> I've used different windows to test with it & appearently only WinXp Pro SP3 worked.
> The others, Win7 Home SP1, Win7 Ultimate & WinXp Home SP2 fail
> with or without regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx.
> However, WinXp Pro SP3 works without having to register mscomctl.ocx.

Win7 does NOT have MsComCtl.OCX so you have to copy it,
in CMD Box with Administator rights,  to %SystemRoot%\system32\MsComCtl.OCX
than change, in CMD Box, to %SystemRoot%\system32\ and type
RegSrv32.EXE MsComCtl.OCX
> Could the CLSID only works with WinXp Pro SP3?
NO, it does work on Win7 / Win8
> How do you obtain the CLSID and License?
use FormDesigner XppFD
greetings by OHR