> I've used different windows to test with it
& appearently only WinXp Pro SP3 worked.
> The others, Win7 Home SP1, Win7 Ultimate &
WinXp Home SP2 fail
> with or without regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx.
> However, WinXp Pro SP3 works without having to
register mscomctl.ocx.
Win7 does NOT have MsComCtl.OCX so you have
to copy it,
in CMD Box with Administator rights, to
than change, in CMD Box, to %SystemRoot%\system32\
and type
RegSrv32.EXE MsComCtl.OCX
> Could the CLSID only works with WinXp Pro
NO, it does work on Win7 / Win8
> How do you obtain the CLSID and License?
use FormDesigner XppFD
greetings by OHR