is trying to connect
   DispInfo( "Errore sul socket ",SKT_ErrorMsg("Accept") )  // An Error occured
   cErr := "Errore n."+ alltrim(str(nLastError))+" " // THE ERROR CODE HERE IS 0 :O(((
   cErr += SKT_ErrorMsg("Errore sul listener "+Var2Char(SKT_ErrorMsg("Accept")))
  oTr := Thread():new()
There are NO firewall, the port I use is free .... everything seems to be ok .... but it desen't work!!!!
Please take in the right account that this software has about 80 installations working since 2000 over ALL MS OS (ME, 2000 Pro, 2000 Server, XP Home, XP pro and 2000 Server) WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM!!!!
Thanks again
PS.: Anothor costumer of mine has tried to install my App to another Server 2003 and the problem is the same .... so I must conclude that there is something that conflicts with 2003 (or win srver 2003 needs to be configured to let other apps then IIS to work???)
"Phil Ide" <> ha scritto nel messaggionews:r1mhb32d55wu$
> Lorenzo,
>> thanks, but my app too is correctly installed as service.
>> Do you use AsInet?
>> I'm using my c-wrapper functions (to WinSock32) with success since 4 years
>> in all win platforms (Server 2000 included), but there no way to let it
>> works on server 2003.
> I do use ASINET, but the SOAP servers use Xb2.NET (hmmm, I'm using 5
> different sockets libraries in different apps - I really must normalise
> this!).  I just ran some other apps which use sockets on the W2K3 server
> just to see if there were any problems:
> ASINET - no problems
> SEE4XB - no problems
> XXP_INET - no problems
> I also ran an app which uses my own C lib for socket comms without probs.
> So that's all 5 libs without errors.
> Have you tried running your app as a non-service?  You can do this easily
> by running it under the debugger, or if you used my ServiceConsole
> framework, just use the /c command-line parameter.  This may help identify
> the problem.
> Regards,
> --
> Phil Ide
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