Hi Mark,
Thank you for your response. I was able to create the form and called it "v21win". 
Currently, I was able to print my invoice form by opting to print the form to file, setting the number of lines to 21 and printing the file afterwards. My customer is happy since it prints in any workstation so quickly.
(1) If I would like to use the "v21win" form that I created, how would you call it from the topdown codes that is shown below? 
(2) In these codes, if I click on Cancel, for some reason, it will still continue to print. What's wrong with these codes?
Carmelo Rioflorido
cPrinter := tdPrnDlg("Select Printer:",0,cPrinter,aPrns)
oP := tdcPrn2():New(cPrinter)
if oP:lInitErr
   return .F.
op:lAscii := .t.
set printer to vtwinprt.txt
set printer on
set console off
@ 0,0 SAY CHR(27) + CHR(67) + CHR(21)        && SETS PAGE LENGTH TO 21 LINES
sele (temp_sel)
@  0, 5 SAY CHR(27) + CHR(69)
@  0, 5 say TRIM(cSTORENAME) + CHR(27) + CHR(70) + "      " + cstorephone
@  0,65 SAY "Out Time : " + LEFT(Time(),5)
@  1, 5 SAY trim(cstoreadrs) + ", " + trim(cstorecity) + ", " + cstorestate + " " + cstorezip
@  1,63 say "Clerk I.D.: " + ID
.. and so on
run copy vtwinprt.txt > prn
.. and so on
"Mark Carew" <markcarew@magicwanddept.com.au> wrote in messagenews:sjLvA7$iFHA.6160@S15147418...
> Hi Carmelo,
>     If you are using xp. go to
>     control panel -> printers -> File -> Server Properties ->Forms. Check
> Box (Create New Forms) and then give your new form the required dimensions
> and a name. Then in topdown just choose that form to print on your chosen
> printer
> Regards
>     Mark