I have compiled an xBase DLL in 1.90 and trying to load this using WAA 1.82, but it's not loading.  This is what is showing in the log file:
>>> [10/29/2008 07:29:18] SERVER STARTUP  >>>
[10/29/2008 07:29:18] ERR: unable to load package dll <C:\XPP_DLL\SOI>
[10/29/2008 07:29:18] ERR: no package dll available
[10/29/2008 07:29:18] *** WAA server processing shutdown sequence...
[10/29/2008 07:29:18] ERR: requester shutdown failed
[10/29/2008 07:29:18] ERR: thread-pool shutdown failed
[10/29/2008 07:29:18] *** shutting down package manager
[10/29/2008 07:29:18] *** WAA server shutdown has errors encountered!
<<< [10/29/2008 07:29:19] SERVER SHUTDOWN <<<
What am I doing wrong.  The PRG for the DLL has all the necessary functions, this is it:
#include "dbstruct.ch"
#include "dmlb.ch"
#include "common.ch"
FUNCTION _Register( oPackage )
  oPackage:registerForm( "SAYHELLO" )
FUNCTION _Version()
RETURN "Version 1.0"
FUNCTION _Copyright()
RETURN "Alaska Software, (c) 1998. All rights reserved."
FUNCTION SayHello( oHTML, oContext )
  LOCAL cName := oHTML:getVar( "TheName" )
  LOCAL cINet := oContext:getRemoteAddr()
  IF Empty( cName )
     oHTML:message( "Error in SayHello()", "No name specified" )
     oHTML:put( "<P>Hello " + cName + "! </P>" )
     oHTML:put( "<P>Your internet address is " + cINet + "</P>" )