Hi Hubert,
-> First I configured waa1gate.cfg:smtphost = smtp.xxx.pt (name or IP)
-> Then I built a Html page & form:
<form method="post"  action="/cgi-bin/waa1gate.exe">
When the user presses the submit button the form is validated and a message is created to be sent to the webmaster.
At a certain point in the code I use the following command:
oContext:sendmail( cAssunto, cMensagem, cEndOrig, cEndDest )
Everything worked perfectly when my inicial smtp.xxx.pt wasn't authenticated.
Now I need to change the way I send mail, use another command ou function.
So I guess I'll start with your sugestions...
Thanks! ;)
"Hubert Brandel" <Hubert.Brandel@gmx.de> escreveu na mensagemnews:1a66db53$1254b9a8$1d5a07@news.alaska-software.com...
> Adelaide Lopes schrieb:
>> I understand why. Now the mail server needs authentication data (user &
>> password) so the mails can be received.
>> I need to know how that can be done!
> Hi,
> I do not know how you send your email.
> ASINET does support it with the new 1.90 Release.
> CSSMTP is a cmd tool with possible authentication.
> SEE4XB can do it too.
> some times it is enouth to POP3 first and than SMTP,
> but this depends on the provider.
> Bye
> Hubert
> --
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